1-29 to 2-2-2018

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Bill’s Guests for: Friday, February 2, 2018:

6:35: Eric Peters, automotive jounalist and Libertarian thinker talks with Bill this morning. Mazda is making some amazing engine advances. But, will the federal government allow it?

READ:Mazda’s Solution That Works…If Uncle Will Allow It.

Also, don’t forget, you can check out Eric’s reviews of the latest cars, trucks and bikes at EPAutos.com.

7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself from RogueWeather.com calls in to bring to you the Friday, Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report.

7:35: Jennifer C. Braceras, Senior Fellow with the Independent Women’s Forum talks with Bill. Jennifer says that reformers are advocating, successfully, to eradicate grades as we’ve known them in the American educational system. She says that the move away from grades will hurt hard-working students and students from middle class families.

READ:The War on Grades Deserves To Fail.”

7:50: Steve Richie & Kevin Houston from the Jackson County Republican Party join Bill in studio to tell you about the upcoming Lincoln Day Dinner, hosted by KMED’s own Bill Meyer.

The Skinny:

WHEN: Saturday, February 24, 2018. Check in begins at 4:30pm. Dinner begins at 6:00pm.

WHERE: The Rogue Valley Country Club. 2660 Hillcrest Rd. Medford.

There’s only 60 seats left! Click here to make your reservation for the dinner now!

8:10: Dr. Steven Greenleaf, “Steve The Marine,” calls in to talk with Bill. Yes. Nuclear war IS more survivable than conventional wisdom would have you believe. We’ll discuss his findings.

Bill’s Guests for: Thursday, February 1, 2018:

7:10: Dennis Richardson, Oregon’s Secretary of State talks with Bill. Audits are showing big problems for the state’s foster care system, emergency preparedness and more. We’ll discuss it.

8:10: Annie Holmquist, Senior Writer at Intellectual Takeout talks with Bill. Annie has written an article, that talks about a medical report that says adulthood should be delayed until age 24.

READ:Medical Journal: Extend Adolescence Until Age 24.”

You can also find more great content from IntellectualTakeout.org.

In the spirit of Conspiracy Theory Thursday, Bill presents evidence of the plan to put smart meters on all of our homes.

Read the evidence for yourself in the links below:

Part I 2012 Oregon PUD Order to Pac Power

Part II 2016 Oregon PUD Order,

Part III OSU document detailing Privacy issues re smart meters


Bill’s Guests for: Wednesday, January 31, 2018:

6:30: Curtis Ellis, Sr. Policy Advisor for America First Policies talks with Bill briefly about President Donald Trump’s State of The Union Address, and what you can expect. We’ll get Curtis’ take.

Learn more at: AmericaFirstPolicies.org.

6:45: Jamie Callahan, Founder and co-CEO of Team Senior talks with Bill this morning. Team Senior is the organizer of a monthly breakfast for veterans at the Taprock Northwest Grill in Grants Pass. The breakfast will be from 7 to 8 am tomorrow morning.

The Taprock Northwest Grill is located at 971 SE 6th Street in Grants Pass.

7:10: Jack Louman of the Oregon Liberty Alliance talks with Bill. The 2018 Freedom Rally will be held in Portland this weekend. Jack is here to tell you all about it.

Special guests include:

Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr.

Host of the award winning radio show The Conservative Alternative, Dana Loesch.

Senior Counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, Joseph Infranco.

Oregon Congressman Greg Walden (R-Hood River)

You can find out more information, and register for the rally at: OregonLibertyAlliance.com.

7:35: Lt. Kerry Curtis of the Medford Police Department joins Bill, in studio, to bring to you the Crime Stoppers Case of The Week.

8:10: Stephen Mayer of the Better Business Bureau talks with Bill this hour. Better Business Bureau Northwest & Pacific is partnering with the Oregon Office of the Attorney General, Ellen Rosenblum, to warn the public about the dangers of tax identity theft. This joint warning is in alliance with Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week, which runs from Jan. 29 – Feb. 2, 2018. The public is urged to be vigilant with their personal information so they don’t fall victim of tax identity theft.

8:45: Darci & Toni from The Pear Blossom Festival will join the show to tell you about this year’s festivities.

Bill’s Guests for: Tuesday, January 30, 2018:

6:10: Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government kicks off the show with Bill with a Swamp update.

We’ll also be talking about The Memo, the State of The Union Address, DACA and more.

You can see more at: GetLiberty.org, and NetRightDaily.com.

7:10: Mr. X. joins Bill in studio today. We’re talking today about last week’s passing of Measure 101. Ed believes, this measure passing has a lot to do with the presence and push of the Oregon Student Association, and when you see the pure numbers you can see how the numbers in Jackson County pushed into the yes category. Remember that there are large numbers voting that are not actually “residents” but can vote anyway, this is a large part of the “progressive hoard”. Here are some links that take you to evidence of this trend.







8:10: Gary Kennedy, former General Counsel for American Airlines and author of the book, Twelve Years of Turbulence that describes his tenure at American Airlines.

Instagram Fitness model Jen Selter tweeted a video of her being removed from an American Airlines flight by police. Selter’s flight had been delayed by two hours and when she got up to stretch an American Airlines flight attendant called the police to have her removed. Other passengers said Selter did nothing wrong. Police said that American called the shots on the decision. American is saying they offered Selter an alternative flight that she declined. This seem to be a common occurrence with more passengers videoing these encounters. Why is this happening? How are these confrontations affecting the airlines and passengers attitudes towards the airlines?

Get your copy of Gary’s book, Twelve Years of Turbulence

8:45: “Whose Business Is It Anyway?” Today: Caveman Fence in Grants Pass.

Bill’s Guests for: Monday, January 29, 2018:

6:35: Gabriella Bosche’, President ant CEO of The Millenial Solution, bestselling author and TEDx speaker talks with Bill today. So, just what goes on in the minds of the Millenial generation. Gabrielle is here to tell us what that is.

READ:Millenials Arent’s Job-Hopping, Young People Are: 5 Things To Keep In Mind.”

To find out more you can go to: MillenialSolution.com, and check out Gabrielle’s books and other ideas at GabrielleBosche.com.

7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself from RogueWeather.com, calls in to bring to you the Monday, Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report.

7:20: Allen Her, a U.S. military veteran joins Bill, in studio. In the aftermath of an officer involved shooting at the White City V.A. Dom, we’re talking today with Mr. Her about why, he believes that there has not been more occurrences such as this.

8:10: Dr. Dennis Powers, retired Professor of Business Law, local historian and author joins Bill in studio for this week’s edition of “Visiting Past & Present.” Don’t forget to pick up Dr. Powers’ new book at Hellgate Press.

Bill Pearl: Mr. Universe


Dennis Powers

Bill Pearl was born in 1930 in Prineville, Oregon, and the family moved to different places before finally settling in Yakima, Washington. He had an intense desire to be strong and well built, and as early as age ten, Bill looked for the hardest neighborhood jobs to build his strength and body. A wartime copy of Strength and Health magazine focused his desire when he saw the pictures of “iron men” such as Steven Reeves: He wanted to have his picture in that magazine. Athletically inclined, he ran track, played football, wrestled, worked on weights, and was on his high-school swimming team.

He joined the U.S. Navy in 1950 for four years, where he discovered he could work out in gyms and receive the property training and equipment when stationed in San Diego. Bill entered his first physique contest in 1952 and placed third in the annual Mr. San Diego contest. One year later, he won the titles of Mr. Oceanside, Mr. Southern California, Mr. California, Mr. America, and Mr. Universe (besting a 23-year-old Sean Connery in this amateur contest) all in one year.

In 1954, Bill Pearl moved to Sacramento, California, and opened his first gym with the money he had saved for the years he was in the U.S. Navy. Although he built this to a chain of nine gyms, he cut back to one owing to the time demands and to keep training. As Pearl trained hard and smart, he won more titles: the Mr. U.S.A. contest in 1956 over the top 35 physique men in the country; the 1961 Professional Mr. Universe contest in London, England, where he was the unanimous winner, receiving every first place vote.

During the 1960s, Pearl performed as a “showman” guest poser, as well as a strength act which included spike bending, chain breaking, tearing auto license plates in half, and blowing up hot water bottles until they burst. He was also performing by bench pressing 450 lbs., front-squatting 500 lbs., and full squatting 605 lbs. at a body weight of 218 lbs.

After winning the professional Mr. Universe title in 1971, Pearl finally retired from active competition, having won 4 in the past 18 years. At age 41 then, he weighed 242 pounds with a height of 5’10” and his arms measured 21 inches. Bill was a perfectionist, driven, a vegetarian (at age 39, but eating eggs and dairy products), a showman, and a master of technique. He refused to use anabolic steroids.

Pearl had his own monthly columns in bodybuilding magazines during the 1970s and 1980s. He was the first professional bodybuilder to pose to music, as noted in his performing exhibitions, and the first to author bodybuilding training courses/booklets. In 1979, he published “Keys to the Inner Universe”–640 pages and weighing 5 pounds–which was a bodybuilding and weight-training manual for coaches, trainers, and professionals (even amateurs). In 1985, he published the exercise book, “Getting Stronger: Weight Training for Men and Women,” which has sold over 350,000 copies.

Bill and his wife Judy, moved to the Rogue Valley in 1980. He published his autobiography in 2003 (“Beyond the Universe: The Bill Pearl Story”) and was awarded the Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic Lifetime Achievement Award in 2004. A marketing master, he brought out more physical-training books, is a consultant for Life Fitness (with equipment as stationary bikes and treadmills), has a home gym for trainees, continues to accept awards, and lives in Phoenix.

Bill still gets up regularly at 3:00 a.m. to train six days a week; he works on his antique automobiles in his spare time. His website ends: “In short, Bill and Judy have found the best of two worlds through their move to Oregon: peace and tranquility at home, and challenging new opportunities and ways to pass his knowledge and experience of the sport of bodybuilding to others.”

Source: Bill Pearl Website at Bill Pearl Website; Wikipedia: Bill Pearl at More Background; see “Bill Pearl: The Greatest Bodybuilder” at Bill Pearl Video.

8:45: Cheriesse & Turbo from No Wires Media drop by the studio for today’s edition of “Whose Buisness Is It Anyway?” You can learn more by going to their Facebook page, drop by at 1560 Biddle Road, Ste B in Medford, or give them a call or text Cheriesse at: 541-680-5875.