10-2 to 10-6-2017

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ALL PODCASTS (last 90 days) on BillMeyerShow.Com

Bill’s Guests for: Friday, October 6, 2017:

6:35: Michael Daugherty, Director at the National Cyber Security Society, talks with Bill this morning. Michael is the author of:

The Devil Inside The Beltway: The Shocking Expose’ of the U.S. Government’s Surveillance and Overreach into Cyber-Security, Medicine and Small Business,” be sure to pick up your copy by clicking the link here.

In the aftermath of a massive data breach at Eqifax Inc, the Trump Administration is looking at ways of replacing the Social Security number to verify people’s identities.

Read: “The White House and Equifax Agree: Social Security Numbers Should Go,” at Bloomberg.com. And, check out Michael’s website, TheDevilInsideTheBeltway.com.

7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself from RogueWeather.com, calls in to bring you the Friday, Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report.


7:35: Congressman Greg Walden drops by the studio to talk with Bill about forest reform, fighting fire and stopping the summer nightmares in the Valley.

8:10: Damien Schiff, a Lead Attorney at the Pacific Legal Foundation talks with Bill.

The federal government is twisting environmental and emergency management law to impose federal zoning control over Oregon’s coastal regions and much of the rest of the state. The City of Coos Bay filed a lawsuit Thursday to take back decision-making power. The city is represented free of charge by Pacific Legal Foundation.

The issue is a bureaucratic power play: In order to be eligible for federal flood insurance, local communities would have to abstain from economic development—purportedly to protect certain endangered species, even though, as a matter of law, FEMA and its flood insurance program have no impact on species whatsoever.

Bill’s Guests for: Thursday, October 5, 2017:

6:35: Prof. Paul Kengor, the author of “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism, talks with Bill about how we can let the younger generations, who have pretty much embraced communism, and think it’s pretty cool, know just how it’s actually a horrible ideology that has been responsible for the deaths of millions throughout history.

Get your copy of Professor Kengor’s book, and see his other books right HERE.

7:10: Tom Silver, a renowned hypnotherapist joins Bill, live in studio. Could the Vegas killer have been “programmed,” such as a Manchurian Candidate, to commit such a horrible act against innocent people? Tom Silver says that, yes, it’s possible.

Check out more from Tom at: TomSilver.com.

7:45: Terry Rasmussen and Sara Lee from Redemption Ridge join Bill in studio. Terry and Sara are here today, to promote the 2017 Take Flight Gala fundraiser, which is an aviation themed event, set to take place this Saturday.

When: This Saturday, October 7, 2017 at 6PM.

Where: An aircraft hangar at: 2080 Milligan Way in Medford.

All proceeds go to benefit Redemption Ridge. You can get your tickets at RedemptionRidge.org.

8:10: Joel Skousen, Editor of the World Affairs Brief joins Bill, by phone. In the spirit of Conspiracy Theory Thursday, just what, very real conspiracies, are facing President Trump, and why does he appear incurious about them? We discuss.

Check out more at: WorldAffairsBrief.com.

8:35: John Underwood, Regional Human Resources Manager for Timber Products Company drops by the studio to discuss a desire to hire Future Frontline Supervisors and their training programs called “Leadership University.”

Learn more at: TimberProducts.com/about/careers

NO, NO MORE GUN CONTROL (Bill’s Opinion)

It’s safe to assume our spineless politicians will surrender to additional gun control, banning bump stocks or worse. I say don’t give an inch, and here’s why: The 2nd Amendment is ultimately the right to fight your government if needed. We don’t like to think about that…but the tyranny our founders faced was soft compared to the all-seeing all-powerful leviathan currently ensconced In DC.

I’ll go against Republican orthodoxy and say Reagan was wrong to sign the 1986 bill outlawing new full-auto for civilians. We’re supposedly the masters of our government. How can we be masters of an institution that claims authority to disarm, or arm more weakly, its supposed bosses?

If anything, the murderous acts of Paddock demonstrate the reason government agents demand and have the effectiveness of full-auto at their disposal. Again, we shouldn’t give the tyrants even an inch, for the tyrants’ end game is full disarming of civilians. (Gotta’ get with the globalist one-world borderless hellhole, don’t-cha’-know.)

Bill’s Guests for: Wednesday, October 4, 2017:

6:35: Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government brings you an update from The Swamp. Is Congress “slow-walking” President Trump’s Federal Judge picks? Rick will give you his opinion.

You can always read more at: GetLiberty.org, and NetRightDaily.com.

7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors from RogueWeather.com calls into the show. Greg is focusing on a developing story.

Are the Feds planning to put a squeeze on cannabis production here in Southern Oregon by messing with water rights, and access to water? Greg will give you his thoughts.

7:35: Lt. Kerry Curits of the Medford Police Department drops into the studio to bring you the Crime Stoppers Case of The Week.

8:05: Royal Standley, President & CEO of Oregon Pacific Financial Advisors Inc. joins the show to bring you today’s stock market & financial report. You can find out more at: OPFA.com.

8:35: Robin Fuller, Executive Director of The Grants Pass Pregnancy Center talks with Bill. The 2017 Grants Pass Pregnancy Center Gala is coming up next weekend. Keynote speaker, and abortion survivor Melissa Ohden will be on hand, and you can order a copy of her new book: “You Carried Me,” and you can read more of Melissa’s story at: MelissaOhden.com.

The 2017 Gala is a fundraising banquet for your Pregnancy Care Center.

When: Thursday – Saturday: October 12 -14, 2017 @ 6:30PM (Each night)

Where: Parkway Christian Church – Hull Center, 229 E. Beacon Drive in Grants Pass.

You can call 541-479-6264 to reserve your table today.


Bill’s Guests for: Tuesday, October 3, 2017:

6:10: Jason Delgado, a U.S. Marine Scout Sniper, who served two combat tours in Operation Iraqi Freedom talks with Bill this morning on the tragedy in Las Vegas from a sniper’s perspective.

Jason’s powerful memoir: “Bounty Hunter 4/3: My Life In Combat From Marine Scout Sniper to MARSOC,” is on sale today from St. Martin’s Press. Co-authored with Chris Martin, Delgado recounts how surviving the Bronx was crucial for lessons needed for surviving Iraq, and just as important to him, discovering who he was as shaped by his lifelong battles here and abroad.

Get your copy today by clicking HERE.

6:35: Kyle Drennan, Senior News Analyst at the Media Research Center talks with Bill today about how the media is discussing the horrible tragedy in Las Vegas. You can read Kyle’s article on this subject at: Newsbusters.org.

Here’s a couple of more articles at Newsbusters that you can read for even more insight. “Celebs, Journalists, Hillary Couldn’t Wait To Politicize Vegas Shooting Tragedy,” by Corrine Weaver. “CBS Legal Counsel FIRED for ‘Not…Sympathetic’ Facebook Message on Vegas,” by Tim Graham.

8:10: Mark Hutto, owner of J. Austin Gold and Silver Buyers joins Bill, live in studio. Today, we talk more about cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, and how they may be important to you.

8:45: Brent Homan and Randal Lee, the men from Advanced Air & Metal chat with Bill, in studio, for today’s edition of: “Whose Business Is It Anyway?” You can check out Advanced Air & Metal online, or give them a call for any questions or a free quote at: 541-772-6866.

Bill’s Guests for: Monday, October 2, 2017:

6:35: Eric Peters, automotive journalist and libertarian thinker talks with Bill this morning. Today, we’re talking about how California and it’s governor, good old Jerry Brown is looking to totally ban motor vehicles that run on internal combustion engines. Will it work?

Read Eric’s article on the subject: “It Begins…,” at EPAutos.com.

7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself from RogueWeather.com, calls in to bring you the Monday, Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report.

8:10: Dr. Dennis Powers, retired Professor of Business Law and local historian joins Bill, in studio for today’s edition of “Visiting Past & Present.” Don’t forget to pick up your copy of Dr. Powers’ new book: “Where Past Meets Present: The Amazing People, Places and Stories of Southern Oregon,” at Hellgate Press.

The Redwood Highway

By Dennis Powers

By 1854, Crescent City with its seaport had a population of 800 with 300 houses, structures, and buildings. As the primary maritime stop between San Francisco and Portland, its merchants wanted a wagon trail to connect the thriving town with the gold-rich Illinois River section in the Oregon Territory. Although a stock company was organized to build a “plank and turnpike road,” or the Crescent City Plank Road, actual construction didn’t start until three years later due to a severe economic downturn.

With a $50,000 stock offering (and a later assessment), the wagon road to Sailors Creek in what’s now Josephine County was completed in May 1858. The tri-weekly stage from Crescent City stopped at Sailors Creek (later at Waldo) to connect with the stage line for Jacksonville and then over the Siskiyou Pass to Yreka. Where pack mules once hauled supplies to the mining camps, wagon trains could carry much heavier loads over the planked road. This was a toll road with the toll house at the Smith River ferry. A two-horse team paid five dollars, for example, and a four-horse one paid eight dollars.

The wagons forded the river when it was low, and the teams could travel from April until the fall rainy season began. A four-horse team could pull 1-1/2 tons of freight uphill to Oregon, and often two wagons were hitched together with six or eight horses pulling. Over time, the road passed up Elk Valley, crossed Howland Hill (one-half mile south of where U.S. 199 does now), turned to the northeast, and crossed the Smith River. Climbing the high ridge dividing watersheds (Smith River and Myrtle Creek to High Divide and Altaville), the rough path continued on for Jacksonville.

With the advent of the automobile age in the mid-1910s, a rough, risky trail from Medford was possible though Grants Pass to Eureka, and then through the Smith River Redwoods to Crescent City. The road from Grants Pass southwest to Wilderville, and then along the Crescent City Plank Road to the state line was named in 1917 as the “Grants Pass-Crescent City Highway No. 25.”

With long grades and a plank road still used in California, this was a narrow, winding unpaved mountain path. These conditions early-on forced a new White Steamer automobile owner to hire a lumber wagon to haul it over the mountains from Crescent City to Grants Pass. Although travelers no longer had to rest their tired horses periodically on the long haul over the mountains, this was still a risky adventure–even by car. An early Grants Pass newspaper reported, “The modern vehicle travels up the steep grade at 10 miles an hour, or more, and coasts downward at a speed only limited by the driver’s nerve and ability to turn sharp corners, where one skid of a foot would plunge the whole party down the mountainside to instant death on the rocks below.”

Oregon changed its Highway No. 25 designation in 1924 to the Redwood Highway. The two states completed a paved highway between Gasquet (near Crescent City) and Kerby (near Grants Pass) in September 1926, and the newly constructed Hiouchi Bridge over the Smith River was completed in 1929, linking Medford with Crescent City through Grants Pass. Although the route was improved upon at times, any road trip was risky, especially when navigating the mean “jeep path” over Hazel View Mountain’s forested and brush-ridden summit.

At the 1960 groundbreaking of the new tunnel through this mountain, 1,000 people gathered on the California side of the Redwood Highway (Highway 199). With an unexpected appearance by the Grants Pass Cavemenwearing their animal skins and waving clubsthe ceremonies could start after receiving their blessings. Named for the California state senator who was responsible for the project’s completion, the Randolph Collier Tunnel opened three years later. Costing over $30 million dollars, the tunnel and 23 miles of new roadbasically replacing what was part of the original routesaved some three miles in distance, eliminated 128 tortuous turns, removed five switchbacks, and allowed a  reasonable speed to increase to 60 miles per hour from its once 25 mph.

Over time, major road repairs on Highway 199 have been required due to calamities from truck collisions and forest fires to heavy rains and mud slides. Despite this, the Redwood Highway is a comfortable trip now through unsurpassed beauty and rural settings with even movies, such as “Redwood Highway,” filmed in making it a central character. What was once a hard wagon ride measured in days is now a 2-hour trip to the coast–and what is real progress.

Bill Meyer Show Guests for: Wednesday, September 27, 2017: Garth & Rose Return!

7:10: Bob Strosser, Jackson County Commissioner joins the show, live in studio. Today, we’re talking about the proposed name change of Dead Indian Memorial Road, and the latest developments on the situation.

7:35: Lt. Justin Ivers of the Medford Police Department brings you the Crime Stoppers Case of The Week.

Bill Meyer Show Guests for: Tuesday, September 26, 2017:

7:35: Sal Esquivel, Oregon State Representative (R-Medford) calls the show to bring you a Legislative update.

8:10: Dana Augustine, a local film director, screenwriter and all around nice guy joins Garth and Rose in studio. We’re talking today about Dana’s experiences in the film industry, but, we’ll also delve into the state of television commercials today.

Bill Meyer Show Guests for: Monday, September 25, 2017: Rose & Garth Return!

6:35 Jim Martin, Founder & Chairman of the 60 Plus Association talks with Rose & Garth. not happy about what he says is a fake AARP report. Will repeal and replace die, or just be on life support?

“For anyone who has ever wondered where fake news comes from, look no further than AARP and their fake study on health care for seniors under the Graham-Cassidy bill to repeal Obamacare.

“AARP is part of the cronyism that is embedded in Obamacare so when Congress stands poised to act on behalf of the American people by repealing this health care monstrosity, AARP gins up a fake study for use as a scare tactic against seniors.

“Obamacare has allowed AARP to reap millions of dollars in profits so when something comes along to threaten their profits, they manufacture a fake study filled with nothing more than innuendo, guesses, and false premises of what ‘could’ or ‘may’ happen. These are the weasel words of a con artist draped in columns of numbers to create the fake patina of legitimacy.

“I suggest that AARP release a study explaining how their profits will be hurt by health care reform that helps the American people. At least that would be factual. People should be suspicious when a supposedly non-profit group makes millions of dollars on the backs of seniors and AARP’s latest scare tactics speak volumes in exposing the greed of this group of Obamacare cronies.”

Read about AARP’s profit motive here in The Federalist.

7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself from RogueWeather.com, calls in to bring you the Monday, Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report.

8:10: Dr. Dennis Powers drops by the studio for this week’s edition of “Visiting Past & Present.”

This week:

The Roseburg Explosion

By Dennis Powers

On August 7, 1959, a Pacific Powder Company truckcrammed with 2 tons of dynamite and 4-1/2 tons of ammonium nitratewas parked late at night in downtown Roseburg. After arriving earlier to schedule his first delivery for the morning, the driver stopped in front of a supply store near the corner of Oak and Pine Streets. Worrying about theft, the company had instructed him not to park at the usual explosive-storage depot located outside of Roseburg.

He walked down the street to spend the night at a local hotel. During the night, the building caught fire; shortly after 1:00 A.M., the alarms sounded and firemen quickly arrived. Captivated by the fire, no one noticed the warning that the truck was filled with explosives until it caught fireand just moments before it detonated. Known also as “The Blast,” the explosion left a crater 20-feet deep and over 50-feet in diameter, and leveled eight blocks of Roseburg’s commercial core. It sent a mushroom cloud of smoke over 2,000 feet into the air to where some thought that there had been a Soviet atomic-bomb attack.

The blast killed 14 people, injured over 120 others, and numerous structures within the 30-block disaster area had to be demolished due to structural damage. Among the dead were a fireman, policeman, residents of nearby apartment buildings, and several onlookers. For two weeks, over a hundred Oregon National Guard troops patrolled the blast areacalled “ground zero” by the mayorso that the coroner and investigators could recover human remains and inspect the considerable structural damage.

The damages to the city were estimated between $10- and $12-million dollars. Although the city didn’t qualify for federal urban renewal funds, nearly all of the downtown’s businesses had insurance that covered the damages from the fires and explosion. As the businesses rebuilt, the city obtained land near the blast site to build a new bridge across the South Umpqua River to the downtown and improve traffic flow.

Investigations by the Interstate Commerce Commission (“ICC”) found both the driver and the company at fault for parking the truck in a “congested area” and leaving it unattended. Approximately $1.2 million in civil damages were awarded to the victims, but criminal proceedings held that the company was innocent. At the time, the laws regarding the transportation of explosives covered only common carriers and did not regulate privately contracted deliveries.

The Roseburg explosion brought national attention that resulted in stricter explosive-transportation safety regulations and ICC enforcement. In addition, as with many small towns at the time, Roseburg didn’t have a disaster-response plan. The blast caused it and other communities to prepare these plans.

Don’t forget to grab your copy of Dr. Powers’ new book: “Where Past Meets Present: The Amazing People, Places & Stories of Southern Oregon,” at Hellgate Press.

8:45: Jon Pfefferle from Meals On Wheels comes into the studio to talk about the America Let’s Do Lunch campaign for Meals On Wheels. Volunteers are needed to get food to seniors who are essentially shut-ins…nearly 1,500 in Jackson and Josephine County where hunger affects one in six of them! 85% of these seniors believe that having access to this program enables them to continue to live in their own homes and 96% admit feeling more secure knowing these meals are provided.

Bill’s Guests for: Friday, September 22, 2017:

6:35: Court Boice, Curry County Commissioner calls the show for an update on the Chetco Bar Fire mop up, and what’s ahead for public land use, and fire management.

7:10: The Friday Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report, with Mr. Outdoors himself, Greg Roberts from RogueWeather.com.

7:15: Dr. Jean Twenge, Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University chats with Bill this morning. Dr. Twenge is the author of the new book: “iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy—And Completely Unprepared for Adulthood,”

iGen – born between 1995 and 2012 — has never known a world without smart phones, Amazon, and Facebook (which they no longer use). Also known as GenZ, they are glued to the internet, socialize in person less, and have higher rates of anxiety and depression. They also party less, get along better with their parents, and are more open-minded than any generation before them. JEAN TWENGE, PhD analyzes data from decades of nationally representative studies to bring readers closer than ever before to understanding this next generation, and in doing so, to understand our future.

Learn more about Professor Twenge, and get copies of her books at: JeanTwenge.com.

7:35: Dr. Brian Shumate, Superintendent of Medford 549c School District, and Public Relations Officer Natalie Hurd joins Bill, in studio. There’s some interesting changes coming to the district thanks to Measure 98 funding.

Due to the passage of voter-approved Measure 98, the Medford School District will be receiving $1.7 million in funds to better prepare every student to be successful in life after high school.

MSD plans to add:

  • An Electrical program
  • A Heating Ventilation and Air (HVAC) program
  • A Plumbing program
  • A Computer Science program
  • Upgrades to our Automotive program
  • New equipment and technology
  • New staff to support CTE programs

8:45: Ben Lofton from Pespi joins Bill in studio for today’s edition of “Whose Business Is It Anyway?” We’re talking today about the “Light The Night,” event coming up this weekend.

When: Saturday September 23. Doors open at 5pm. Lantern lighting at 7pm.

Where: The Jackson County EXPO.

Bill’s Guests for: Thursday, September 21, 2017:

6:35: Todd Gaziano, Executive Director and Senior Fellow in Constitutional Law at the Pacific Legal Foundation talks with Bill.

The Secretary of Interior has completed a months-long review of dozens of controversial national monuments and a copy of his recommendations to the President became public over the weekend. It recommends major changes to ten monuments, including shrinking six and relaxing regulation of the other four.

Before the specific recommendations became public, the President’s opponents were already threating lawsuits, claiming the President has no authority to change existing monuments. With the recommendations now public, it is only a matter of time before the litigation floodgates open.

Read the Daily Caller article: “If Trump Doesn’t Revoke “Illegal” National Monument Created By Obama, The Courts Might.”

7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors from Rogue Weather, joins Bill today. We’re talking about Green Mafia advocates, talking in favor of monument expansion. The problem is, is that these people have NO CONTACT with the communities where these monuments are located, and are simply used as comment sources in local media.

7:35: Senator Alan DeBoer calls in from Mordor Oregon to bring you the latest senatorial, legislative update.

8:45: Bill Cyphers of Wilson Equipment and Chris Graves from Bobcat of Medford, join Bill, live in studio for today’s edition of “Whose Business Is It Anyway?” Today is Bobcat’s Grand Opening at 6731 Crater Lake Highway in Central Point.

Bill’s Guests for: Wednesday, September 20, 2017:

6:20: State Representative Carl Wilson, (R-District 3, Grants Pass) joins Bill on the phone. Representative Wilson is cautioning the Josephine County Board of Commissioners from enacting Ordinance 2017-02, which would add more restrictions on the cannabis industry.

Read the letter that Representative Wilson sent to the Commissioners:

Sept. 12, 2017

Honored Commissioners,

First of all, I’d like to say that I very much appreciate the difficulty of the job before you. As you know, for the past two and one-half years, I’ve served on the Oregon legislative committees that have been charged with crafting the regulatory framework to implement Measure 91. It has been mind-bending work but, truly, the assignment of a lifetime. As I tell people, “There was an election…marijuana won…and life will be forever changed.” I also frequently remind people that the element of time will be required for things to begin to make sense. After all, apart from the medical program, we have been asked to bring a long-vilified plant out from the dark halls of prohibition. The legislature has made scores of accompanying laws. Many have proven workable and some not. Those that don’t work, are revisited. And, it’s the subject of laws and rules I’d like to address with you.

In the 2017 legislative session just completed, the Joint Committee on Marijuana Regulation developed and passed eight bills to support operation of Oregon’s legal cannabis and industrial hemp sectors. Among them SB 1057 and HB 2198. These two bills were titanic, totally retooling and some say destroying the OMMP as we know it. HB 2198 even went so far as to create the Oregon Cannabis Commission, designed to develop recommendations in support of patient access to medicine, improving OMMP governance and giving OHA needed guidance in a task that most say has never been done well. These bills modified plant limits, created needed data bases…even to creating toll-free numbers to call for city and county officials to verify the legitimacy of cannabis operations. These changes are just a few of the many, and I do mean many. Most have not had the time to be implemented yet. Frankly, we don’t even know how many producers will stay in business, for in a few short months all medical growers (some 3,000 in Josephine County) will have a decision to make; 12 plants or under…or become part of the OLCC seed to sale tracking program!

My point is this: I know the board faces pressure to do something. I would simply encourage caution before wading too deeply into new time, place, or manner restrictions when it comes to the nascent adult use cannabis industry. There is an absolute whirlwind of change already occurring and about to occur in the entire sector. I feel that a number of the proposed changes to the planning code are premature at best, given the state of the industry. At this point, we don’t even know who will remain in production at the end of this growing season, due to massive alterations made to the OMMP by the Oregon Legislature.

Appointment of your local cannabis advisory committee was a great step. I know that members of that committee will have an abundance of perspectives to share before the Board of Commissioners enacts new, reasonable time, place, and manner regulation.

6:40: Kent Hartman, author of the book: “The Wrecking Crew: The Inside Story of Rock and Roll’s Best Kept Secret,” joins Bill to talk about his new book: “Goodnight L.A.: The Rise and Fall of Classic Rock—The Untold Story from Inside The Legendary Recording Studios.”

Before disco, punk, hair metal, rap, and eventually grunge took it all away, the music scene in Los Angeles was dominated by rock ‘n’ roll. If a group wanted to hit it big, L.A. was the place to be. But in addition to the bands themselves finding their footing, their albums also needed some guidance. That came from a group of dedicated producers and engineers working in a cadre of often dilapidated-looking buildings that contained some of the greatest recording studios the music industry has ever known.

Within the windowless walls of these well-hidden studios, legends-to-be such as Foreigner, Fleetwood Mac, Pat Benatar, Boston, the Eagles, the Grateful Dead, Chicago, Linda Ronstadt, Santana, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Loggins and Messina, REO Speedwagon, and dozens more secretly created their album masterpieces: Double Vision. Rumours. Hotel California. Terrapin Station. Damn the Torpedoes. Hi Infidelity. However, the truth of what went on during these recording sessions has always remained elusive. But not anymore.

Longtime music-business insider Kent Hartman has filled Goodnight, L.A. with troves of never-before-told stories about the most prolific and important period and place in rock ‘n’ roll history. With music producer Keith Olsen and guitarist Waddy Wachtel as guides to the journey and informed by new, in-depth interviews with classic rock artists, famed record producers, and scores of others, Goodnight, L.A. reveals what went into the making of some of the best music of the past forty years. Readers will hear how some of their favorite albums and bands came to be, and ultimately how fame, fortune, excess, and a shift in listener demand brought it all tumbling down.

Get your copy of Kent’s book right HERE.

7:10: Kristian Saucier, a U.S. Naval Machinist’s Mate talks with Bill.

Kristian Saucier is the US Naval Machinist Mate who was serving on the nuclear powered attack submarine USS Alexandria in 2009 when it was in port in Groton, Connecticut. While there he took six cell phone pictures for his family to illustrate the work he did in an area that was restricted from photo taking. Years later this cell phone was found and the photos discovered. Aside from this somewhat common infraction often punished by being demoted to a lower pay grade and rank, Kristian had served honorably with high praise from his superiors as an important and skilled member of the US Nuclear Navy’s elite submariners corp. During the 2016 presidential campaign the civilian court decision to sentence Kristian to nearly a year in prison became a national topic when Donald Trump contrasted Saucier’s harsh punishment to the non punishment that Hillary Clinton enjoyed after having even beyond top secret communications and dozens of classified ones on her private (and highly hackable) server accessible with her cell phones.

Kristian now faces life without an honorable discharge; the likelihood that he will never be given security clearance and has suffered vehicle re-possessions and foreclosure on his home. The Clinton’s meanwhile, could afford to purchase a second house in tony Chappaqua, New York and Hillary Clinton could freely look forward to becoming President enjoying access to the most top secret and sensitive communications imaginable. Kristian Saucier is now outfitted with an ankle monitor, which he must wear for 7 months.. FREEKRISSAUCIER.WEEBLY.COM

7:35: The Crimestoppers Case of The Week, with Lt. Kerry Curits of the Medford Police Department.

8:45: Eric Hodnett of Medford Rogue Rotary, and Chad Day, owner of Roxy Ann Winery join Bill in studio to tell you about Crush Polio Grape Stomp/Cornhole Tournament Event at Roxy Ann Winery.

When: Sunday, September 24th. 1pm to 5pm.

Where: Roxy Ann Winery, 3283 Hillcrest Road, on Medford.

Tickets are available online at: RoxyAnn.com.

Bill’s Guests for: Tuesday, September 19, 2017:

6:35: Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government talks with Bill, this morning. Rick is here today to talk about President Trump’s deal making, a last ditch effort to repeal Obamacare, and why are we talking about a DACA bill before passing a RAISE act that would end chain-migration?

Learn more at GetLiberty.org and NetRightDaily.com.

7:10: Capt. William E. Simpson, retired U.S. Merchant Marine officer, emergency preparedness expert and journalist at MyOutdoorBuddy.com and WesternJournalism.com talks with Bill. September is national preparedness month, and given that “Capt. Bill” won his season of NatGeo’s Doomsday Preppers show, we’ll discuss great ways to get started, or add to your existing weather or other disaster preparations.

8:10: Mr. X, crack researcher and expert on all things the Green Mafia are up to, to take your freedoms from you, joins Bill, live in studio. We’ll breakdown the sources of public land forest and wildfire misery. We’ll post documents we discuss later this morning.

Bill’s Guests for: Monday, September 18, 2017:

6:35: Brad Owens, Political Affairs Officer for Torres Advanced Enterprise Solutions talks with Bill. Brad was personally on the ground in Benghazi six months before the raid and was in charge of gearing up to take over the guard duty.


Eleven days before the attack on the U.S. Benghazi compound in 2012, the State Department asked Torres Advanced Solutions, an embassy security contractor, to replace the guard force then protecting the facility because it was the compound by its current contractor. The attack came just as Torres was gearing up to move in and take over the task of guarding the facility.

After the September 11th attacks destroyed the compound and killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, the State Department instructed Torres and associates not to reveal that the request to move in and take over had been made.

In addition, the State Department demanded that Torres’s force be unarmed, just like the guard force then deployed. Torres objected and said that they planned to arm the guards anyway. The State Department also instructed them not to reveal the request that the guards be unarmed.

None of these facts have been disclosed previously.

Brad Owens, of Torres Systems, recounts these events, for the first time, on the Tucker Carlson Show on Fox News Channel tonight – Friday, September 8th.

This disclosure raises important new points about the Benghazi tragedy:

  1. It shows that the State Department was fully aware of the vulnerability of the compound prior to the attack.
  2. It reveals that the State Department had insisted that the compound’s guards be unarmed.
  3. The instruction not to tell the truth about the request to deploy or the instruction not to arm the new guards raises a question as to whether the political need to protect the outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton played any role in these instructions.

You can see more on this issue at: SandyPundits.com.

7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself from RogueWeather.com, calls in to bring you the Monday, Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report.

8:10: Dr. Dennis Powers, retired professor of business law drops by the studio for today’s edition of “Visiting Past & Present.” Be sure to pick up Dr. Powers’ new book: “Where Past Meets Present: The Amazing People, Places & Stories of Southern Oregon,” at Hellgate Press.

The Applegate Trail Interpretive Center

By Dennis Powers

Located in Sunny Valley fourteen miles north of Grants Pass on I-5, the Applegate Trail Interpretive Center was brought about by an ex-airline stewardess, Betty Gaustad. After college in California and working for United Airlines for eleven years, she and her family in 1974 bought a ranch in Sunny Valley that dated back to an 1851 land claim. Her mother, Irene, had a strong interest in history and was the one who discovered that the Applegate Trailunmarked there and not known by anyonecut directly across their property.

Betty was elated, as she remembered back to her elementary-school days in a tiny Minnesota town. The one-room brick schoolhouse had been filled with pioneer and history books, and Betty first learned there about the trail cut by the Applegate brothers so many years ago. She never forgot the story of the hardy pioneers who had endured so much hardship.

The main Oregon Trail followed the Snake River across southern Idaho into Oregon, but forced settlers, their oxen, and wagons to make it down the dangerous Columbia River. When the Applegate bothers lost two young sons in 1843 when their raft overturned, they decided to find a safer route. They headed back to Idaho and convinced other settlers to follow them on a different way.

They decided on a route that headed southward into present-day Nevada, worked through a desert and California, then crossed the Klamath Basin into Southern Oregon; it followed the Rogue River into the Rogue Valley and then northward for the Willamette Valleytheir ultimate destination. As the trail descended the Cascade Range into the Rouge River Valley, it cut across Emigrant Creek in Jackson County, now named for those pioneers; Highway 66 to Ashland and Interstate 5 heading towards Sunny Valley basically follow the Applegate Trail.

The wagon train that first tried the new, uncertain route endured great hardships from disease, Indian attacks, flooded rivers, food shortages, and near impassible mountain passes, but they made the trek in some three months, traveling 500 miles to reach the Willamette. A young woman (Martha Leland Crowley) died of typhoid in Sunny Valley in 1846, as the first wagon train rested there, and was buried near the present old covered bridge; the stream was named Grave Creek six years later due to her death. Thousands of wagon trains over the years then followed this trail in settling Oregon.

Encouraged by her mother, Betty Gaustad was determined to build a center commemorating the Applegate Trail. With limited funds, she mortgaged her ranch, businesses (she owned a grocery store, gas station, and restaurant in town), and worked for donations and grants. Although she received regional economic grants, Betty financed 85 percent of the total project costs by herself. Her daughter, Jacquelana Ladd, worked in designing the center; Dennis Gaustad, her brother, built the 5,400 square-foot, rustic-looking museum, behind a two-story, fir-columned Western false front, designed to look like the front of the 1860 Grave Creek Hotel.

The center portrays the history of Native Americans and trappers in the 1800s, as well as describing events after the Applegate Trail was blazed: the discovery of gold in 1851 in the area, ensuing Indian Wars, stagecoach era, coming of the railroad, and the life of early settlers. There is also a three-screen theater that shows a film depicting the struggles faced by the Applegate-Trail pioneers; dressed authentically, local residents show the challenges overcome in the film made in Sunny Valley.

The original 1929, log-constructed Sunny Valley grange hall is outside the center; seen from the museum, the Grave Creek covered bridge stands, one of the few ones still remaining in Southern Oregon. Although Betty’s mother died one month before the museum opened in 1998, there is no question that she would have been impressed by itand one woman’s dedication.

Bill’s Guests for: Friday, September 15, 2017:

6:35: Richard Holt, a member of Project 21: The National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives, and political consultant with Sirius Campaigns, talks with Bill about the latest Twitter volley against President Trump. Yep, ESPN host Jamele Hill is the latest to Twitter rage, calling the President a white supremacist.

You can learn more about Richard and Project 21 at: NationalCenter.org. And, you can read more from Richard’s blog at RichardFHolt.com.

7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself from RogueWeather.com, calls in to bring you the Friday, Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report.

7:35: Jackson County Commissioner Colleen Roberts talks with Bill this morning. The Commissioner has filed for re-election, and we’ll talk over the issues facing Jackson County.

8:10: Dr. Steven Greenleaf, AKA “Steve The Marine,” chats with Bill, and using his legal expertise, will tell you why he believes that DACA “Dreamers,” will not be deported.


Illegal aliens, especially “dreamers”, have a defense of “laches ” to bar deportation. Laches is a remedy which sounds in “equity”.

Article lll sec 2 explicitly gives the federal courts “equitable “jurisdiction: “The Judicial Power shall extend to all cases, in Law and Equity…”

Laches is similar to statutes of limitations in that time elapsed is excessive. Statutes of limitations gives an exact number of years, Laches occurs when time elapsed is unreasonable and prejudices the defendant.

Laches is based on the MAXIM “Equity aids the vigilant, not those who sleep on their rights”. The INS has definitely slept on their right to deport.

Laches and equity helps defendants who have materially changed their positions in justifiable reliance on the plaintiff’s CONDUCT. In the case of illegals and dreamers, the U.S. has indicated several things. First, while it is technically illegal to jump the border, this law will not be vigorously enforced. Second, the aliens can make lots of money in doing so.

Third, we want you, we need you, we like you so come on over. Lastly, you are fools not to come.

Laches and equity disfavors plaintiffs who realize “unjust enrichment” by sleeping on their rights. Particularly relevant is the judicial statement that equity will not help plaintiffs “who CAPITALIZE on their infringers’ labor”.

I believe that we are stuck with most of the illegal aliens. This especially applies to the dreamers who were brought here as innocent infants and children. One equitable principle is that those using equitable defenses must have “clean hands”. This certainly applies to most “ dreamers”.

There is a good article in Wikipedia on “laches “.

8:35: Cheryl Zimmer, Executive Director of LOGOS Charter School, and Julie Niles-Fry, host of Innovation & Education, join Bill in studio for today’s edition of “Whose Business Is It Anyway?” LOGOS is getting ready to build a new, an bigger facility. We’ll also discuss the mission of LOGOS Charter School. Learn more about LOGOS at: LogosCharter.com. Or, you can give them a call at: 541-842-3658.

Bill’s Guests for: Thursday, September 14, 2017:

7:10: John C. Davis, a spokesperson for A Tax Is A Tax Coalition, as well as the Keep Our Promises Coalition talks with Bill about a couple of citizens initiatives. The first will look to slow spending growth in the state, and pay off PERS debt, but that’s not all… John will also talk about a coalition of Oregon business and grassroots groups that are looking to address the abuse of the three-fifths requirement on revenue raising legislation. Tax Initiative HERE, PERS reform initiative language HERE.

8:10: Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus in Biochemistry and Medical Sciences at Washington State University chats with Bill today. Dr. Pall will be holding a free presentation:




Dr. Pall will discuss how EMFs from wireless devices have the potential to cause health issues – including the smart/radio frequency electric meters that are being installed on all homes and businesses in Oregon.

WHEN: Saturday, September 16, 2017 at: 10am to 12pm.

WHERE: The Phoenix Grange, 209 North Main St. in Phoenix.

The event is sponsored by: StopSmartMetersOregon.com, and Clunie Chiropractic

You can learn more about Dr. Pall and his studies at: ME-Pedia.org.

Bill’s Guests for: Wednesday, September 13, 2017:

6:35: Professor James Coleman, Professor of Law at Southern Methodist University talks with Bill. Before Hurricane Irma made landfall in Florida, the Trump administration took precautionary measures and temporarily waived the Jones Act in order to maintain energy supplies in Florida. The Jones Act regulation dates back to 1920 and requires all shipping between U.S. ports be done by American-made and American-steered vessels. With the provisional lift in place, one must ponder if the strict environmental regulation imposed by the Jones Act provides any substantial benefits after all.

Learn more about Prof. Coleman at: RegProject.org. Read more from Professor Coleman and other scholars at: RegProject.org.

7:10: State Senator Herman Baertschiger (R-Grants Pass) calls the show to bring you news from the front lines of one of the local wildfires, as well as a state policy update.

7:35: Lt. Justin Ivens of the Medford Police Department joins Bill, in studio to bring you The Crimestoppers Case of The Week.

8:45: Mike G, from the Britt Festival drops by the studio to tell you about the latest acts coming up at Britt. You can get more information, and buy tickets to shows at Brittfest.org.


Bill’s Guests for: Tuesday, September 12, 2017:

7:10: Seth Cropsey, former Deputy Undersecretary of the Navy under Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, and author of the book: “Seablindness: How Political Neglect is Choking American Seapower and What To Do About It,” talks with Bill about his book.

Has the U.S. Navy reached its breaking point? Mr. Cropsey exposes how years of underfunding has left our nation’s most strategic arm of defense – American naval power – smaller today than any point since before World War I.

You can learn more at: Hudson.org.

8:10: Kevin Starrett of the Oregon Firearms Federation joins Bill. Would Governor Brown’s gun confiscation bill, SB719A, have done anything to change anything regarding the UCC murders back in 2015? Kevin will give his opinion.

See more at OFF.org.

8:35: Matt Allen from Pacific Residential Mortgage LLC NMLS 1477joins Bill, live in studio for today’s edition of “Whose Business Is It Anyway?”

Matt is author of the book: “The Ultimate Guide to Reverse Mortgages and 16 Excellent Reasons To Get One,” . He’ll give you all the details of just what a reverse mortgage is. You can give Matt a call at: 541-773-3131.

8:50: Sage Taylor of Wamba Juice & Deli joins Bill in studio to sample her, “Vegetarian Split-Pea Soup!” Wamba Juice & Deli is located at 207 W. 8th Street in Downtown Medford. Open from 7am to 3pm, M-F. Phone: 541-779-2215


Bill’s Guests for: Monday, September 11, 2017:

6:35: Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government talks with Bill. On the table this morning, President Trump’s “deal,” with congressional Democrats, former Trump strategist Steve Bannon’s interview on 60 Minutes, and more.

You can always get more information at GetLiberty.org, and also, check out NetRightDaily.com.

7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself from RogueWeather.com, calls the show to bring to you, the Monday, Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report.

7:35: Michael Zaroninski, Medford City Council President, as well as Council VP, Tim Jackle join Bill, in studio. The Councilors are here today to discuss the Urban Renewal agreement for the Liberty Park area, and what’s to become of the old Carnegie Library.

Medford Urban Renewal Agency Moves Forward with Substantial Amendment

The Medford Urban Renewal Board (City Council) is moving forward with plans to extend the existing Medford Urban Renewal Agency (MURA). The MURA board approved a Resolution on Thursday evening that directs City staff to move forward with a substantial amendment. The substantial amendment will allow MURA to increase its indebtedness. Next steps in this process include preparing a request for proposal for a consultant that would help identify MURA projects and complete the necessary paperwork and updated City Center Revitalization Plan that will become the basis for the substantial amendment.

Urban Growth Boundary Amendment Update

Jackson County approved the Urban Growth Boundary Amendment (UGB) last June and finalized the action in August, which will add 1,658 acres of development land and 1,877 acres of wildland to the city’s current UGB. The goal of expanding the UGB is to provide a 20 year supply of land for housing, commercial, industrial and open park land uses. The plans that the Council has adopted for these new lands is to provide opportunities for an array of housing types, encourage economic growth, and recreational amenities.

The Medford City Council approved an ordinance during Thursday’s City Council meeting to adopt amended findings that are a result of the meetings with the Board of Commissioners and the UGB application will be heard by the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission for final approval targeted for March 2018.

Future Property Designation for Carnegie Building and Former Fire Station 2

The Council has been working to determine the lease procedure of the Carnegie building as well as options for either the sale or lease of former Fire Station 2. Deputy City Manager Kelly Madding presented options outlined in two memos during Thursday’s Council meeting. Council decided to move forward with leasing the Carnegie building. As for Former Fire Station 2, the Council directed staff to prepare a request for proposals for either the leasing or purchasing of Former Fire Station 2.

8:10: Dr. Dennis Powers, retired professor of Business Law joins Bill in studio for this week’s edition of “Visiting Past & Present.” Be sure to pick up Dr. Powers’ new book: “Where Past Meets Present: The Amazing People, Places & Stories of Southern Oregon,” at Hellgate Press.

This week:

Dan Bulkley: 100 Years Old and Still Running

By Dennis Powers

With his father being an overseas medical missionary who ran hospitals and his mother a teacher, Dan Bulkley was born in Thailand but later attended school in India. Athletic from the start, he took up tennis in Thailand at age six.

Every seven years, one of his parents would take a yearlong furlough to the U.S. and bring along some of the kids. Bulkley stayed for his senior year of high school in Claremont, California. Upon high school graduation, he attended the college in town, Pomona, where he again played football, tennis, and track. At 5-foot/4-inches, 145 pounds, he was hardly imposing on the gridiron—but Dan was undaunted, could catch the ball, and played end on defense as well.

In track, he was a sprinter-turned-hurdler, but there were other conditions he had to overcome. Due to his small stature, he took 17 steps between hurdles to everyone else’s 15. Deciding that this slowed him too much, he worked to alternate his lead leg “so I could hit those hurdles right.” The coach thought this to be a waste of time, but Bulkley worked on his own every day after practice. He finally got into a meet with the conference title on the line and placed a surprising second to help Pomona win the crown.

Years later, the style served him well when a Masters athlete. “It just came naturally to me,” he said. “When I got to the hurdle, it didn’t matter which foot was up. I’d just take it with that foot and kept on going.” He applied himself in his studies by earning a bachelor’s and master’s degrees in physical education. This led to a job at Corona High School, where he taught and coached football and track.

Bulkley was at the high school for two years before joining the Navy. He was in the service for 4½ years, the final two with the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), a wartime espionage agency that was the forerunner to the CIA. His most meaningful mission–parachuting into Thailand to set up guerilla operations–was aborted only because the atomic bomb ended World War II.

The OSS wanted people with background in Southeast Asia–which he had. Bulkley was to parachute into Thailand and train natives to use “hit and run” techniques should the Japanese invade. Personnel and weapons had already been dropped in. His team flew over once but was waved off. Three days later, they were to try again from their Calcutta base. The A-bomb dropped before they could take off, and he witnessed the Japanese surrender in Bangkok.

Upon returning to California, Bulkley went back to teaching and coaching. Southern Oregon then hired him in 1950, where he began a 29-year career of teaching health and PE while coaching. Although he started several programs, track was his forte. His Raider men won conference and NAIA regional championships in 1962-64, as well as his cross country teams. His track teams won 7 conference titles and had 81 individual champions. He was inducted into the NAIA Hall of Fame in 1977 and the SOU Athletic Hall of Fame in 1989.

Skiing was another passion. Bulkley skied throughout the region; he brought college students to Mt. Ashland for lessons and enjoyment 10 years before it opened to the public in 1964. He helped form the ski patrol and was its first director; skiing then became another sport at which he excelled in the Masters.

Starting at age 70 in 1987, Dan entered the Masters. One year later, his second meet was the World Masters Track and Field Championships in Melbourne. Bulkley won five gold medals and set a world age-group record in the 300-meter hurdles at 53.84 seconds. He also won the 800, 1,500, 2,000 steeplechase and was on the victorious 4×400 relay. Sports Illustrated included him in “Faces in the Crowd” in March 1988. For 15 years and through three age groups, 70 to 84, he was unbeaten in the intermediate hurdles with his unorthodox approach. In track, skiing and badminton Master competitions, he established 17 world records.

In 30 years of competition, Bulkley earned 492 medals in Master competitions and set numerous world age-group records. He last competed one year ago in Bend, Oregon, running the 50 and 100 meters. He won–being the only one in his age group.

Dan Bulkley became 100-years-old this past May 4th. After the celebrations, he still walks, jogs, or pedals a stationary bike for a half hour or so. “Like I tell everybody,” said Bulkley, “go day by day. There’s not much you can do about getting older.” And all of us can learn from him!



Here’s an additional copy of the 1995 Wildfire management report which is SIGNED by the BLM. It once again details the “let it burn” policy.

This is a copy of the Wildfire Management Implementation Report


Here is information Mr. X dug up regarding the safety of fire retardant. Aerial Application of Fire Retardant


Bill’s Guests for: Friday, September 8, 2017:

6:35: Allison Crowther, the mother of 9/11 Hero Wells Crowther – Documentary out today is “Man In Red Bandanna,” which follows Welles Remy Crowther, who was working on the 104th floor of the South Tower on September 11 and reportedly saved the lives of many before he passed away that day.

Welles’ trademark red bandana, which he wore in his right back pocket, helped eyewitnesses identify him. Through footage and testimonials, the film examines the many individuals who have been inspired by Welles’ actions in the South Tower. See more at: ManinRedBandana.com or BandanaFilm.com.

7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself, from RogueWeather.com calls in to bring you the Friday, Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report.

7:35: Ruth Broadman, past president of the Jackson County Republican Women joins Bill in studio. Today, Ruth will be promoting next Saturday’s Reagan BBQ fundraiser. You can go to: http://www.jcrw.us for info and to sign up.

8:10: James Hirsen, Attorney, New York Times Bestselling Author and columnist at NewsMax.com talks with Bill this hour. We talk, this hour about the sound legal principles underpinning President Donald Trump’s rescinding of DACA.

Read the article on James’ website: JamesHirsen.com.

8:45: The folks from The Springs at Anna Maria join Bill in studio for today’s edition of “Whose Business Is It Anyway?”





09-07-17 GUESTS

6:35 Eric Peters, Automotive Journalist from EpAutos.com We’re talking of the “Not-So-Safe-DRIVE ACT” which was passed by Congress yesterday. Pushing self-driving cars…but safety backups, such as steering wheels and brake pedals, not required? Hmm, perhaps we should eliminate plane cockpits, as their computers can fly the plane, too. More at: https://www.ericpetersautos.com/2017/09/07/not-safe-drive-act/

7:10 Attorney Michelle Owens. Managing partner with Agee Owens Law Firm and she speaks on behalf of SAVE Stope Abusive and Violent Environments Read SAVE’s report entitled Six-Year Experiment in Campus Jurisprudence Fails to make the grade http://www.saveservices.org/wp-content/uploads/Six-Year-Experiment-Fails-to-Make-the-Grade.pdf

Recent AAUW report undermines the campus sexual assault narrative – http://dailycaller.com/2017/06/02/recent-aauw-report-undermines-the-campus-sexual-assault-narrative/

7:35 Ed, “Mr. X”, our crack investigator of all abuses “green”, is in studio, and we’ll discuss the origins of the “Let it Burn” policies.

Here are documents we talked about today:

The 1995 Forest Wildfire Policy – here’s where the “let it burn” fed culture was adopted.

Wildfire and the Global Carbon Cycle

Green Propaganda – Time to Bury the Myths about the Biscuit Fire

8:45 in studio, John, HR manager for Timber Products is here discussing job openings and opportunities with the firm.







GOP gubernatorial candidate Knute Buehler spoke before Jackson County Republicans Tuesday night at the Medford Library. Knute lambasted Gov. Kate Brown’s record on schools, forest, land and wildfire policy. He also had some suggestions for the PERS crisis, eliminating the “spiking” of pensions in the final years, requiring the 6% pickup to pay down the unfunded liability, and limiting maximum salary eligible for PERS. Regarding abortion, he says he’s pro-choice. Wondering how much of a “deal killer” this might be for broad republican support. He’s also not in fan of higher, but rather “smarter” taxes.

Wednesday 9-06-17 Guests

6:35 Presidential Biographer and author Craig Shirley, his latest profile is “Citizen Newt – The Making of a Reagan Conservative”

7:35 Crimestoppers with MPD’s LT. Kerry Curtis

8:10 Time to get prepared with City of Medford Emergency Manager Larry Masterman. The Rogue Valley Preparedness fair is Saturday 9/16 at the Rogue Valley Mall.

Bill’s Guests for: Tuesday, September 5, 2017:

7:10: The Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report with Mr. Outdoors, Greg Roberts from Rogue Weather.

7:15: Julian Cordle, a local technologist comes into the studio this morning. We’ll have a talk about blockchain, and how crypto currencies like bitcoin may be a bigger deal than we thought.

8:10: Royal Standley of Oregon Pacific Financial Advisors calls in to bring you the daily Stock Report.

8:45: Brent Homan & Randall Lee, the men from Advanced Air & Metal join Bill in studio for today’s edition of “Whose Business Is It Anyway?” Today, with the smoke from wildfires blanketing the Valley, the fellas will talk about what you can do to improve your INDOOR air quality. You can find out more at AdvancedAirandMetal.com. Or, give them a call at: (541)772-6866.
