7-23 to 7-27-2018
Army Navy Marine Story, 5100 Crater Lake Avenue in Central Point is giving away a 500 dollar gift card end of this month. To enter, just drop by the store and enter with your name and they day’s “Survival Word”. I’ll announce the winner 7/30.
7/27: Friday’s Survival Word: “Tinder”
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Bill’s Guests for: Friday, July 27, 2018
6:35: Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government, joins the show from the belly of the beast, Washington D.C. It’s the weekly Swamp Update!
You can get more information from GetLiberty.org, and DailyTorch.com
7:10: Steve Richie with the Jackson County Republicans talks with Bill this morning. We’re talking about the new documentary: “Death of A Nation,” from conservative pundit Dinesh D’Souza.
The Exclusive premiere is next Wednesday, August 1st at 7pm at Cinemark Tinseltown in Medford.
Check out the trailer, and get more information at: JCRPCC.com.
7:35: Rachel Alexander, recovering attorney and contributor to The Stream, chats with Bill. Today, we’ll go over with Rachel her article over at TheStream.com: “ACLU’s New Case: Our Values v. The Constitution.”
“The ACLU won’t look to the Constitution to determine what rights to defend. A leaked memo gives the group’s revised criteria for accepting new legal cases. It lists certain competing “interests” and attempts to weigh them against each other. It calls this a “tension between our values.” It also refers to it as “conflicts between its values and priorities.”
She writes that a new leaked memo revealed the ACLU’s criteria for accepting new legal cases, and they’re not looking to the Constitution. Instead, the ACLU places more importance on defending their liberal “values and interests” over the Bill of Rights.
Get more great content over at: TheStream.org.
8:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors from RogueWeather.com, calls in to bring you today’s wildfire update.
8:35: Wayne Duma, former Director of the Medford Rifle & Pistol Club talks with Bill.
This weekend is the 2018 MRPC Full Bore Rifle Shoot!
WHEN: Saturday, July 28th.
Signups: 8AM
Safety Meeting (Mandatory in order to compete): 8:30AM
Match Begins: 9AM
Entry Fee: $20.
WHERE: White City Rifle Range off of Kershaw, next to the drag strip on Thunder Road.
Bill’s Guests for: Thursday, July 26, 2018
6:35: Eric Peters, automotive journalist and Libertarian thinker talks with Bill this morning.
Today, we’ll be talking with Eric on a new article that penned over at EPAutos.com, “Trump Derangement Syndrome on Nitrous.”
Get more great information, and check out Eric’s reviews of the latest cars, trucks, SUV’s and bikes, all over at: EPAutos.com.
7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors from RogueWeather.com checks in for today’s local fire report.
7:35: Pastor Michael Anthony, author of the book: “A Call for Courage,” talks with Bill this morning.
Author/Pastor Michael Anthony believes that much of the immigration debate is missing the point, unnecessarily polarizing people when we should all agree on the fundamentals . . .
“As someone who is married to a permanent resident alien, and the grandson and great-grandson of legal immigrants, I understand the balance between grace and firmness when it comes to secure borders and compassion. While we should have open arms for the ‘huddled masses’ who want to enter, we must not ignore the reality that there are people who seek the destruction of America from the inside-out, through subversive means.”
“Compassion for those seeking asylum in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, is essential when it comes to immigration law. Yet such compassion must be exercised with eyes wide open, or we risk destroying the very traits that others across the globe have found so attractive for years.”
“A nation without borders is a nation that invites chaos and confusion, not civility and peace. If we ignore our borders, they will go away – and with them the very things that make us a nation of refuge to begin with.”
Find more information and get a copy of Pastor Anthony’s book. All you got to do is click HERE.
8:10: Kevin Starrett from the Oregon Firearms Federation chats with Bill today. We’ll discuss a new initiative petition, slated for the 2020 ballot, that would go to protect firearms rights in Oregon.
Find out more about the fight to defend your gun rights at: OregonFirearms.org.
8:35: Mike Taylor of Hilton Landscape Supply and the Legendary Dr. Michael Amaranthus drop by the studio for today’s edition of: “Whose Business Is It Anyway?”
Get yourself more information at: HiltonLandscapeSupply.com.
8:50 Vince Virdine of Irvine & Roberts Vineyard, and Sarahanne Driggs and Ashley Meyers of the Asante Foundation join Bill in studio.
We’ll be talking with Vince and Sarahanne about the upcoming Oregon Wine Experience, which will be held from August 23rd to the 26th at Bingham Knoll Campus in Jacksonville.You can check out more information at TheOregonWineExperience.com.
Bill’s Guests for: Wednesday, July 25, 2018
6:35: Tom DeWeese from the American Policy Center talks with Bill this morning on the selection of Judge Brett Kavanaugh by President Trump to succeed Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, who is retiring.
The Left is up in arms over how Kavanaugh might interpret law regarding Roe v.s. Wade. But. Should The Right be concerned about his record on property rights? We’ll discuss it.
Tom is also author of “Sustainable: The WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property and Individuals.” The book describes in detail the process being used at every level of government to reorganize our society under the excuse of environmental protection.
You can get your copy by clicking here. And don’t forget, you can check out more great information at: AmericanPolicy.org.
7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors from RogueWeather.com calls in to bring you the latest fire report.
7:35: Jackson County Sheriff Nate Sickler joins Bill, live in studio, for the Crime Stoppers Case of The Week. Today, we’ll be talking with Sheriff Sickler about the investigation into the cause of the Penninger Fire, which claimed the life of a homeless man.
Click here to see the details of the case.
8:35: Mike G, from the Britt Festival drops by the studio to tell you about the latest shows coming to the Britt Pavilion.
Get show times and tickets, all over at: BrittFest.org.
Bill’s Guests for: Tuesday, July 24, 2018
7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself from RogueWeather.com, checks in this morning to bring you the latest on the several fires burning in Southern Oregon.
7:35: Court Boice, Curry County Commissioner chats with Bill this morning. We’ll talk with Court this morning, to see how Curry County is dealing with the elevated fire risk.
8:10: Dr. Jay Richards, Executive Editor of The Stream talks with Bill today. His new book: “The Human Advantage: The Future of American Work in an Age of Smart Machines,” takes a look into why there will always be a need for the human touch in the workforce, because there will always be a need for virture.
Last week, the White House launched a new executive order focused on worker training particularly in the age of technology advancement. This is an effort by the White House to deal with the challenges that new technology poses to the workforce. This dilemma is discussed in a new book by Catholic University of America business professor, Dr. Jay Richards.
You can read more from Dr. Richards, and get more great content over at: TheStream.org.
TO: Chris Stine, Hydroelctric Specialist, 165 E. 7th Street Ste 100, Eugene, OR 97401
Email Klamath401@deq.state.or.us
I implore you to follow the law in addition to common sense, and DENY the KRRC it’s 401 DEQ water quality permit that would facilitate the destruction of the J.C. Boyle Dam.
I refer to ORS 468B.005’s definition of pollution.
(5) “Pollution” or “water pollution” means such alteration of the physical, chemical or biological properties of any waters of the state, including change in temperature, taste, color, turbidity, silt or odor of the waters, or such discharge of any liquid, gaseous, solid, radioactive or other substance into any waters of the state, which will or tends to, either by itself or in connection with any other substance, create a public nuisance or which will or tends to render such waters harmful, detrimental or injurious to public health, safety or welfare, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational or other legitimate beneficial uses or to livestock, wildlife, fish or other aquatic life or the habitat thereof.
The millions of tons of sediment, waste, and agricultural runoff trapped behind this dam certainly qualifies as pollution under the ORS. Were a regular citizen to approach you for a discharge permit to flow millions of tons of sediment and pollution down a wild and scenic river, your laughter could be heard (imo) from Eugene to where I live in Medford. And you would be correct to laugh. Your duty is clearly defined. (back to the ORS, again)
(2) The water pollution control laws of this state shall be liberally construed for the accomplishment of the purposes set forth in ORS 468B.015. [Formerly 449.070 and then 468.705]
468B.015 Policy. Whereas pollution of the waters of the state constitutes a menace to public health and welfare, creates public nuisances, is harmful to wildlife, fish and aquatic life and impairs domestic, agricultural, industrial, recreational and other legitimate beneficial uses of water, and whereas the problem of water pollution in this state is closely related to the problem of water pollution in adjoining states, it is hereby declared to be the public policy of the state:
(1) To conserve the waters of the state through innovative approaches, including but not limited to the appropriate reuse of water and wastes;
(2) To protect, maintain and improve the quality of the waters of the state for public water supplies, for the propagation of wildlife, fish and aquatic life and for domestic, agricultural, industrial, municipal, recreational and other legitimate beneficial uses;
(3) To provide that no waste be discharged into any waters of this state without first receiving the necessary treatment or other corrective action to protect the legitimate beneficial uses of such waters;
(4) To provide for the prevention, abatement and control of new or existing water pollution; and
(5) To cooperate with other agencies of the state, agencies of other states and the federal government in carrying out these objectives. [Formerly 449.077 and then 468.710; 2009 c.248 §1]
Everything about this 401 permit plan violates these standards, and destroys the beneficial use of these waters to the state/citizens of Oregon. No treatment will be performed by the KRRC, they’d just blow up the dam, and flood the river over a number of years with toxic sediment, while hoping for the best. Originally, the plan offered was to dredge the sediments, but then it was “too expensive”. Too bad, I say…follow the law. You wouldn’t grant such an exception for a normal citizen wanting to do this…Why should you grant it to Pacificorp/KRRC?
Additionally, where is the contingency/backup plan if KRRC is unable to perform financially or otherwise? It only has the assets transferred from Pacificorp, and has no assets of its own, or income stream. Where is the evidence that KRRC has the expertise/track record to safely do this? There is none, nor has any been demanded. Why have you not asked for this?
One more time to the ORS:
468B.020 Prevention of pollution. (1) Pollution of any of the waters of the state is declared to be not a reasonable or natural use of such waters and to be contrary to the public policy of the State of Oregon, as set forth in ORS 468B.015.
(2) In order to carry out the public policy set forth in ORS 468B.015, the Department of Environmental Quality shall take such action as is necessary for the prevention of new pollution and the abatement of existing pollution by:
(a) Fostering and encouraging the cooperation of the people, industry, cities and counties, in order to prevent, control and reduce pollution of the waters of the state; and
(b) Requiring the use of all available and reasonable methods necessary to achieve the purposes of ORS 468B.015 and to conform to the standards of water quality and purity established under ORS 468B.048. [Formerly 449.095 and then 468.715]
There is no way you can approve this permit, while following the water pollution laws and policies of the state of Oregon, and not only would approving the permit damage the environment and destroy the beneficial use of these waters, imo it makes the state liable for damages through not following these laws. Do your duty, follow the law and common sense, and deny this water permit. Thank you.
Bill Meyer
3624 Avion Drive
Medford, OR 97504
Bill’s Guests for: Monday, July 23, 2018
7:10: Judge Jeanine Pirro, host of Fox News’ Justice w/ Judge Jeanine Pirro and author of: “Liars, Leakers and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy,” talks with Bill.
As host of her own show on Fox for many years, Judge Jeanine Pirro has seen firsthand how narratives take form, whether they are based in truth or not. In her explosive new book, she will write about some of the most egregious lies she’s seen.
Get your copy of the book by clicking below:
“Liars, Leakers and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy.”
7:35: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors from RogueWeather.com calls in to bring to you, not only the Outdoor Report, but the latest information on the wildfires burning in our region.
8:10: Dr. Dennis Powers, retired Professor of Business Law and local historian joins Bill in studio, for this week’s edition of “Visiting Past & Present.”
Check out more from Dr. Powers over at: DennisPowersBooks.com. This week:
Camp White
Dennis Powers
Medford promoted its “Agate Desert”—a flat area seven miles east—in 1941 as the best place for military training with its topography perfect for needed buildings and parade grounds. In May, the War Department decided that the area would be one of nine new training camps throughout the U.S. A large architects’ office was established in the Medford Armory and staffed to design the camp, including its roads, power, and utilities.
The camp became a priority when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and war declared against Japan and Germany. Five firms combined to submit the low bid of $27.5 million dollars, construction soon began, and work went around the clock under huge lights. Traffic over Crater Lake Highway became so heavy that it was made one-way out of Medford with Table Rock Road heading back in the other direction. More than 10,000 workers were involved and many lived in tent cities.
Completed in six months, the camp was officially dedicated on August 15, 1942, as “Camp George A. White” after the adjutant general of the Oregon National Guard who had recently died. It encompassed 77 square miles, trained 40,000 troops at a time, its building core was a one-mile rectangle, had over 1300 buildings, and was the second largest city in Oregon. Camp White trained the 96th Division, as well as engineering, medical, and artillery units between 1942 and 1945.
Just outside of Camp White was the compound that held German POWs and over 1,600 German prisoners were detained there. The facilities included barracks, mess hall, storage, and offices with the area guarded 24/7. Owing to the war effort, the Rogue Valley was experiencing a shortage of farm laborers; and the U.S. Government decided that the POWs at Camp White would work in the orchards and be paid 88 cents with a bottle of beer each day—a far cry from what U.S. POWs were suffering through.
Even though repatriated after World War II, some of the POWs returned to the U.S. and even Medford to live. In fact, one POW was so happy with his life in the valley, even as a prisoner of war, that he returned 21 years after being sent back to his native country and for years ran a Medford upholstery shop.
After the war, most of Camp White’s buildings were torn down and salvaged for their materials. Structures were also moved intact to the University of Oregon; the bricked camp hospital became the Veteran’s Administration Domiciliary, now operated by the V.A. as the Southern Oregon Rehabilitation Center and known locally as the “Dom.” The camp’s core later became the basis for the White City Industrial Park; and with the unincorporated community that bordered the industrial area, the former camp interior in 1960 was renamed White City.
Sources: George Kramer, “The Oregon Encyclopedia: Camp White” at Camp History (With Images); See also: George Kramer, Camp White: City in the Agate Desert; White City, Oregon: Camp White 50th Anniversary Committee, 1992.
Here’s Devvy Kidd’s, (who appeared on The Bill Meyer Show this morning), article that tells of what’s in store for Josephine County.
“Earlier this year, Pacific Power began installing throughout Oregon what are known as ‘smart’ meters to replace the long reliable and non-deadly analog meters found on homes and businesses in every state of the Union. They are finish installing Smart Meters in Jackson County. NWV was told that they will start installing the not-so Smart Meters in Josephine County soon.”
Read the entire article: “Tragically, Josephine County Soon To Be Bombarded With Dangerous Smart Meters,” over at: NewsWithViews.com. Also, you can read more at Devvy’s own website: Devvy.com.
Bill’s Guests for: Friday, July 20, 2018
6:35: Eric Peters, automotive journalist and Libertarian thinker chats with Bill this morning. Well, there’s a push to put smaller engines in cars now. Are we saving lots of fuel? And what is the cost?
Read Eric’s article: “False Flag Efficiency,” and you can also check out his reviews of the latest cars, trucks, SUV’s and bikes, all over at EPAutos.com.
7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outoors/Fireman from RogueWeather.com, calls in to bring you not only the Friday, Outdoor Report, but the latest information on wildfires burning in our region.
7:35: Devvy Kidd, an activist and author from the great state of Texas chats with Bill. We continue our discussion on the onset of smart meters on the populace, which Devvy has been fighing in The Lone Star State. We’ll get her take.
You can read more from Devvy over at: NewsWithViews.com.
8:35: Rich Outfleet & Kenda Lindsey drop by the studio today, to talk about the upcoming, 9th Annual High Five Tour – Wounded Warriors Family Support at Crater Lake Ford Lincoln. Wounded Warriors Family Support’s 9th Annual High Five Tour is a road trip across America thanking our country’s military families. Come out and support their mission by signing your name on the famous High Five Tour 2018 Ford F-150 Raptor.
WHEN: Saturday, July 21st, from 2PM to 4PM.
WHERE: Crater Lake Ford/Lincoln @ 2611 Biddle Road in Medford.
Latest Opinion article from Capt. William E. Simpson at MyOutdoorBuddy.com. Here is further discussion on the Klamath Dams Removal Project.
“Have you seen any of the species in the photo above in or around the lakes behind the Klamath River dams? Have you seen any other odd or rare animals or plants? This information could be valuable!
You can read the full article by clicking below!
“Endangered Species Losing to Klamath River Dam Removal“
Bill’s Guests for: Thursday, July 19, 2018
6:35: Jim Ludwick with Oregonians for Immigration Reform talks with Bill today. IP 22 will be on the ballot this November, and it will be a real shot across the bow of Oregon’s Sanctuary City Status. We’ll talk it over with Jim
Get more great information over at: OregonIR.org. And hey, follow along on Twitter: @OregonIR Also, check out: StopOregonSanctuaries.org.
7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Fire from RogueWeather.com calls in to bring you today’s Southern Oregon Fire Report.
7:35: Mr. X, Bill’s crack researcher and Green Mafia expert joins him live in studio to talk more about the deadline for Klamath Dams Removal public comments which is Monday of next week. We’ll also delve into Bill’s conversation with Democratic Congressional candidate Jamie McLeod-Skinner, and the clues to the agenda-based process she appears to back.
8:35: Ira Melhman with the Federation for American Immigration Reform chats with Bill today. Well, are Americans now doing the jobs that Americans won’t do? We’ll talk about it. Also, we’ll take a look at how San Francisco is now registering illegal aliens vote, and other immigration issues.
See more at: FairUS.org. Twitter: @FAIRImmigration
Bill’s Guests for: Wednesday, July 18, 2018
6:35: Mark Seligman, a local citizen acitivist chats with Bill this morning. Mark has a beef with several tax proposals being floated about in the Illinois Valley, specifically in Cave Junction. C.J. wants law enforcement, the only way may be a gas tax, or restaurant tax. Or both? We’ll discuss it.
7:10: Greg Roberts from RogueWeather.com calls in to bring you the latest fire report.
7:35: Lt. Mike Budreau of the Medford Police Department makes his triumphant return to the Bill Meyer Show, to bring to you the Crime Stoppers Case of The Week.
Click here to see the details.
8:10: Phoenix Mayor Chris Luz talks with Bill today. Mayor Luz would like to respond to several claims, made about Phoenix on the Bill Meyer show yesterday, by Democratic candidate for Congress’ 2nd District and former Phoenix city manager, Jamie McLeod-Skinner.
8:45: Mike G, from the Britt Arts & Music Festival joins Bill in studio. Mike is here to tell you about the latest shows coming to Britt. And, we’re almost near the beginning of the Britt Orchestra Season! We’ll talk about that too.
Get tickets and showtimes all over at: BrittFest.org.
Bill’s Guest for: Tuesday, July 17, 2018
6:40: Curtis Houck, Managing Editor for the Media Research Center talks with Bill. Curtis will give an in-depth analysis of the Helsinki Summit between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Read more at: Newsbusters.org.
7:10: Greg Roberts from RogueWeather.com will call in to give you the latest wild fire update for Southern Oregon and Northern California.
8:10: Jamie McCleod-Skinner, Democratic Party candidate for Congress, Oregon’s 2nd District joins Bill in studio.
Learn more at JamieForOregon.com
Bill’s Guests for: Monday, July 16, 2018
6:35: Theresa Payton, CEO of Fortalice Solutions chats with Bill today. Theresa is one of the nation’s leading experts in cybersecurity and IT strategy.
Under President George W. Bush, she served as the first female chief information officer at the White House, overseeing IT operations for POTUS and his staff. Today, we discuss Friday’s Russian Cyber Hack indictments.
You can find out more at: FortaliceSolutions.com. You can also follow along on Twitter: @FortaliceLLC
7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors from RogueWeather.com calls the show, to bring to you, the Water World Boat & Powersport, Outdoor Report.
8:10: Dr. Dennis Powers, retired Professor of Business Law and local historian drops by the studio for this week’s edition of
“Visiting Past & Present.”
The Table Rocks
Dennis Powers
Rising 800 feet above the north bank of the Rogue River, the Upper and Lower Table Rocks overlook the Rogue Valley with exquisite views. The “upper” and “lower” refer to their positions relative to each other alongside the river; Lower Table Rock is located downstream, or lower on the river, from Upper Table Rock.
Approximately 50 to 35 million years ago, the Rogue River and other rivers deposited sandstone and other materials in the area of the Table Rocks. The formation of the Rogue Valley took place some 20 to 10 million years ago with the uplifting of the nearby Klamath Mountains. A large volcano built almost entirely of fluid lava flows (called a “shield volcano”) erupted seven million years ago, and a huge lava flow spread out over the entire valley, from the Prospect area to Sam’s Valley.
This lava mass caused the land mass to rise to the height of the Table Rocks. Over the last seven million years, the ancient Rogue River meandered through the valley, eroding and carving away most of the lava rock. Over the countless millenniums, the Rogue washed away 90% of the lava-filled ground to the Pacific Ocean, leaving behind a few large rock masses and the two horseshoe-shaped buttes known as the Table Rocks. It is believed that the shape of these steppes is owing to the swift river curving around their now outlines.
The Table Rocks also have historical significance. With the influx of miners and settlers into the Rogue Valley, the local Takelma Indians launched an attack in 1853 to reclaim their lands. When the U.S. Army retaliated, the Takelmas retreated to different places, including the natural fortress of Upper Table Rock. The Army sent a peace negotiator, Joe Lane. The Native tribes and U.S. Government negotiated a peace treaty in 1853 that brought about a temporary end to the bloody conflict. The peace treaty was entered into with the Shasta, Takelma, and Dakubetede Indians, collectively named the Rogue River Indians.
Upon Congress ratifying the Treaty of Table Rock, the provisions established a temporary reservation on the Rogue River’s north side that included the two Table Rocks, Sams Valley, and the Sardine and Evans Creek watersheds. It also provided for goods and services for the Indians to farm and ranch, as well as the building of nearby Fort Lane to protect both sides from one another.
A small fort was quickly erected on a hill that overlooks what’s now Gold Ray Road and which pointed towards the Table Rock Reservation. Enlisted men and officer barracks, a guardhouse, hospital, camp store, kitchens, and a blacksmith shop were contained within those walls.
Skirmishes in the uneasy peace continued between the two factions, culminating in October 1855, when a mob killed 28 Indians near the Table Rock Reservation. The Natives responded and murdered some 27 settlers and miners in kind. This ended the peace and brought about the “Rogue River War, 1855-‘56” between the Native groups and white settlers. The Takelma, however (and unlike the other tribes on the reserve), stayed on the reservation and at peace; their numbers sought refuge and protection at Fort Lane. When the conflict ended, they were moved in 1856 to a reservation west of Salem. By the end of the year, Fort Lane was abandoned with scant evidence now left as to its ever having existed.
During the decades following this and to the present, residents and tourists alike enjoy hiking the trails, picnicking, and seeing the marvelous sights. The hike to Upper Table Rock is an easy 2.8-mile trip, gaining 720 feet; the hike up Lower Table Rock is a moderate 5.4-mile trip, gaining 780 feet.
The Bureau of Land Management and Nature Conservancy of Oregon manage the Table Rocks, both with these public-access trails. “Memorandums of Understanding” were signed in 2011 and 2012 with the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde and the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians that were to “allow the coordination of resources to protect the Table Rocks” for the future. A cooperative management plan for the area was completed in 2013.
Sources: Bill Miller, “The whispering walls of Fort Lane,” Mail Tribune, March 28, 2010; “BLW: How Did the Table Rocks Form?” at Geology; Buffy Pollock, “Hiking the Incredible Table Rocks,” Mail Tribune, January 16, 2008; Jeff LaLande, “The Oregon Encyclopedia: The Council of Table Rock,” at Treaty of Table Rocks
Get more great content at: DennisPowersBooks.com.
Foolish former Gov Ted Kulongoski comments in the Klamath Herald and News in favor of Klamath River “Renewal”. I have tried several times to log in and comment on the paper’s site to no avail. I suspect they’re restricting opposition. Will keep trying, perhaps you could too? Here’s my comment:
“With all due respect, dam removal fans are total fools. The Klamath Basin Compact guarantees the beneficial use of this water. Even were Pacificorp to not relicense the dams for hydroelectric use, the beneficial uses for the water remain, as does the legal document. Hundreds of dips were made into the Irongate just this week to battle the Klamathon blaze. The Cascade Siskiyou National Monument would likely have burned without this beneficial use.
In addition, this policy consensus fraud of a process is an offense to true representative government. That policy consensus fraud, btw, facilitated by Governor Kitzhaber first, Gov. Kulongoski second, and continued through Gov. Kate Brown.
Meanwhile the Oregon DEQ is taking public comments for the 401 water permit required to blow J.C. Doyle. Only the most deluded person (or bought off Gang Green crony) would permit flooding a river with millions of tons of sediment and runoff, and not term it pollution. This has been a true fraud and crime perpetrated through an agenda-based process. Resist it at all cost.”