11-4 to 11-8-2019

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Bill’s Guests: Friday, November 8, 2019
6:35: Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government joins Bill for the Weekly Swamp Update from Mordor on The Potomac.
See more great content from Rick at: DailyTorch.com
7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors from RogueWeather.com, calls in to bring to you, the Friday, Outdoor Report.
7:35: Deanne McGaugh, a volunteer at the Jackson County Animal Shelter sits down with Bill in studio. Today, Deanne is here to promote the Working Cat Program.
The Working Cat Program, offers placement for feral or non-socialized cats a second chance in life. The cats have nowhere to go.
These cats are part of our community and deserve our help. Life is harsh for a cat that lives outdoors and doesn’t have a place to call home. One female cat and her offspring can produce 420,000 cats in (7) years.
The Working Cat Program offers the cats an opportunity to thrive and provide an invaluable and inexpensive service, to our community, as a natural deterrent to rodents and other pests. The cats are altered and vaccinated. There isn’t an adoption fee for these wonderful animals. Counseling is provided to ensure a perfect fit. The Program asks the adopter to provide shelter and a regular supply of food and water.
The cats are ideal for working farms, horse stables, mills, plants nurseries, wineries, warehouses, residential yards, or other locations with outdoor shelter. Adopting a Working Cat is also a great solution for people who love cats but cannot have them indoors due to allergies.
Bill’s Guests: Thursday, November 7, 2019
6:35: Sarah Chamberlain, the President and CEO of the Republican Main Street Partnership chats with Bill. Today, we discuss the op-ed from her in The Hill about Congressman Walden’s announcement that he would not be seeking reelection.
In addition, the impeachment has taken attention away from the issue that effect families. Sarah would like to talk about what really matters to American voters, such as healthcare and trade policy (USMCA). With all of the craziness going on in politics, its helpful to remember that there are still moderate Republicans in Congress trying to govern.
The GOP should follow the example of Rep. Greg Walden
Sarah Chamberlain is the president and CEO of Republican Main Street Partnership, a coalition of more than 70 members of Congress, and the founder and president of Women2Women Conversations Tour . Follow her on Twitter @MainStreetSarah and @w2wtours.
7:10: Don Trumbull, EMP expert and author of the upcoming book: Safe States chats with Bill.
Dozens of Countries have the Technology and we have no defense.
One of the most unsettling yet rarely discussed topics of our current age is the horrific danger posed by an Electro Magnetic Pulse or EMP.
It could happen at any time from a solar flare or an EMP weapon detonated over the United States at high altitude. Overnight the United States of America could be sent back to the Stone Age. No lights, car ignitions don’t work, computers are fried, and virtually the entire infrastructure including hospital life support—all gone. Experts project that within one year of an EMP blast, 90% of the people in the United States would be dead. And there’s virtual no defense against such an attack since our Congress and President have been so busy feuding, they haven’t taken the time to harden our infrastructure against such devastation that could happen in a millisecond.
DON TRUMBULL is a former air carrier president. Following a ten-year mission exploring the vulnerability of our U.S. air carriers/supply chains to the catastrophic threat of solar flare/electromagnetic pulse; in 2019 his broader findings inspired a civilian countermeasure system called the SAFE STATE Project. An achievable on-site defense for individuals, communities, and emergency services, the SAFE STATE countermeasure is a low-cost alternative to hardening the critical infrastructures.
8:10: Horace Cooper, senior fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research talks with Bill.
Horace says liberal leaders in several cash-strapped cities and one state, Rhode Island, are searching for gold in the form of big cash payouts from a handful of energy companies in the name of climate change, The lawsuits also show these political leaders are engaged in some incredible double-talk. While crying foul on climate change in lawsuits across the country from Rhode Island to California, they’re also trying to gain investments in waterfront properties by soft-pedaling climate change.
For example, San Francisco, California, “The City is unable to predict whether sea-level rise or other impacts of climate change or flooding from a major storm will occur.” While in their lawsuit, “Global warming-induced sea level rise is already causing flooding of low-lying areas of San Francisco.” Billions in judgements against energy companies along with millions or billions in waterfront investment would go a long way to help these mismanaged train wrecks.
Bill’s Guests: Wednesday, November 6, 2019
6:35: Eric Peters, automotive journalist and all around, Libertarian car guy chats with Bill. Today we’ll talk with Eric about keeping Big Brother out of your cars and other transportation issues.
Read Eric’s article: Ex Post Fatwa’ing
And, you can read more great content, and get Eric’s reviews of the latest cars, trucks, SUVs and bikes, all over at: EPAutos.com
7:35: Chief Scott Clausen, Chief of the Medford Police Department joins Bill, live in studio. We’ll talk with the Chief about the latest on the Livability Team, and the three officers, hired to patrol the Bear Creek Greenway and other homeless hangouts.
8:10: Will Reishman joins Bill in studio. Will is here today for another great round of foreign policy talks.
Bill’s Guests: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 – Election Day
6:35: Dan Gainor, VP of Business & Culture at the Media Research Center, (MRC) chats with Bill.
Last week New York Times Chief Washington Correspondent Carl Hulse moved the clock into a future in which the liberal dream of impeachment finally comes true. His story was headlined: “Could Trump Serve a Second Term if Ousted? It’s Up to the Senate.”
Read Dan’s opinion piece over at: FoxNews.com on this topic:
Dan Gainor: New York Times engages in impeachment fantasies
7:10: Dr. Peter Ward, a geophysicist, chats with Bill about the topic of Climate Change this morning.
Here’s some of the things the Dr. Ward has been involved with over the years:
CanYouBearIt.com A one-minute video overview.
WhyClimateChanges.com An extensive website explaining in text, videos, papers, etc. why climate changes.
Videos: A most unexpected revolution in the physics of heat.
Sixteen short videos: The most expensive mistake ever made in the history of science.
You can get a cop of Dr. Ward’s book: What Really Causes Global Warming? Greenhouse Gases or Ozone Depletion?
Physically-Impossible.com Why greenhouse-warming theory is not only mistaken, it is physically impossible.
JustProveCO2.com Greenhouse-warming theory has never been demonstrated by experiment to be physically possible.
OzoneDepletionTheory.info How ozone depletion explains observed global warming throughout Earth history.
Twitter: @yclimatechanges
Facebook: WhyClimateChanges
LinkedIn: Peter L Ward
About Dr. Ward:
Peter Langdon Ward earned a BA at Dartmouth College and a PhD at Columbia University in geophysics. He worked 27 years at the United States Geological Survey, leading a group of more than 140 scientists and staff and playing a lead role in establishing and initially leading a major national research program. He chaired a committee at the White House, worked on a committee for Vice President Gore, and testified before Congress in 2004 and in 1978. He earned two national awards for explaining science to the public. He and his work were featured on Good Morning America. More details about Ward can be found at WhyClimateChanges.com/About.
8:10: Kevin Starrett, 2nd Amendment advocate and power behind the Oregon Firearms Federation talks with Bill today.
Today we’ll be talking with Kevin about the AR-15, America’s most popular sporting rifle. The gun grabbers hate this rifle most of all, but it saves lives – One example here:
8-months pregnant Florida mom uses AR-15 to save family from violent armed home invaders
Texas gun control activist shoots her three children dead
Get more great content over at: OregonFirearms.org
Bill’s Guests: Monday, November 4, 2019
7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Oudoors from RogueWeather.com, calls in to bring to you the Monday Outdoor Report.
7:35: Joe Guzzardi, an analyst with Progressives for Immigration Reform chats with Bill today. Joe has penned the following article on the issue of bringing in foreign nationals to do tech jobs, because they’ll take a lower wage than American workers will.
Sen. Durbin Introduces Bad Green Card Giveaway Legislation, Dismissive of U.S. Workers
by Joe Guzzardi
No sooner does one awful, American job-killing bill get nixed in Congress than another pops up to replace it. Such is the nature of trying to protect U.S. workers from an unnecessary wave of foreign nationals displacing talented, educated white-collar Americans from their middle-class jobs.
To the specifics, S. 386 the misleadingly named Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act that Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and presidential aspirant Kamala Harris (D-CA) cosponsored was derailed when, unlike its House companion bill, the Senate couldn’t ram through a unanimous consent agreement – no amendment allowed, no public comment permitted, and no opposing testimony that would have put forward valid objections to S. 386 on the grounds that eliminating the 7 percent country cap would favor one country, India, over all others seeking employment-based H-1B visas.
Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL), the Democratic Whip, stepped forward to block S. 386, but not for the heroic reason that he wanted to protect Americans, but rather to introduce his own and much worse legislation, the Resolving Extended Limbo for Immigrant Employees and Families Act (RELIEF). With ranking Senate Judiciary Committee member Patrick Leahy (D-VT) cosponsoring RELIEF, the legislation would not only lift the country cap, it would also over a five-year period eliminate the estimated 4 million Green Card backlog. Further, RELIEF would remove spouses and minor children from the employment-based pool of Green Cards and shift them to the immediate family categories which would result in an increase of between 50,000 to 100,000 Green Cards per year.
The Durbin/Leahy bill is without protections for U.S. tech workers, and represents a slap in the face to American employees who have paid for their college educations, amassed debt to pursue their degrees and have families to support. Big tech companies’ executives from Apple, Deloitte, Walmart and Facebook supported S. 386 and are lobbying for the RELIEF Act, and cheering for the cheap labor policies, specifically the H-1B visa, that contribute to their multimillion-dollar annual incomes.
The congressional horserace to cross the finish line first in the effort to displace American workers is always neck-and-neck. But during his 35-year career in the U.S. House and then the Senate, few have done as much to promote foreign nationals’ interests at Americans’ expense than Durbin. The Illinois senator has consistently voted to increase coveted employment-based visas as well as for amnesty entitlements, and more liberal refugee and asylee policies.
At the same time, Durbin refuses to vote for actions that would secure the border, enforce the interior, reduce illegal immigration incentives or end sanctuary cities. Durbin was infamously a Gang of Eight charter member that helped pass S. 744, a Green Card giveaway that would have amnestied the 2013 illegal immigrant population, then about 11 million. And over a decade, the legislation, which wasn’t considered in the House, would have issued 33 million employment-based visas to overseas workers. Durbin’s bottom line: immigrants and would-be immigrants come first, and deserve a chance at good U.S. jobs. Unlucky Americans get the back of Durbin’s hand.
Since Congress created the H-1B visa as part of the Immigration Act of 1990, employers have falsely insisted that a dire shortage of skilled workers exists. On its face, their argument – that for nearly 30 years, not enough qualified Americans can be found – is ludicrous. A January 2019 New York Times story recounted American university students’ difficulty in getting seats in high-demand computer science classes.
Naturally, employers love the H-1B visa because, among other benefits to them, it increases the job applicant pool, and allows them to keep downward pressure on wages. A true worker shortage would result in increased wages. But instead, tech salaries remain flat. Average annual 2018 salaries leveled off at $93,244, an insignificant 0.6 percent increase from 2017.
Fewer than 30 percent of Silicon Valley techies are Americans, an unthinkable outrage. U.S. jobs should go first to Americans. But unfortunately, globalists like Durbin and tech employers have a captive congressional audience when they wolf cry “shortage.”
8:10: Dr. Dennis Powers, joins Bill in studio for this week’s edition of “Visiting Past & Present”
Hollywood Comes To The Valley
by Dennis Powers
Hollywood stars and celebrities are drawn to Southern Oregon. For example, Ginger Rogers left Beverly Hills to move in 1969 to a 1,000-acre farm near Medford. She and her mother, Lela, had purchased the working diary farm in 1945 and she left “her pumps and feather boas at home and swapped them for hip waders.” She sold the ranch in 1990 to move to Medford. Interestingly enough, she performed at age 15 at the Medford Craterian theatre; in 1993, she returned 67 years later for a benefit concert there that was then known as the Craterian Ginger Rogers Theatre.
The “King of Hollywood,” Academy-Award winning Clark Gable, loved Southern Oregon. He stayed at the Wolf Creek Inn with his wife, Carole Lombard, and loved fishing on the Rogue. The Weasku Inn on the Rogue in Grants Pass became a mainstay, and when Gold Hill held its celebration in 1947 for Oregon Poet Laureate Ben Hur Lampman (who also loved fishing on the Rogue), he left the river to join the festivities.
Deer Creek Ranch is located one mile west of Selma and once was the private hideaway of Western movie star, John Wayne. Dating back to his 1975 film “Rooster Cogburn,” which was also filmed along the Rogue River, “The Duke” loved the ranch and area. Poet Joaquin Miller (the “Poet of the Rockies”) became enthralled with the Oregon Caves, so much so that he brought about its recognition as a National Monument. Jack London stayed at the Wolf Creek Inn, completing his novel, “The Valley of the Moon” there. The famous Western novelist Zane Gray in 1926 built a one-room cabin fifteen miles below Graves Creek, and set the surroundings of his novel “Rogue River Feud” on the Rogue.
Tony Award-winning Oregon Shakespearean Festival has had its share of the Hollywood crowd. William Hurt co-starred with Emmy-winner Jean Smart in the 1975 production of “Long Day’s Journey into Night” and later won the Oscar for Best Actor for his role in “Kiss of the Spider Woman,” along with nominations for other films.
Stacy Keach had the lead in the production of “Henry V” in 1963; he had the starring role in the 1990s TV series, “Mike Hammer; Private Eye,” along with different leads in other movies and Broadway. Gretchen Corbett, George Peppard, Powers Boothe, Kyle MacLachlan, Dick Cavett, and Harry Anderson (who played the judge in television’s “Night Court”) have performed here. Tony-nominated Anthony Heald was in the lead in “Measure for Measure” and “Julius Caesar.”
We have Kirstie Alley, Bruce Campbell, Kim Novak, Steve Reeves, Jack Elam, Jim Belushi, Michael McKean and his wife (Annette O’Toole), Patrick Duffy, Johnny Depp, and Don/Rose Maddox who live or have lived in our area. And the list goes on.
Sources: Stacy Stumbo, “Celebrities drawn to Area’s natural wonders,” Grants Pass Daily Courier, June 16, 2012, p.1; Paul Fattig, “Open House Planned at Deer Creek Ranch,” Mail Tribune, March 15, 2007, at Deer Creek Ranch; John Darling, “Seeing Stars,” Mail Tribune, April 17, 2011, at The OSF.
8:35: Dr. Warren Farrell, author of The Boy Crisis chats with Bill today. Dr. Farrell has had multiple meetings with the White House to discuss introducing the boy crisis and remedies including a possible White House Council on Boys and Men and Father Warrior programs to reverse the downward trend of boys and men.
Here’s more great ways to hear more from Dr. Farrell:
Online: WarrenFarrell.com & BoyCrisis.org