5-20 to 5-24-2019

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This is the article I was discussing on the air the other day, regarding the de-worming medicine fenbendazole, which appears to have anti-tumor properties:  https://www.lewrockwell.com/2019/05/bill-sardi/a-cancer-cure-has-gotten-out-of-control-and-has-spread-beyond-the-confines-of-modern-medicine/


Free Genetic Cancer and Pharmaceutical Drug Effectiveness Scan happening tomorrow, 5/25 at the Butcher Shop on Hwy 62 in Eagle Point – 10a-2pm, and the free scan is offered for people on Medicare Part A and B, and you must have someone in your family who has suffered cancer.  They’ll swab your mouth, that’s all. BTW, the 2 screens would normally be $6000 each, but if you qualify, it’s free (well, paid by the Medicare Program)

Bill’s Guests: Friday, May 24, 2019

6:35 Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government with the weekly swamp update.

Get more great information over at: DailyTorch.com

7:10 Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors calls in to bring to you The Outdoor Report, sponsored Oregon Truck and Auto Authority, powered by Line-X. Greg Roberts from RogueWeather.com

7:35 Eric Fruits, Ph.D. Vice President of Research at Cascade Policy Institute, Oregon’s free market public policy research organization talks with Bill today.

Is Oregon Really “Disinvesting” in Education?

By Eric Fruits, Ph.D.

The Portland Association of Teachers declares Oregon has suffered “a 30-year disinvestment in education.” That’s a bold charge. Thirty years is a long time, and disinvestment is a strong word.

To disinvest literally means “to reduce or eliminate” investment. Is it true that Oregon has reduced investment in public schools over 30 years? No.

Multnomah County’s Tax Supervising and Conservation Commission has been tracking school spending in the Portland area for more than 30 years. A review of Portland Public Schools spending since 1985 shows that per student spending in Oregon’s largest school district has steadily increased over the past 30 years, as shown in the figure below.

Over the past three decades, both total spending and spending on instruction at PPS have grown faster than the rate of inflation. In recent years, Portland schools have spent about $30,000 per student, with almost $8,000 per student spent on instruction.

PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Spending in dollars per student

Since the last recession, PPS total spending has accelerated. Voters in the district have approved nearly $1.3 billion in construction bonds since 2012. In 2011 and 2014, voters approved and renewed a local option property tax increase for Portland schools. Another renewal of the $95 million tax is expected to be on the ballot this year.

In Oregon, total expenditures per student were $13,037 in 2016, the most recent year for which information is available from the U.S. Census Bureau. Oregon is exactly in the middle of the state rankings of per student total expenditures. Six states, including Oregon, Washington, and California, have per student spending that is within five percent of the national average. Total expenditures include salaries, employee benefits such as health insurance and PERS, supplies, and debt service, among other things.

According to the state’s Legislative Revenue Office, annual state and local education spending in Oregon has increased by about $1.7 billion over the past ten years. This amounts to $2,350 in increased spending per student and has greatly outpaced the rate of inflation.

Despite Oregon’s smack-dab-in-the-middle per student spending, the state ranks near the bottom in graduation rate, produces mixed results on standardized tests, and has the sixth-highest student-teacher ratio in the U.S.

These dismal outcomes are not the result of disinvestment; they are a result of misinvestment—a diversion of education spending away from classroom teaching.

The Public Employee Retirement System and other benefits are the biggest drivers of Oregon’s education finance problems. The cost of paying for public employee retirements has doubled over the past ten years. In 2009, school districts paid approximately 15% of payroll to fund PERS. The latest estimates indicate next year, districts will have to pay 30% of payroll. A big piece of current so-called “instructional” expenditures is actually spent to pay for teachers who have retired.

In general, health insurance premiums for teachers in Oregon are lower than those of teachers in California or Washington, but Oregon teachers pay a much smaller share of the premium. Research indicates Oregon teachers pay approximately 12% of the premium, while teachers in California and Washington pay 22-45%.

Many school districts have taken on additional debt to reduce their PERS obligations and fund construction. Interest payments on debt are taking money out of classrooms. Census data indicate Oregon schools pay almost $600 per student per year in interest payments alone, making it the fourth highest state in per student interest payments.

Oregon taxpayers continue to support and invest in the state’s education, and any claims of disinvestment are simply wrong. Because of misplaced priorities, too many dollars earmarked for education are not used to teach students the skills they need to be productive and successful adults. PERS must be overhauled, and educational spending should be directed toward increasing high school graduation rates and making measurable improvements in academic achievement.

Eric Fruits, Ph.D. is Vice President of Research at Cascade Policy Institute, Oregon’s free market public policy research organization. . A version of this article appeared in The Portland Tribune on May 21, 2019.

8:10 Steve Gregg with Cancer Screen Advocates of America is in studio – They are having a no cost screening at the butcher shop in Eagle point this Saturday the 25th of May from 10 am to 2 pm, and again at the White City library on June 12th from 1 pm to 3 pm.

To those who qualify these two tests are at no cost. Medicare is paying for it. The tests are normally $6000.00 each

To qualify you have to be 65 years are older and be on Medicare part A and B. Have someone in their family or themselves who has had cancer.

Bill’s Guests: Thursday, May 23, 2019 – Live from the KCMD Studios in Grants Pass

6:35 Roger Sanderson, 7-Time Winner of Boatnik, winner of the last 3, and 6-Time Club Champion talks with Bill LIVE from Hoopa, California.

And, #17, Jesse Reinhart of Grants Pass, will join Bill in studio along with sports Jedi, Jay “The Bird” Reese for the Morning Sports Report, and preview of Boatnik.

7:35 Kevin Starrett with Oregon Firearms Federation, chats with Bill. We’ll talk with Kevin on the  status of gun bills, and the legislative walkout post-mortem.

Get more great information over at: OregonFirearms.org.

8:10 Captain William E. Simpson, retired U.S. Merchant Marine officer, emergency preparedness expert and outdoor journalist calls us. So, just how well prepped are we for fire season?We’ll talk about it with Capt. Bill.

Wildfires, Forests & Soils

By: William E. Simpson II

I think we all realize that given abundant atmospheric oxygen, when there is more fuel in a fire, it yields more heat; this is virtually a constant in combustion chemistry.

In California we have 2-million fewer deer than we had just 5-decades ago. Oregon is down about 150,000 deer in the past 10-years. (numbers from CDFW and ODFW).

These population drops are directly correlated to increased mountain lion populations; each lion takes 50-60 deer annually.

A recent census of lions in Oregon by ODFW found over 7,000 lions present on the landscape. Wildlife scientists and managers believe that about 2,500-2,800 lions should be on the landscape. The current rate of depredation due to lions in Oregon amounts to about 60% of the total herd annually. This is unnatural and results from poor wildlife policy and management.

This unfortunate situation will require at least two-decades of work to repair, starting with a very difficult process (lion enthusiasts will litigate) of reducing mountain lion populations to nominal ecologically sensible levels. Once lion populations are brought into normal levels, it will likely require another decade for cervid (deer) populations to rebound to nominal levels across the landscape, where they can resume their evolved roles in controlling ground fuels.

Last year (2018) wildfires burned 8.5 -million acres, about 500,000 acres of which was in Oregon. Our forests require an exigent solution.

Relocating wild horses from BLM & USFS corrals into selected remote wilderness areas provides an immediate native herbivory for grass and brush fuel reduction on the most at-risk remote wilderness areas where U.S. timber, wildlife, habitat and watersheds must be protected via grass and brush fuels reductions. This methodology is cash-positive and saves the BLM nearly $100-million in annual costs related to warehousing native species American wild horses in off-range holding areas, sometimes called ‘sanctuaries’ (USFS would also enjoy some savings by relocating its 8,000 wild horses).

Added to these savings is the reduction of hundreds of $-billions in both insured and uninsured annual losses due to wildfires, not to mention secondary socioeconomic losses and untold healthcare costs (likely also in the $-billions/yr).

The now missing 2-million deer in California had been consuming over 2.4-million tons of annual grass and brush (based upon consumption of 7-8 lbs./day/deer). The thermal dynamics (energy release) related to the combustion of 2-million+ tons of dry grass is impressive and on-scale with nuclear detonations. The amounts of toxic gases and greenhouse gases is in the realm of hundreds of millions of tons annually. In Oregon alone during the 2017 wildfire season, ODEQ estimated that 3.3-million tons of carbon monoxide gas (CO) was released into the atmosphere, and this gas is a minor component (percentage wise) of all the hydrocarbon gases that are produced and released into the atmosphere during these new highly-fueled catastrophically hot wildfires.

These two (links below) research papers support the fact that prodigious grass and brush fuels resulting from decimated herbivories results in hotter wildfires and damage to soils.

The best science shows that restoring the herbivory results in cooler wildfires which can benefit forest and grassland ecosystems as well as soils. And other science and empirical evidence collaborates the hypothesis that relocating wild horses into selected remote wilderness areas (where apex predator populations are intact) and away from livestock production areas is both cost effective and ecologically prudent:

1) https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/1/4/e1400103.full

2) http://www2.nau.edu/~gaud/bio300w/frsl.htm

Fire Effect on Soil

Fire Effects on Soil Nutrients

The soil macronutrients are the elements considered essential for plant growth and nutrition needed in relatively large quantities. They are most likely to impact site productivity and vegetation dynamics.

Nutrient category Element Chemical
Function in plant
Primary macronutrients Nitrogen N Proteins, amino acids
Phosphorus P Nucleic acids, ATP
Potassium K Catalyst, ion transport
Secondary macronutrients Calcium Ca Cell wall component
Magnesium Mg Part of chlorophyll
Sulfur S Amino acids

Forest fires usually decrease the total nutrient pool on a site (the total amount of nutrients present) through some combination of oxidation, volatilization, ash transport, leaching, and erosion. For example, volatilization and oxidation in a low intensity slash fire reduced fuel nutrient pools in understory and forest floor: 54-75% of N, 37–50% of P, 43–66% of K, 31–34% of Ca, 25–49% of Mg, 25–43% Mn, and 35–54% of B (Raison et al., 1985). Though fire can diminish nutrient pool sizes, nutrient availability often increases. Soil fertility can increase after low intensity fires since fire chemically converts nutrients bound in dead plant tissues and the soil surface to more available forms or the fire indirectly increases mineralization rates through its impacts on soil microorganisms (Schoch and Binkley 1986).

Some nutrient dynamics are more sensitive to fires than others. The concentration of potassium, calcium, and magnesium ions in the soil can increase or be unaffected by fires whereas nitrogen and sulphur often decrease (Hough 1981). Although the relationship between fire and soil nutrients is complex because of the interactions among many factors, fire intensity is usually the most critical factor affecting post-fire nutrient dynamics, with greater nutrient losses occurring with higher fire intensity. Fire intensity both directly and indirectly impacts many of the mechanisms that affect nutrient pools and cycling. Fire temperature directly determines the amounts and kinds of nutrients that will be volatilized. For instance, N begins volatilizing out of organic matter at only 200º C, whereas Ca must be heated to 1240º C for vaporization to occur (Neary et al. 1999). Nutrients are abundant in superficial organic soil layers, and the amount of these layers consumed is proportional to fire intensity. As an indirect effect, the physical transport of nutrients off site is related to fire intensity. Convective transport of ash varies from 1% in low intensity fires to 11% in high intensity fires (Neary et al. 1999). High intensity fires can also change the physical characteristics of the soil making it more susceptible to nutrient loss through erosion (McColl an Grigal 1977).

The impact of fire on site productivity is also related to intensity. While high intensity fires tend to decrease site productivity, low intensity fires can increase site productivity (Carter and Foster 2003). In one study of low intensity prescribed fire, nearly all the fire effects were limited to the forest floor and that the effects were weak. When compared to an unburned stand, nutrient pools in frequently burned stands were unaffected (P, Mg, K, S), increased slightly (Ca), or decreased (N, S). Though the N pool decreased in the top soil layer, they observed that site productivity was unaffected, possibly from increased mineralization rates in lower soil horizons. In an analysis of fire effects on N, it was found that the N pool in fuels decreased, soil N pools were unaffected and ammonium and nitrate levels in the soil increased which increased N availability. Reports on the effects of fire on soil N pools have been controversial, both because of the importance of N as it affects site productivity and because of its complicated response. // End Quote.

Wild horses are single-stomached post-gastric digestors, so they pass valuable nutrients and undigested seeds and fungal spores (good for native species flora and mushrooms in wilderness areas) onto the landscape via their droppings. This is part of their naturally evolved mutualism with the ecosystems where they flourished in North American for over 50-million years. Unlike cervids (deer, elk, etc.) wild horses are resistant to chronic wasting disease (CWD) that is fatal in cervids. Wild horses fire grazing in remote wilderness keep carbon compounds sequestered in soils, which should be a really big deal for those folks concerned about Climate Change resulting from greenhouse gases.

More information at HEALTHY FORESTShttps://healthyforests.org/2019/05/william-simpson-a-most-intriguing-coincidence/

8:35 Gerrin Beck with Boatnik joins Bill live in the KCMD studio in Grants Pass.

Bill’s Guests: Wednesday, May 22, 2019

6:35 Eric Peters, automotive journalist with EPAutos.com joins Bill this morning. Today we’ll talk with Eric on transportation issues and so much more. Read his latest article below:


What happens when your government-programmed self-driving car won’t let you speed…what about the missing revenue?

Be sure to check out Eric’s reviews of the latest cars, trucks, SUV’s and bikes, all over at EPAutos.com.

7:35. MPD Lt. Graham drops by the studio for the Crime Stoppers Case of The Week.

8:10 First Amendment Attorney Wen Fa from the Pacific Legal Foundation

With so much debate over free speech, censorship and what should be allowed under the 1st Amendment, we’re discussing some timely issues and Wen’s blog highlights detailing the good free speech has brought to this country and the dangers of censorship. Wen’s  blog can be read at: https://pacificlegal.org/protecting-free-speech-is-more-important-than-protecting-people-from-being-offended/

Bill’s Guests: Tuesday, May 21, 2019

6:35 Inez Stepman  Senior Policy Analyst, Independent Women’s Forum talks with Bill.

Has Bernie Sanders alienated his own voters by attacking charter schools? http://iwf.org/blog/2809483/Bernie-Sanders-Attacks-Charter-Schools-and-Alienates-His-Own-Voters-

7:10 Joseph P. Duggan, head of the C-Suite Strategic Counsel, and an international business and public affairs consultant talks with Bill.

A new Broadside pamphlet, Khashoggi, Dynasties, and Double Standards by Saudi Arabia expert, Joseph P. Duggan reveals how, as 2018 ended, an orchestrated propaganda campaign paralyzed U.S. foreign policy. The trigger was the killing in Istanbul of Jamal Khashoggi, a member of Saudi Arabia’s wealthy and politically powerful oligarchy. Mainstream media and misguided, melodramatic politicians hoodwinked millions by portraying Khashoggi as a martyr for press freedom and democracy. The real Khashoggi was nothing of the sort.

JOSEPH P. DUGGAN is the head of C-Suite Strategic Counsel, an international business and public affairs consultancy. He served on the editorial board of the Richmond Times-Dispatch, in the Reagan State Department on the staffs of Ambassadors Jeane Kirkpatrick and Edward Rowny, and as a White House speechwriter for President George H.W. Bush. From 2009 to 2015 he worked in Saudi Arabia as speechwriter for the CEO of Aramco.

See more from Joseph, and check out his books at: EncounterBooks.com

 8:10 Dafna Tachover, attorney and wireless injury expert in studio. Website is www.WeAreTheEvidence.org  and will be presenting concerns about 5G wireless technology’s rollout to the Ashland City Council this evening.

Bill’s Guests: Monday, May 20, 2019

6:35 Gregory Wrightstone, author of “Inconvenient Facts” 

Greg tells us he has just exposed the big lie of one million extinctions from last week’s UN report. This absolutely destroys their false claims. Read below:


This new extinction study is just the latest example of misuse and abuse of the scientific process designed to sow fear of an impending climate apocalypse.

The fear and alarm over purported man-made catastrophe are needed to frighten the population into gladly accepting harmful and economically crippling proposals such as the Green New Deal.

Find the Inconvenient Facts app on Google Play and the Apple App Store, and check out more from Gregory at his website: InconvenientFacts.xyz

7:10 Outdoor report with Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself from RogueWeather.com.

7:35 Michael Cross with Flush Down Kate Brown joins the show. Right now a recall effort is in the works to get Governor Kate Brown removed from office.


8:10  Dennis Powers with “What Made Southern Oregon Great”

Eagle Point

By Dennis Powers

As settlers made their way towards the Willamette Valley over the Applegate Trail, numbers stopped in Southern Oregon and decided to start their new lives here. With the Jacksonville gold rush as a magnet, pioneers settled in the Eagle Point area in the 1850s to sell their produce to the miners. The Englishman James J. Fryer acquired his property on Little Butte Creek in 1852; he established a general store and planted a fruit orchard. Considered to be the “Father of Eagle Point,” Fryer caused the settlement to grow around his operations.

The area became another center for agricultural production and supplied foodalong with Sams Valley to one side and the Medford-Talent area further southto the valley. In 1872, the Snowy Butte Mill (now named the Butte Creek Mill) was constructed along the banks of Little Butte Creek. It drew farmers from around the region, as wagons lined the dirt road to the mill to have their grain ground into flour.

Constructed of local pine trees, the four-story, 5,500-square-foot structure had two, four-foot diameter, 1,400-pound millstones that ground the grain; quarried just outside of Paris, the huge stones were shipped around Cape Horn and brought by wagon train from Crescent City to the Rogue Valley. Water was diverted from the creek into the mill’s basement where the water’s weight turned a turbine that powered the equipment.

As the fertile land drew farmers and ranchers, eagles soared overhead and nested high up on a bluff that overlooked the town. In 1877, John Mathews named the town Eagle Point, after the butte with its eagles. The advent of the railroad along the Rogue River limited Eagle Point, as the line passed through Gold Hill, Central Point, and Medford, on its way to Ashland. Farmers had to bring their products to these stations for shipment.

Accordingly, the town didn’t have a commercial center until the early 1900s, when the Pacific and Eastern Railroad arrived in the early 1900s. The city then became incorporated in 1911 and the home to three hotels to go along with its livery stable, blacksmith shop, a few saloons, and rowdy dance halls. Dependent on the fortunes of the timber industry, the town ebbed and flowed with this industry, as the railroad spur served the Medford mills.

Although the construction and operation of Camp White during World War II at what’s now White City was an economic shot-in-the-arm, afterwards this stimulus ended when the camp was torn down. The large available blocks of land brought about a rebirth, however, as seen in the 18-hole championship golf coursedesigned by Robert Trent Jones Jr.that came into being in 1995 with housing developments clustered about. Eagle Point today is a retirees’ destination and a commuter center to jobs in the area, whether it is the local Walmart or in Medford.

The Butte Creek Mill is on the National Register of Historic Places as the last water-powered grist mill commercially operating this side of the Mississippi. After a fire on Christmas morning in 2015, however, burned the beloved landmark to the ground, the Butte Creek Mill Foundation was formed and became the owner of Butte Creek Mill. The Foundation is currently engaged in substantial fundraising and the reconstruction of the Mill in a historically accurate manner.

Seen from Highway 62 and two miles north of Eagle Point, the “Old Wood House” is certainly a draw. Owing to the efforts of Skip Geer, this 1870’s homestead has been preserved in exhibiting what life was like then. Due to its old, weathered condition and Mt. McLoughlin’s background, the Wood House is the most photographed and artist-painted rendering in the Pacific Northwest.

Although orchards and forest lands decades ago stretched as far as one could see, life now is easier and more comfortable. Seeing what life used to be, however, brings about a feeling of thanks to our forefathers.

Sources: Dennis Powers, “Where Past Meets Present,” Ashland, Oregon: Hellgate Press, 2017, Pp. 394-395; “City of Eagle Point: History of Eagle Point,” at Eagle Point History; Old Wood House Website at Old Wood House; Butte Creek Mill website at Butte Creek Mill.