6-11 to 6-15-2018
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Bill’s Guests for: Friday, June 15, 2018
6:35: Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government chats with Bill. It’s Friday, and its time for The Weekly Swamp Update with Rick Manning. Rick will bring you the latest on the I.G. Report, James Comey, and the tariff breakdown.
See more at: GetLiberty.org, and DailyTorch.com.
7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors from RogueWeather.com, calls in to bring to you, the Friday, Water World Boat & Powersport, Outdoor Report.
7:20: Curt Ankerburg, local CPA joins Bill live in studio. There’s been a lot of discussion on homeless counts in Southern Oregon. Curt would like to weigh in on a plan for a city-run shelter that he has proposed.
8:45: Chris Dennett from Beer Works is in studio. This weekend is the Southern Oregon Craft Brew Festival, and Chris is here to tell you all about it.
Bill’s Guests for: Thursday, June 14, 2018
6:35: Chris Versace of Tematica Research talks with Bill. Has the Fed raised interest rates too fast? We’ll have the breakdown with Chris. You can check out more at: TematicaResearch.com.
7:35: John Charles, Founder and President of the Cascade Policy Institute chats with Bill. Should we embrace congestion pricing, which is basically charging people for going into cities at certain times of the day, to commuters?You can read more at: CascadePolicy.org.
8:10: Mr. X, crack researcher, expert on all things Green Mafia, friend of the Bill Meyer Show and all around nice guy, leaves the safety of his hidden Southern Oregon bunker, and joins Bill live in studio.
Today, Mr. X and Bill have discussion on the last KRRC meeting, of which Mr. X was in attendance. He had some interesting questions for the DEQ there. He and Bill will discuss the latest news in the effort to remove the Klamath Dams and the importance of getting your public comment in NOW, in order to halt this destructive plan to a valuable part of our infrastructure.
8:45: Kevin Gill of Clouser Drilling drops by the studio for today’s edition of “Whose Business Is It Anyway?”
Today, we’re chatting about the Merker/Belknap Run/Walk event on Independence Day 2018. This is an event in conjunction with the Grants Pass YMCA, with all proceeds going toward the memorial scholarship fund, the Sheriff’s Department and Search and Rescue Teams.
You can register for the event at: GrantsPassYMCA.org.
Bill’s Guests for: Wednesday, June 13, 2018
6:35: Eric Peters, automotive journalist and Libertarian thinker talks with Bill today.
We’ll be discussing his article over at EPAutos.com: “Making “Investments” in Evs”
Don’t forget, you can check out Eric’s reviews of the latest cars, trucks and bikes over at EPAutos.com.
7:35: Lt. Justin Ivens of the Medford Police Department drops by the studio for the Crime Stoppers Case of The Week.
8:05: Royal Standley, President & CEO of Oregon Pacific Financial Advisors Inc. calls in to bring to you, the Wednesday Stock and Market Report.
Be sure and tune in every weekday morning at 8:05 to get the latest information on the stock market and stocks of local interest with Royal Standley. Get more information at: OFPA.com, or give Royal a call at: 541-772-1116.
8:10: Constance Wilkerson, Homeless Prevention Coordinator with Jackson County Contiuum of Care, drops by the studio to talk with Bill about the Jackson County homeless story with ACCESS Inc.The numbers are in. Jackson County Continuum of Care has released a Point in Time (PIT) report on the number of individuals who are experiencing homelessness, their unmet needs and demographic trends surrounding homelessness.
The PIT count located 732 individuals experiencing homelessness in Jackson County, an increase of 99 persons since the 2017 count (a 15.6% increase in one year). The 2018 count is the highest count in the last 7 years. A 10-year analysis reveals the highest count was 1,049 (in 2011) and the lowest was 527 (in 2016).
8:45: Mike G with the Britt Festival visits the studio to tell you about upcoming shows at Britt.
Get show dates, upcoming acts and tickets at BrittFest.org.
Bill’s Guests for: Tuesday, June 12, 2018
6:35: Dan Gainor, Vice President of Business & Culture at the Media Research Center talks with Bill.
Well, it appears that the New York Times is trying to bury a reporting scandal. We’ll talk about it with Dan Gainor.
And, read the story for yourself: “New York Times Wants to Bury Reporting Scandal and Other Examples of Media Madness.”
Read more at MRC.org.
7:10: Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government chats with Bill. We’ll get Rick’s take on yesterday’s Singapore Summit between President Trump, and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
See more at: DailyTorch.com.
7:35: Ryan Mallory, Head of The Jackson County Scanner Group chats with Bill. Today we’re talking with Ryan about the latest news with the effort to gather signatures to get a right to bear arms protection measure on the November ballot.
Help the fight by going to PatrioticRevolution.com.
7:50: Sal Esquivel, Oregon State Representative talks with Bill today. We talk elections, IP 43, Jack 18-01 and more.
8:30: Pete Jorgenson with The Lions Club chats with Bill today. Summer is here, and that means that the Oregon Shakespeare Festival will be kicking off. The Feast of Will has been a tradition at Oregon Shakespeare Festival since 1956. Always held in Lithia Park, it celebrates the beginning of summer and the opening of the outdoor stage. The Feast of Will is hosted by the Ashland Lions Club. The event, a fundraiser for the club, and is a festive affair of food, flowers and music.
The main course is the Lions’ delectable barbecued chicken or vegetarian lasagna. Entertainment is provided by The Siskiyou Singers and the Jefferson Pipe Band.
The Feast of Will
WHEN: Friday, June 15th. Starting at 6pm.
WHERE: Lithia Park in Ashland.
Tickets are $15 a person, and can be acquired online at: OSFAshland.org. You can also go to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival Box Office at: 15 S. Pioneer Street, or at Paddington Station.
8:45: Rebekah Hicks from Lowe’s Medford drops by the studio for today’s edition of: “Whose Business Is It Anyway?”
Bill’s Guests for: Monday, June 11, 2018:
6:35: Dr. Paul Nathanson, a gender relations academics professor, who has defined the field of mysandry in our culture, and author joins Bill on the show.
We’re talking today about gender systems in the culture, and why the culture seems to be shifting more away from male roles, and toward female roles models. Dr. Nathanson is author of (1) Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture (2) Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination against Men (3) Replacing Misandry: A Revolutionary History of Men (4) Sanctifying Misandry: Goddess Ideology and the Fall of Man. It seems that Hollywood is the biggest culprit of this trend. From the polarizing “Ghostbusters (2016)” remake to the controversy over female versions of James Bond and Doctor Who, Hollywood’s proclivity for gender-swapped retreads is among its most enduring and contentious.
The trend — seen as empowering or annoying, depending on who you ask — is getting fresh attention with “Ocean’s 8” released last Friday, “Overboard” still in theaters and “What Men Want” coming out in January.
The new “Overboard” swapped Goldie Hawn from the 1987 comedy for Eugenio Derbez and Kurt Russell for Anna Faris, and has grossed a healthy $70 million worldwide on an estimated $12 million budget.
But it was disliked by the vast majority of critics, according to online reviews collator Rotten Tomatoes, which dismissed it as a “remake that fails to clear the fairly low bar set by the original.”
Get your copy of “Spreading Mysandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture.” Find all of Dr. Nathanson’s book right HERE.
7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors from RogueWeather.com calls in to bring to you the Monday, Waterworld Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report.
8:10: Dr. Dennis Powers, retired Professor of Business Law and local historian joins Bill in studio. Joining Dr. Powers on the phone, Sue Densmore, Executive Director of the Friends of The Oregon Caves joins the show for today’s edition of: Visiting Past & Present.
The Oregon Caves
Dennis Powers
Elijah Davidson discovered the Oregon Caves in 1874 while bear hunting deep in the Siskiyou Mountains. After shooting a deer, he followed his dog to a large hole in a mountain (now renamed Mount Elijah after him). With the sounds of fighting echoing from inside, he waited until hearing his dog howl weirdly. Making his way carefully into the black darkness, Davidson lit match after match to find the silhouettes of caverns, stalactites (hanging down like icicles) and stalagmites (from below, sticking up).
Forced to leave when out of matches, his dog soon followed—but unhurt. With the sun setting, he spent the night at his camp; before doing so, however, he set the deer by the cave entrance to entice the bear out. Returning the next morning, Davidson found a “monstrous” black bear lying by the carcass. Telling others about his discovery, the labyrinth of caves, chambers, and connecting passageways became fairly well known, but its remote location kept exploration to only the adventurous.
Experts determined that rainwater from the ancient forest above had dissolved the underlying marble to create one of the world’s rare marble caves. In 1907, Joaquin Miller—the fabled “Poet of the Sierras”—visited the caves and was so impressed that he wrote an article about its unique beauty. Published by Sunset Magazine and entitled “The Marble Halls of Oregon,” the publicity gave the caves nationwide exposure. As a result of the continued advocacy, President Taft designated the 480-acre Oregon Caves in 1909 as a national monument.
The completion of now Highway 46 in 1922 allowed the general public to visit the site. The easier access also brought about the formation of “Caves City,” later incorporated as Cave Junction in 1948, at its junction with the Redwood Highway (Highway 199).
Grants Pass businessmen financed the lodging and staff to run the resort (a concessionaire now does this), while the Forest Service (later the National Park Service—or “NPS”) provided oversight and infrastructure, including cave lighting, trails, and a water system. During this venture, the Grants Pass Cavemen formed with their exploits of “imprisoning” women in a rolling cage during parades, imitating U.S. Presidents, and cavemen “appearances” at official functions.
Located 20 miles east of Cave Junction on Highway 46, the rustic-style structures include a chalet (1923, rebuilt in 1942), seven cottages (1926), a dormitory for cave guides (1927 with additions in 1940 and 1972), along with the magnificent six-story Chateau (built in 1934) that spans a stream canyon with one running through its dining room. The chateau is not overly fancy with rustic rooms, but its bark siding and look is unique.
In 2014, Congress expanded the monument nearly 10-fold, from 480 acres to approximately 4,550. The legislation also made the stream under the caves (named the “River Styx”), a scenic river under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, a first for a fully subterranean waterway. An extensive modification of the Chateau is expected to start in October 2018, whereby it will be closed through 2020. The NPS planned $8 – 10 million upgrade’s focus is to allow handicapped access (ramps to floors and an elevator), reconfigure fire escapes, improve fire alarm and sprinkler systems, insulate (so guests can stay earlier and later in the season), adding three balconies, and deferred maintenance–among other improvements.
From the sightings of Sasquatch to its exquisite marble caverns, this magnificent park lies close to us, both in distance and in its natural beauty.
Sources: “The Underworld of Oregon Caves: Human Story” at Oregon Caves (With Images); Steven R. Mark, “The Oregon Encyclopedia: Oregon Caves National Monument,” at National Monument.
8:35: Dick Gordon, Medford City Councilor from Ward 1, comes into the studio today. We’ll be talking about the latest from the city council, chickens and other issue facing the City of Medford.