6-17 to 6-21-2019







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ALL PODCASTS (last 90 days) on BillMeyerShow.Com

Bill’s Guests: Friday, June 21, 2019

6:35 Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government talks with Bill. It’s the Weekly Swamp Update. Several conservative radio and TV hosts and commentators are going after President Trump for his response to Iran shooting down a U.S. drone. Some call it an act of war, others, maybe not so much? We’ll talk with Rick about it.

Check out more over at: DailyTorch.com

7:10 Outdoor Report with Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself from RogueWeather.com.

7:35 Josh Marquis, former Oregon District Attorney talks with Bill.

The Animal Wellness Foundation (AWF) and Animal Wellness Action (AWA) have announced the formation of a National Law Enforcement Council (NLEC), co-chaired by Drew Edmondson and Josh Marquis, and dedicated to enforcing our federal, state, and local laws against animal cruelty. Edmondson served for 16 years as Oklahoma’s Attorney General and Marquis as Clatsop County, Oregon District Attorney for 25 years.

“One measure of a civil society is how it treats its most vulnerable members, and few are as vulnerable as the animals,” said Drew Edmondson, who served as Muskogee County District Attorney for a decade before becoming Oklahoma Attorney General. “We have a moral duty to show mercy toward all of God’s creatures.” Edmondson, who had a major role in preserving the state’s 2002 ban on cockfighting, served as a former president of the National Association of Attorneys General.

There is a documented link between animal cruelty and other forms of human-on-human violence and criminal conduct. The FBI’s homicidal triad includes early-age acts of animal cruelty. Animal fights are often staging grounds for a range of other illegal behavior. In homes where a man harms a spouse or a girlfriend, he will often turn his violent instincts toward a child or an animal.

“Cruelty to animals is not some isolated, easily compartmentalized act of aggression,” added Josh Marquis, who prosecuted numerous cases of animal abuse and neglect that were widely cited in the successful effort to secure passage of Oregon’s felony anti-cruelty law. “When we stamp out animal cruelty and apprehend people who have lost empathy for the suffering of others, we make our communities safer for everyone.”

The Animal Wellness National Law Enforcement Council (NLEC) is focusing at the moment on enforcement of our federal anti-cruelty statutes, including laws against animal fighting, and offering assistance to law enforcement authorities as needed. The NLEC is also urging increased funding for anti-cruelty enforcement at the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Agriculture and also advocating for the passage of the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, which would create a national anti-cruelty statute to crack down on perpetrators of acts of malicious cruelty with a federal nexus.

The National Law Enforcement Council includes a number of prosecutors who have distinguished themselves in their public advocacy and continue to advocate for safer communities for people and animals. 

8:10 Jim Ludwick with Oregonians for Immigration Reform chats with Bill. More danger from Oregon’s Sanctuary status? Also an update on the Drivers License Bill for illegal alien bill.

See more over at: OregonIR.org.

Bill’s Guests: Thursday, June 20, 2019

6:45 State Senator Herman Baertschiger of Grants Pass calls the show. He’ll give you an update on whether the GOP walks out of the session or not, other issues of state and local importance.

7:10 Jackson County Commissioner Colleen Roberts talks with Bill. She updates folks about her Public Utilities Commission meeting attendance earlier this week, will the power be shut off during wildfire, and other news.

7:35 Kevin Starrett at Oregon Firearms Federation chats with BillWill the gun bills “come back to life”? OregonFirearms.org

8:10 Arthur Holland Michel, author of “Eyes in the Sky: The Secret Rise of Gorgon Stare and How It Will Watch Us All,” talks with Bill today.

Did you know that the most extensive domestic wide-area surveillance operation to date took place in Baltimore in 2016? During this time police ran a surveillant gaze covering 32 square miles of the city over the course of more than a hundred days. Arthur Holland Michel, codirector of the Center for the Study of the Drone, spent two remarkable days entrenched at the still-secret CSP operations center, witnessing first-hand how the program watched the city’s population.

Since before George Orwell’s classic 1984 introduced the quote “Big Brother is Watching You,” we’ve long been unsettled by the possibility of being watched, either by the government or private companies. But what if what was once fiction is now a reality? Journalist and codirector of the Center for the Study of the Drone, Arthur Holland Michel gives us the authoritative account of how the Pentagon developed Gorgon Stare, a godlike surveillance system that’s already patrolling American skies. EYES IN THE SKY: The Secret Rise of Gorgon Stare and How It Will Watch Us All dives into this new technology that can track 1,000 moving targets at once. Drawing on extensive access within the Pentagon and the companies that developed this technology, EYES IN THE SKY narrates how the most nightmarishly powerful visual surveillance system ever was created and who is rushing to get their hands on it.

More on the book https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FK9567C/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i0

And, you can learn more about Arthur at his website:


Bill’s Guests: Wednesday, June 19, 2019

6:35 Eric Peters, automotive journalist with EPAutos.com. We catch up on transportation issues. Here’s a good plan before hitting the road. Click below.

Old Car Pre-Flight!

Head over to EPAutos.com for more great content, and to see Eric’s reviews of the latest cars, trucks SUVs and bikes.

7:10 Richard Anderson with the Disability Recreation Project  is in studio to talk about a fundraising concert this Saturday, we’ll discuss that and why they need your help to make it happen.

DRP Fundraiser

WHEN: Saturday June 22, 2019. Noon – 10PM


  • Rogue Suspects
  • Femme Fatale
  • Tim Hadler (Nashville Country Artist)
  • Evening Shades
  • Hog Wild

WHERE: 16790 Meadows Road, White City


  • Adults: $20 Advance – $25 At the Door
  • 15-20: $15
  • 14 & Under: FREE

No Pets Please

Tickets are available at these fine locations:

  • Corner Club – Central Point
  • Farmer’s Insurance – Central Point
  • Lucky’s – Gold Hill
  • Walkabout Brewery – Medford


If you need more information, or you’d like to volunteer to help out with the event, you can give Richard a call at:


8:10 Researcher Mr. X www.MrXFiles.com is here – What happened at the Klamath Compact Commssion meeting in K. Falls – Water, Dams, what’s up?

8:45 Mike G, Marketing Director for the Britt Festival, joins Bill in studio with a Britt Festival update.

For showtimes and tickets, head over to BrittFest.org.

Bill’s Guests: Tuesday, June 18, 2019

6:35 Melanie Collette with Project 21 talks with Bill today.

Project 21, a leading voice of black conservatives for over 25 years, is sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy ResearchContributions to the National Center are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated, and may be earmarked exclusively for the use of Project 21.

We discuss reparations’ hearings on Wed. and “Juneteenth”

In observance of “Juneteenth,” the oldest and most popular commemoration of the end of slavery in the United States, members of the Project 21 black leadership network urge black Americans to go beyond just celebrating past achievements. Instead, black Americans are urged to break free of mental and emotional bonds that can restrict them from taking full advantage of the opportunities now available to them.

“Juneteenth is essentially the black Independence Day – recognizing our emancipation from slavery,” said Project 21 member Adrian Norman. “And although we take time to look to the past when we recognize this day, it’s important that we also acknowledge and appreciate the great distance we are from that sordid past and take greater steps toward bringing to our communities the fullness of the American Dream.”

Juneteenth commemorates the anniversary of the June 19, 1865 arrival of Union troops in Galveston, Texas. They brought with them news of the end of the Civil War two months earlier and President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation that abolished slavery two-and-a-half years earlier.

Galveston’s former slave population began celebrating its freedom on the anniversary of this day in an event called Juneteenth. It became a motivating and stabilizing commemoration for black Texans experiencing uncertainties associated with their newfound freedom and full integration into American society.

The observance of Juneteenth and its emphasis on black advancement spread from Texas across the United States. Today, 46 states and the District of Columbia officially recognize and commemorate Juneteenth. Modern Juneteenth picnics and parades continue to celebrate self-improvement and education, and Project 21 members want to see that focus become a yearlong quest.

“As we celebrate the anniversary of the recognition of the Emancipation Proclamation in Texas and other former Confederate states, we must acknowledge great freedoms and accomplishments by black Americans while realizing our own potential. If we do not, we risk subjugation from other sources,” said Project 21 member Marie Fischer. “Despite the fact that we are no longer in physical bondage, too many black Americans are in the grips of a mental and emotional slavery that could undermine the work of abolitionists and civil rights leaders over the centuries.”

Fischer added:

“Too many of us laud our young men and women who go into sports and entertainment instead of becoming educators and first responders. We glorify ‘gangsta’ culture as black culture instead of glorifying fatherhood. We look to abortion as women’s health instead of taking on and promoting proactive mental and physical health practices for men and women. We use ‘Uncle Tom’ to denigrate other blacks without realizing the real Uncle Tom, Josiah Henson, built a self-sufficient all-black community. If we continue down this path, we are still enslaved.”

“Juneteenth can serve as an intensive look at the unprecedented leaps forward taken by America’s former captives. It is also a time to assess what their descendants have done with that hard-won freedom,” said Project 21 member Nadra “Cap Black” Enzi. “I’d argue this freedom is wasted in the age of the ‘Urban Stockholm Syndrome’ of millennial rioting on behalf of dead career criminals who enslave the inner city in violence, addiction and theft.”

Recognizing that too many black families suffer from conditions undermining upward mobility and perpetuating unacceptable levels of poverty, crime and other social ills, and believing that government programs have transformed the nation’s social safety net into a vicious cycle of dependency, Project 21 created the “Blueprint for a Better Deal dod Black America.”  The Blueprint identifies 10 key areas for reform and offers 57 concrete, budget-neutral recommendations to remove barriers blocking black Americans from reaching their full potential and ensuring that the American dream is attainable for all. Project 21 leaders have briefed key staff at the White House and with congressional leadership about the ideas available in the Blueprint.

“The celebration of Juneteenth reminds us of the value of freedom, even when delayed. While we reflect on what was lost, and our spirits are renewed by the many ways black Americans have contributed to science, the arts and inventions, there is more work to be done,” said Project 21 member Melanie Collette.

“Juneteenth provides an opportunity to be refreshed with a view toward the future. Continued work toward necessary reforms like those in Project 21’s “Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America” is critical to the success of black America.”

Learn more about Melanie over at: NationalCenter.org

7:35 Jeremy Dys, an attorney with First Liberty chats with Bill.

Monday the Supreme Court of the United States announced that it reversed a decision the state of Oregon that forced bakers Aaron and Melissa Klein out of business by penalizing them $135,000 for refusing to create a government-approved message.  The case was sent back to the Oregon courts for further review in light of its Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.  The Kleins are represented by First Liberty Institute and Boyden Gray & Associates.

“This is a victory for Aaron and Melissa Klein and for religious liberty for all Americans,” said Kelly Shackelford, President, CEO, and Chief Counsel to First Liberty. “The Constitution protects speech, popular or not, from condemnation by the government.  The message from the Court is clear, government hostility toward religious Americans will not be tolerated.”

Former Ambassador to the European Union, C. Boyden Gray and Adam Gustafson, of Boyden Gray & Associates, First Liberty network attorneys, are the lead appellate counsel for the case.

In Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, the Justices reminded government officials that they cannot be hostile to the free exercise of the religious beliefs of its citizens.

The State of Oregon’s Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) found that the Kleins had had violated Oregon’s public accommodations statute after Aaron and Melissa declined to design and create wedding cake celebrating a same-sex marriage.  In addition to the $135,000 penalty for “emotional damages,” BOLI issued a gag order, preventing them from even talking about their actual beliefs.  As a result, the Kleins were forced to shut down their bakery. Aaron and Melissa appealed the BOLI ruling to the Oregon Court of Appeals in April 2016. The Oregon Court of Appeals reversed the gag order but otherwise upheld the decision of BOLI in December 2017.

To learn more about the case, visit KleinFacts.com.

8:10 Ken Oliver-Mendez with  MRC Latino, talks with Bill today. Today, we’re discussing Univision’s court battle over the 2020 Census question regarding citizenship.

The battle to include a question on citizenship status in the upcoming 2020 U.S. Census has driven Univision beyond its usual brand of activism. Now, the network has evolved into being an active participant in the legal proceedings surrounding the question. Never mind that Mexico, Canada, and Spain all pose citizenship questions. Univision has taken it upon itself to “Stand Up for Hispanic America”, facts notwithstanding.

For years, we’ve posited that Univision primarily exists as an immigration special-interest group with a TV studio. The network’s “Hispanic America” language belies the fact that most of its audience is out West. There is no monolithic “Hispanic America”, and the 2016 election proved that Univision neither speaks for the community, nor has the power to persuade it to the extent of flipping a presidential election.

This legal action now suggests an evolution in furtherance of that special interest, and raises questions as to how far Univision might be willing to go.


Bill’s Guests: Monday, June 17, 2019

6:35 Dr. Vicki E. Alger, Senior Fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum, talks with Bill. It’s Common-Core’s 10th birthday. And, well, I’m not sure who really cares? We’ll talk with Dr. Alger about why there’s not really any reason to celebrate.

Here’s a snippet of Dr. Alger’s article from IWF.org…

“Common Core turns ten this month, but results from a new report suggest there’s not much reason to celebrate.

Researchers with the federally-funded Center on Standards, Alignment, Instruction and Learning (C-SAIL) examined fourth- and eighth-grade reading and math performance changes from 2010 through 2017 on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Chalkbeat’s Matt Barnum reports that the CAIL study: “…shows that states that changed their standards most dramatically by adopting the Common Core didn’t outpace other states on federal NAEP exams. By 2017 — seven years after most states had adopted them — the standards appear to have led to modest declines in fourth-grade reading and eighth-grade math scores. “It’s rather unexpected,” said researcher Mengli Song … “The magnitude of the negative effects tend to increase over time. That’s a little troubling.”

Click below to read the entire article.

Common Core: A Decade of Making American Education (Even) Worse

More about Dr. Alger and the IWF.

Bio: http://www.independent.org/aboutus/person_detail.asp?id=1437

Author of Failure: The Federal Miseducation of America’s Childrenhttp://www.independent.org/store/book.asp?id=119

Facebook: VickiEAlgerPhD, @independentwomensforum

Twitter: @vickiealgerphd, @iwf

7:10 Outdoor Report with Greg Roberts from RogueWeather.com.

7:35 John Perazzo, Managing Editor of DiscoverTheNetworks.org and the author of Betrayal: The Democratic Party’s Destruction of America’s Cities. talks with Bill.

Filmmaker Ava DuVernay’s new Netflix series, When They See Us, is being billed as an important exposé of the American criminal justice system’s racist underbelly. As a review explains, it is the “riveting” story of how that system coerced and intimidated five innocent “teenage boys of color” into confessing to the highly publicized “rape and vicious assault of Trisha Meili, a white investment banker,” in New York’s Central Park on April 19, 1989.

We are told that the boys – Kharey Wise, Antron McCray, Yusef Salaam, Kevin Richardson, and Raymond Santana – tragically had “their youth snatched from them” by the false convictions and the subsequent prison sentences that they served. In a similar vein, another review lauds DuVernay for her success in “humanizing” these same “innocent young black and brown” victims of institutionalized “abuse, mistreatment and manipulation.” A New York Times headline depicts DuVernay’s series as “The True Story of How a City in Fear Brutalized the Central Park Five.”

It’s a story we’ve all heard many times before. And it is a damnable, disgusting lie.

Ava DuVernay’s racist propaganda film targeting whites, characterizes them as “disgusting” expressions of anti-black racism. DuVernay’s interpretation of Trump’s words, along with her whitewashing of the Central Park Five’s horrific crimes, demonstrate just how morally sick the modern Left has become.

8:10 Dr. Dennis Powers in studio for “What Made Southern Oregon Great” Check out Dr. Powers’ other works over at his website: DennisPowersBooks.com.

The City of Phoenix

By Dennis Powers

The first resident of what later became Phoenix was Samuel Colver, who in 1851 took out a donation land claim. He built a cabin on what is presently Highway 99 in Phoenix. With the discovery of gold in Jacksonville, miners and settlers came into the Rogue Valley in numbers, including around where Colver had his land. In 1854, he laid out the town, which was known then as Gasburg.

As the story goes, numbers of young bachelors were in the town and working at the local flour mill, but with very few young, marriageable women. Kate Clayton was helping to cook for the men at the mill and had different admirers. She was about twenty years old, but had a remarkable ability to carry on different conversations with her smitten men, while she was cooking at the same time. Owing to her skills at conversation and not missing an order, she received the nickname of “Gassy Kate.” When the men were deciding on the name for the town, the men came to naming it after Kate as “Gasburg.”

The owner of the grist mill was Sylvester Wait, who was also an agent for the Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut. When the post office was established at the mill in 1857, he took the large metal, insurance-company plate and attached it to the front of his building as the name of the post office. Although it took time for the residents to stop calling the town as Gasburg, it eventually took the name on the post office of Phoenix.

When the railroad came through in 1884, Phoenix was on the line and a possible nominee for the county seat. Nearby Medford won the nod and became the county seat and largest city in Jackson County. The city of Phoenix was incorporated in 1910 when the area’s Orchard Boom was taking place.

Phoenix was and still is centrally located in being close to Medford. Residents lived in homes built over time and commuted to jobs that changed from lumbering, orchards, and agriculture to technology, medical, tourism, and more service oriented. It still retains the charm of those yesteryears.

Sources: Dennis Powers, “Where Past Meets Present,” Ashland, Oregon: Hellgate Press, 2017 (Pp. 383-384); Tammy Asnicar, “Next Stop: Gasburg?,” Mail Tribune, April 24, 2016, at History of Towns (inc. Phoenix); “Phoenix, Oregon: History of the City,” at City of Phoenix: History.
