10-10 to 10-13-2017

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Bill’s Guests for: Friday, October 13, 2017:

7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself from RogueWeather.com, calls in to bring you the Friday, Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report.

7:35: Megan Flowers from Sanctuary One joins Bill live in studio. Sanctuary One’s Casino Under The Stars Fundraiser has been rescheduled, and Megan is here to tell you all about it.

WHEN: Saturday, October 21, 2017 @ 6pm to 9:30pm. Doors open at 5pm.

WHERE: Grizzly Peak Winery. 1600 E. Nevada St. in Ashland.

You can get your tickets online at: SanctuaryOne.org.

8:35: Dan Skudstad, with the Grants Pass Daily Courier joins Bill in studio. The Daily Courier would like to honor local veterans in an upcoming edition of the paper. The goal is to round up the pictures, names and details of every local veteran that we can. But the paper needs your help. There are three ways to submit to the newspaper.

By Email: editor@thedailycourier.com (please put “Veterans Salute” in the subject line)

In person at the Grants Pass Daily Courier building: 409 SE 7th Street

Mail: Veterans Salute, Grants Pass Daily Courier: P.O. Box 1468 Grants Pass, Oregon 97528

All submissions are accepted until October 27th. The editon will be published on Veteran’s Day, November 11th.

(Please DO NOT send original photographs, as they’ll not be able to return them.)

8:45: Patrick Archer Antique Appriasals drop by the studio to plug the Twin Bridges Anitque Show, taking place at the Medford Armory this weekend.

Bill’s Guests for: Thursday, October 12, 2017:

6:45: Eric Peters, automotive journalist and Libertarian car guy talks with Bill this morning.

Is General Motors more interested in political correctness than building cars? And, there’s an automotive reviewer that’s specifically pushing Tesla. But, what they don’t tell you, is that they’re being paid by Tesla.

Check out the latest automotive news, and reviews of the latest cars and trucks at: EPAutos.com.

7:10: Matt Bracken, former Navy Seal, and author of the book: Enemies Foreign And Domestic talks with Bill. Matt actually predicted a Las Vegas style attack over a decade ago. We’ll talk about that.

Matt began writing Enemies Foreign And Domestic in 2000, after too many years of watching our constitutional republic morphing into a police state. These novels, based upon nearly a half century of carefully studying historical patterns, are my attempt to shine a light forward in time. My goal is to warn my compatriots that we are inescapably losing our freedom, one ratchet-click at a time.

The Muslim terror attacks on 9-11 kicked the process into high gear. But instead of new laws targeting our actual enemies–radical Islamists bent on the global spread of their Sharia Law nightmare–the new police powers were aimed equally at all Americans. Projecting forward, the inevitable outcome will be to turn the United States into a dictatorship–the USSA, if you will.

7:35: State Senator Alan DeBoer calls in. We’re talking fire management, and much more in the state legislature.

We’ll also preview his latest novel: “The Red Cliffs of Zerhoun.” And, you can see more at: EnemiesForeignandDomestic.com.

8:10: Patrick Wood, author of the book: “Technocracy Rising,” talks with Bill. Today, we’re talking health care with Patrick:

Medical doctors and physicians are under extreme attack from Technocrats seeking to convert America’s health system into what amounts to a herd management system. Are we just animals? Or a statistic on a chart? This is the exact opposite of what America wants, and will lead to the destruction of the traditional patient/doctor relationship.

Read Patrick’s article: “Physicians Are Waking Up To Maelstrom of Technocracy’s Twisted Agenda.”

8:45: Megan Flowers from Sanctuary One joins Bill live in studio. Sanctuary One’s Casino Under The Stars Fundraiser has been rescheduled, and Megan is here to tell you all about it.

WHEN: Saturday, October 21, 2017 @ 6pm to 9:30pm. Doors open at 5pm.

WHERE: Grizzly Peak Winery. 1600 E. Nevada St. in Ashland.

You can get your tickets online at: SanctuaryOne.org.

Bill’s Guests for: Wednesday, October 11, 2017:

6:35: Mark Seligman, a local landscaper and activist talks with Bill this hour on Josephine County’s proposal to create a “Pot Patrol,” which would monitor residential grows, and will consist of two code enforcement officers and a Josephine County Sheriff’s Deputy.

7:35: Lt. Justin Ivens of the Medford Police Department drops by the studio, to bring you the Crime Stoppers Case of The Week.

8:10: Capt. William E. Simpson, retired U.S. Merchant Marine officer, journalist at: MyOutdoorBuddy.com and WesternJournalism.com and emergency preparedness expert talks with Bill from Northern California. We’re talking today about making the case for keeping Klamath Dams with an environmental argument. We’ll also get a California wildfire update as well.

Read more from Captain Simpson at: MyOutdoorBuddy.com and WesternJournalism.com.

8:35: Lee Green Administrator and Tom Lowell, President of JC Concerts drops by the studio with guitarist Ed Dunsavage. JCConcerts’ season is about to kick off with the Gershwin Spectacular. World renowned pianist Alexander Tutunov, with guitarist Ed Dunsavage and vocalist Christine Williams will be performing George Gershwin hits such as, Embraceable You, Nice Work If You Can Get It, The Man I Love and Rhapsody In Blue.

WHEN: Sunday, October 15, 2017 @ 3:00 PM.

WHERE: Sjolund Auditorium at North Medford High School: 1900 Keene Way in Medford.

Tickets are available at: JCConcerts.com.

8:45: Steve Feldkamp, Umpqua Dairy Chief Operating Officer talks with Bill. Umpqua Dairy is up for a major national award. And, Steve is here to tell you all a

TAKE A KNEE? TAKE A HIKE! (Bill’s Opinion)

There’s a time and place for protest. Protesting on your employer’s and fan’s (customer) time is not the wisest use of influence. Most of the time it’s better to just be respectful. No one’s forced to sing the Star Spangled Banner. A good thing, too, as it’s a tough song to sing well. Just stand and be respectful, okay?

It’s a free country – not everyone wants to participate in all rituals. Personally, I don’t pledge allegiance to the flag, due to the socialist origins and history of the pledge. It’s my choice to pledge to the constitution, instead, which is much more “lonely” these days than odes to our flag.

Still, I go to a lot of events that start with a pledge. How silly and rude it would be to “take a knee” like a ballplayer or go to everyone pledging and say “Hey, that was written and pushed by a socialist”. You have to meet people where they are, and be respectful of their values. Try being polite – It would help social cohesiveness a lot if we didn’t vomit loudly and rudely all over everyone’s traditions.

Bill’s Guests for: Tuesday, October 10, 2017:

6:35: Professor Gleb Tsipursky, Track Tenure Professor at Ohio State University, President and Co-Founder at International Insights, and Lead Creator of the Pro-Truth Pledge talks with Bill this morning. We’re talking fake news today with Professor Tsipursky, and he says that there are some research driven, science based ways to fight such deception.

Read Professor Tsipursky’s article in Scientific American on the subject.

Be sure to take the Pro-Truth Pledge, so you can help take a bite out of fake news!

7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself from RogueWeather.com brings you the Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report.

7:35: Oregon State Representative Sal Esquivel checks in with a Legislative update.

8:10: Dr. Dennis Powers, retired Professor of Business Law and author of the new book: “Where Past Meets Present: The Amazing People, Places & Stories of Southern Oregon,” joins Bill, in studio, for this week’s edition of “Visiting Past & Present”

This Week:

The Grants Pass Cavemen

By Dennis Powers

The Grants Pass Cavemen date back to the initial development of the Oregon Caves. In 1922, the completion of the road there (now Highway 46) from the Redwood Highway (Hwy. 199) allowed the general public to visit. With this access established, the Forest Service (later the National Park Service) granted a concession to the Oregon Caves Company for accommodations and guide services that’s still in effect. Grants Pass businessmen financed the lodging and staff to run the resort, while the Forest Service provided oversight and infrastructure (i.e., interior cave lighting, trails inside and out, and a water system).

That summer a few Chamber of Commerce members showed up at a luncheon meeting wearing animal skins and long straggly wigs. Fellow members laughed as the group proclaimed their dominion over the country–and their home, the Oregon Caves. The group agreed that this would be a fine way to promote tourism in Josephine County. In October 1922, “Oregon Cavemen, Inc. of Grants Pass, Oregon” was officially incorporated.

Wearing their caveman furs, wielding burly clubs, and scowling as Neanderthals, the list of their impromptu event interruptions became legendary–with national recognition. Accompanied by their Cave Queen and Princesses, the cavemen performed “uncivilized” acts, such as capturing female crowd members and politicians, and then imprisoning them in a rustic cage towed by a pickup truck. The Cave Queen and Princesses would appease any upset women by giving them polished stones as mementos or just freeing them with smiles. The group became braver and even stormed the stage during one local Broadway musical performance (“Hellzapoppin”) to the onlookers’ surprise.

With this promotion, organizers typically didn’t care if their event was interrupted, especially given Josephine County’s promotion. As often, this seemed at the time to improve the event. In 1948, Governor Dewey of New York was running for President against Harry Truman. At a scheduled Grants Pass campaign speech, the bus carrying Dewey arrived downtown—but with numerous Cavemen who then “arranged” for the governor’s release after the pre-arranged hijacking. Even the Soviet newspaper Pravda ran the story of Dewey’s cavemen-capture, but wrote that this was a protest against the Wall Street “Moneygogs.”

One-thousand folks in 1960 lined a mile along Highway 199, as they awaited the formal ground-breaking for the Oregon Mountain Tunnel. When state officials headed to the platform to give their dedications, a pack of ape-men suddenly appeared with clubs, guttural sounds, and fierce glares. After some “discussions”, the ape-leader drew a large “X” on the wooden platform that the speaker’s stand was on. Once the Grants Pass Cavemen had given their needed approval, the tunnel dedication could be finalized–and construction was then able to begin.

Cavemen events ranged from blocking traffic to bidding on constructing the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge (at a cost of 23,756,000 deer hides) and initiating politicians into their club, including Mark Hatfield, Dewey, and other notables from Shirley Temple to Dennis Day. During their most active years, the Oregon–Grants Pass Cavemen name (by survey) was known by one of every ten people in the United States.

To honor the group, the 18-foot, fiberglass Caveman statue was built and dedicated in 1971. When exiting I-5 to downtown, it’s the first thing seen in front of the Chamber of Commerce building. The caveman is not only the mascot for Grants Pass High School, but businesses from towing companies and bowling alleys to auto parts, the bridge, and municipal swimming pool use “Caveman” in their name.

Although the group still meets regularly for lunch, it has been inactive in their public exploits for over fifteen years–a victim of potential liability, aging members, and a society that puts more premium on Facebook, computer websites, and political correctness. But don’t be surprised if you see them one day at a Josephine County event. Or if you are captured.

Sources: Michael Oak, “Historical Society of Josephine County: Oregon Cavemen,” at Historical Society Write-Up; Bill Miller, “Collier’s Impossible Hole in the Mountain,” Mail Tribune, November 21, 2010, at Tunnel Dedication.

8:45: Sage Taylor from Wamba Juice & Deli comes into the studio for today’s “Whose Business Is It Anyway,” segment. Sage has been selected to dance in the next Dancing With The Rogue Valley Stars event to benefit the Soutern Oregon Sparrow’s Club. Help out Sage’s team! Just go to dwtrvs.com.

Bill’s Guests for: Friday, October 6, 2017:

6:35: Michael Daugherty, Director at the National Cyber Security Society, talks with Bill this morning. Michael is the author of:

The Devil Inside The Beltway: The Shocking Expose’ of the U.S. Government’s Surveillance and Overreach into Cyber-Security, Medicine and Small Business,” be sure to pick up your copy by clicking the link here.

In the aftermath of a massive data breach at Eqifax Inc, the Trump Administration is looking at ways of replacing the Social Security number to verify people’s identities.

Read: “The White House and Equifax Agree: Social Security Numbers Should Go,” at Bloomberg.com. And, check out Michael’s website, TheDevilInsideTheBeltway.com.

7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself from RogueWeather.com, calls in to bring you the Friday, Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report.


7:35: Congressman Greg Walden drops by the studio to talk with Bill about forest reform, fighting fire and stopping the summer nightmares in the Valley.

8:10: Damien Schiff, a Lead Attorney at the Pacific Legal Foundation talks with Bill.

The federal government is twisting environmental and emergency management law to impose federal zoning control over Oregon’s coastal regions and much of the rest of the state. The City of Coos Bay filed a lawsuit Thursday to take back decision-making power. The city is represented free of charge by Pacific Legal Foundation.

The issue is a bureaucratic power play: In order to be eligible for federal flood insurance, local communities would have to abstain from economic development—purportedly to protect certain endangered species, even though, as a matter of law, FEMA and its flood insurance program have no impact on species whatsoever.

Bill’s Guests for: Thursday, October 5, 2017:

6:35: Prof. Paul Kengor, the author of “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism, talks with Bill about how we can let the younger generations, who have pretty much embraced communism, and think it’s pretty cool, know just how it’s actually a horrible ideology that has been responsible for the deaths of millions throughout history.

Get your copy of Professor Kengor’s book, and see his other books right HERE.

7:10: Tom Silver, a renowned hypnotherapist joins Bill, live in studio. Could the Vegas killer have been “programmed,” such as a Manchurian Candidate, to commit such a horrible act against innocent people? Tom Silver says that, yes, it’s possible.

Check out more from Tom at: TomSilver.com.

7:45: Terry Rasmussen and Sara Lee from Redemption Ridge join Bill in studio. Terry and Sara are here today, to promote the 2017 Take Flight Gala fundraiser, which is an aviation themed event, set to take place this Saturday.

When: This Saturday, October 7, 2017 at 6PM.

Where: An aircraft hangar at: 2080 Milligan Way in Medford.

All proceeds go to benefit Redemption Ridge. You can get your tickets at RedemptionRidge.org.

8:10: Joel Skousen, Editor of the World Affairs Brief joins Bill, by phone. In the spirit of Conspiracy Theory Thursday, just what, very real conspiracies, are facing President Trump, and why does he appear incurious about them? We discuss.

Check out more at: WorldAffairsBrief.com.

8:35: John Underwood, Regional Human Resources Manager for Timber Products Company drops by the studio to discuss a desire to hire Future Frontline Supervisors and their training programs called “Leadership University.”

Learn more at: TimberProducts.com/about/careers

NO, NO MORE GUN CONTROL (Bill’s Opinion)

It’s safe to assume our spineless politicians will surrender to additional gun control, banning bump stocks or worse. I say don’t give an inch, and here’s why: The 2nd Amendment is ultimately the right to fight your government if needed. We don’t like to think about that…but the tyranny our founders faced was soft compared to the all-seeing all-powerful leviathan currently ensconced In DC.

I’ll go against Republican orthodoxy and say Reagan was wrong to sign the 1986 bill outlawing new full-auto for civilians. We’re supposedly the masters of our government. How can we be masters of an institution that claims authority to disarm, or arm more weakly, its supposed bosses?

If anything, the murderous acts of Paddock demonstrate the reason government agents demand and have the effectiveness of full-auto at their disposal. Again, we shouldn’t give the tyrants even an inch, for the tyrants’ end game is full disarming of civilians. (Gotta’ get with the globalist one-world borderless hellhole, don’t-cha’-know.)