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Lucretia and I were talking about this the other day. Here’s a PDF transcript of two out of three tapes on the “New World System.” Tapes one and two were recorded in 1988 and are the recollections of Dr. Lawrence Dunegan
regarding a lecture he attended on March 20, 1969 at a
meeting of the Pittsburgh Paediatric Society.  Very interesting read – NWO_Plans_Exposed_By_Insider_In_1969-1


Friday 02-18-22 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

6:35 Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government – and today’s DC Swamp update, including an update on the push at

7:10 Mr. Outdoors – Outdoor Report

7:35 Oregon GOP candidate for governor Dr. Bud Pierce

8:10 Dana Bieber of Affordable Fuel Washington – go to to weigh in on this:  

The legislature in Olympia, Washington, is proposing a gas tax on neighboring states: Oregon, Idaho and Alaska. If it passes, potato farmers and truckers will pay 6% more and could worsen inflation concerns. The people of Idaho and Oregon rely on gasoline and diesel from Washington state Puget Sound refineries, and this would create a tax they’d feel at the pump.

Here’s a story you can read about it from an Oregon newspaper as well:

8:45 Open for Business with Steve Johnson from Quik Fix Jewelry Repair in the Rogue Valley Mall.

Call 541-690-1388

A little more about Steve – He became a Designated Master Jeweler in 1975 after 3 years of study with a European trained Master.

 He has worked with insurance companies to re-create heirloom pieces that have gone missing. At QuikFix we have added a great  selection of watch bands and the very affordable and rugged Mason brand of watches.

Our design center has become invaluable. Having the ability to see illustrations and selections of styles larger than life on a flat screen takes all the guess work out of the creation of that one of a kind special creation.  If they mention the show we have some surprises for them including an exclusive sneak peek at the  new Oregon inspired gift creation? You will be one of the few to see Liana’s carving of the original model and to be able to pre-order your own customized version.

Thursday 02-17-22 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

6:35 Daniel Kovalik, is an adjunct professor of law at the University of Pittsburgh, and author of The Plot to Scapegoat Russia: How the CIA and the Deep State Have Conspired to Vilify Russia.


An in-depth look at the decades-long effort to escalate hostilities with Russia and what it portends for the future.

Since 1945, the US has justified numerous wars, interventions, and military build-ups based on the pretext of the Russian Red Menace, even after the Soviet Union collapsed at the end of 1991 and Russia stopped being Red. In fact, the two biggest post-war American conflicts, the Korean and Vietnam wars, were not, as has been frequently claimed, about stopping Soviet aggression or even influence, but about maintaining old colonial relationships. Similarly, many lesser interventions and conflicts, such as those in Latin America, were also based upon an alleged Soviet threat, which was greatly overblown or nonexistent. And now the specter of a Russian Menace has been raised again in the wake of Donald Trump’s election.

The Plot to Scapegoat Russia examines the recent proliferation of stories, usually sourced from American state actors, blaming, and manipulating the threat of Russia, and the long history of which this episode is but the latest chapter. It will show readers two key things: (1) the ways in which the United States has needlessly provoked Russia, especially after the collapse of the USSR, thereby squandering hopes for peace and cooperation; and (2) how Americans have lost out from this missed opportunity, and from decades of conflicts based upon false premises. These revelations, amongst other, make The Plot to Scapegoat Russia one of the timeliest reads of our time.









7:10 Adam Andrzejewski (say: Angie-eff-ski), CEO/Founder,

After eight years as a Forbes contributor, Adam Andrzejewski, CEO/Founder of Open the Books, was terminated from the magazine over his coverage of Dr. Anthony Fauci.


“Dr. Fauci is the most highly compensated and visible federal bureaucrat. We all have an obligation to be vigilant—and no government official or bureaucrat who is beyond oversight.” Adam Andrzejewski, CEO/Founder of


Forbes was rattled after one of Andrzejewski’s columns about Dr. Fauci’s financials was highlighted during a mid-January hearing by Senator Marshall (R-KS). Video link is here. Remember – this is the open-mic moment where Fauci called Senator Marshall a ‘moron.’ Instead of backing up a contributor doing real oversight on the federal bureaucracy, the Forbes C-suite caved after receiving a direct letter from NIH press officers.


The last Forbes column that Andrzejewski published was on Jan. 15, 2022, highlighting Dr. Fauci’s combined household income made more than $1.7 million in 2020—the height of the pandemic.


In 2021, filed more than 47,000 Freedom of Information Act requests. As the one of the premier taxpayer watchdog and transparency organizations in the country, NIH and Dr. Fauci are acting like they have a lot to hide.


Auditors at OTB estimate the Fauci household income from fed agencies and entities is between 900K and $1 MM annually—a stunning amount for a supposedly public servant.



7:35 Dr. Diana Girnita—who diagnoses and treats adult patients for a wide array of inflammatory arthritis, osteoarthritis, autoimmune diseases, and osteoporosis—

Doctors Are at a Breaking Point

By Diana Girnita
February 15, 2022

Let’s begin by recognizing that America has some of the best healthcare in the world – the best doctors, highly innovative companies, and top-notch researchers. At the same time, it is complex, bureaucratic, and unaffordable for too many. So, fed up with the floundering and changing government response to Covid and inability to access many of the amazing options available in US healthcare, frustrated Americans have reached the point where all they want is to be allowed to assess the risks and make their own decisions free from government mandates.

So, Americans are now calling for solutions – they are calling for more personalized options – end mandates that keep healthcare costs high and access to care low, and trust Americans to make the healthcare arrangements that work best for them and their families. It’s the direction we need to be headed as a country.

American healthcare has serious challenges. It costs too much, there’s too much paperwork and too many surprise medical bills, and many parts of the country suffer from a lack of medical staff and facilities. But if there is one thing we should have learned from the Covid pandemic, it’s that more government will not solve any of these problems – it would only make them worse. 

The Covid pandemic brought out the very best and worst of our healthcare system. On the plus side are our doctors and nurses who rose to the Covid challenges and the astonishing innovation that brought us vaccines, testing kits, and therapies in record time. On the downside are the government rules that frustrated the ability of doctors and nurses to treat the infected and the bureaucracy that kept the innovation bottled up at the expense of patients who desperately needed help.

A few examples.

First, Washington promised that giving federal regulators total control over the development of Covid-19 test kits would speed up their distribution. Yet there were delays as government test kits proved inaccurate, and labs and hospitals were barred from creating their own. More recently, although taxpayers have provided almost $83 billion for testing, we’re waiting in long lines and struggling to find self-test kits for sale.

Second, Washington promised that personal protective equipment and ventilators would be a priority, but this critical equipment was delayed by regulatory logjams. Hospitals were only allowed to buy masks from suppliers approved by both the FDA and CDC, which led to long delays and shortages in the early critical days of the pandemic.

Third, state certificate of need and licensing laws limited the number of hospital beds and kept doctors and nurses from crossing state lines to work where they were needed.

It was only when officials began removing regulatory barriers – as with Operation Warp Speed, for example – that we began to see healthcare innovation really make an impact. Sadly, for many, it was too late.

But now we have a chance to move in a different direction, away from government-centric approaches to health reform like “Medicare for All” or a public option and towards a “personal option” that expands choice, reduces costs, and guarantees universal access. 

We don’t need a complete overhaul of the system; we need to keep what works and fix what is broken. Here are just a few things we can do to foster more competition, lower costs, and increase access.

At the top of the list, expand access to Health Savings Accounts. HSAs are like 401(k)s for healthcare. Money put into an HSA is not taxed if used for a qualified medical expense. Unspent HSA funds roll over each year and accumulated funds can be invested to cover future medical expenses.

HSAs save money by giving people more control over how they use their healthcare dollars and rewards them for being smart consumers. The problem is they are only available to those with a high-deductible health insurance plan – just 10% of Americans. All Americans deserve access to this important tool for controlling costs.

Direct Primary Care is another innovative solution being stymied by outdated laws. In a Direct Primary Care arrangement, there is no health insurance company involvement. Instead, patients pay a flat membership fee to a doctor in exchange for primary care and preventative health services. But IRS rules limit the availability of Direct Primary Care arrangements. Those restrictions should be lifted.

Some 35 states have certificate of need laws, which require hospital systems and other healthcare providers to get approval from a state government agency before they can build a new hospital, expand facilities, or add equipment – even something as simple and necessary as adding hospital beds – in a particular area. “CON” laws essentially establish healthcare monopolies, usually in underserved areas, limiting access to medical services and increasing prices. They should be repealed.

A personal option would give Americans more choice and control over their own healthcare.  Importantly, it would not require any new taxes. Unlike Medicare for All or a public option, a personal option would give Americans the quality they deserve from the doctors they trust at a price they can afford.



Parent of a local middle school student sends me these screen shots of a survey the child was asked to take. It started off with “Do you feel safe, like the teachers, etc” and then progressed to sexual orientation and other queries. Might be worth asking your local schools about their surveys, and how this helps education? (This was reportedly part of a Social Studies Class)


Wednesday 02-16-22 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

6:35 “Wheels Up Wednesday” with Eric Peters, automotive journalist with

Thought-provoking articles today include:

 1989 Again?

Why Traffic Sucks –

The Audi A7 –


 7:10 Hayden Ludwig, Senior Investigative Research at the Capital Research Center, the nation’s investigative think Tank. 949.306.5658. This is to discuss ActBlue as the Dems platform of choice

7:35 Judy Ahrens – We’re “Talking Trash” and what to do about the buildup.

8:10 Kevin Starrett – Oregon Firearms Federation Is this the weirdest political season EVER?

 8:45 “Open For Business” with Matt Allen of Reverse Mortgage Funding LLC. Matt and I talk about what Reverse Mortgages do, if they’re right for you, the advantages of getting a reverse mortgage as part of a retirement strategy. Call Matt at 541-897-4464 to find out more. 

541-897-4464 Cell:  541-324-8887


Tuesday 02-15-22 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

7:10 John R. Lott, Jr., Ph.D. President Crime Prevention Research Center
A ban on the vast majority of handguns doesn’t amount to “reasonable” regulation, yet that’s what Joe Biden proposes. Here’s the latest from Dr. Lott:

7:35 Josephine County Commissioner Herman Baertschiger discusses the governor’s race, other political news and views, and what’s next for Flying Lark and Travis Boersma?

8:10 Kerry McQuisten, mayor of Baker City, Oregon, and GOP candidate for Oregon Governor.

8:45 Open for Business –  Jamie Batte, Broker with TruHome – Jamie is the sponsor of our weekly “Real Estate Spotlight”, a weekly discussion of Real Estate Opportunities and Info in the Rogue Valley. Today we discuss the opportunity to make money by investing moneyin multifamily housing.

 Email Jamie for more information


713 S Riverside Ave

Medford OR 97501


Monday 02-14-22 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

6:35 State Senator Dennis Linthicum, 

 Defund, Dismantle ‘n’ Saddle

The defund and dismantle wing of the Democrat majority party keeps pushing Oregon towards the brink. It is well known that law enforcement in Portland has been neutered, with the district attorney failing to prosecute most of the violent criminals that rioted throughout 2021. The unwarranted, non-peaceful, and extremely violent riots that ravaged the streets of Oregon’s largest city are not one-off occurrences but are exploding in major Democrat bastions of control. This illustrates a trend in the dogmatism that claims, crimes committed by the Woke, Antifa or Leftists, of any stripe, aren’t real crimes.

Following this trend, the Senate Judiciary Committee has gone one step further. Senate Bill 1510 removes common-sense traffic safety measures, like functional headlights and taillights and passed out of the committee with the Democrat majority voting in favor and all Republicans voting against.

Despite unprecedented increases in traffic fatalities in Oregon, SB 1510, limits options for traffic enforcement. “A police officer may not initiate a traffic violation stop for unlawful use or failure to use lights”, such as, (a) a headlight; (b) a taillight; (c) a brake light ; (d) a taillight that does not emit red light as required; or, (e) a registration plate light.

Are we making the claim that two headlights, two taillights, and two brake lights aren’t important, or are we promoting the same disrepair, disorder and destruction that we are witnessing in our cities onto our roads and highways?

Additionally, Legislative Counsel published an opinion which found language in the bill may allow for racial discrimination. While the bill does not explicitly mention race-based discrimination, the opinion discussed the use of a term, “culturally responsive organizations,” which could be interpreted as a proxy for race. A portion of their review follows:

“[C]ulturally specific organization by definition “serves a particular cultural community [and] is primarily staffed and led by members of that community.” “Cultural community” is not synonymous with race. However, coupled with the Justice Reinvestment Equity Program’s express purpose of “promot[ing] racial equity [and] reduc[ing] racial disparities,” it is possible that in the implementation of the program, “cultural community” could be interpreted as a proxy for a specific racial group, and the program could provide grant funds to an organization based on the organization’s explicit categorization of persons it has served or will serve based on race.”

SB 1510 will go to the Ways & Means Committee for a financial review.

The next bill, Senate Bill 1568 would create a new unelected and unaccountable board to consider the release of criminals from prison. Board members will be appointed by the Governor, without any input or confirmation from the Senate. The board will not include any representatives from law enforcement or victim advocates. The bill also gives the board power to grant criminals  “get-out-of-jail-early-cards” during a declared a state of emergency, like when the Governor shut down businesses and required healthy Oregonians to stay home under the pretense of “being safe.”

The last bill, Senate Bill 1529-2, is the item that rubs salt into the open wounds of Oregon’s unemployed, the bankrupted main-street economy, the students whose schools are closed or saddled with ridiculous masking requirements, and those suffering from hopelessness and depression after experiencing the dramatic unconstitutional attacks on human dignity and liberty at the hands of the elite.

Essentially, the “gut and stuff” Dash-2 amendment saddles Oreognians with another layer of authoritarian hierarchy. The amendment redefines a “Public Health Emergency” to include the determination made by the Public Health Director. This moves the Public Health Director from a position as an advisor to the governor, to the governor’s equivalent when it comes to declaring a health emergency.

This is also a convenient construct to by-pass the our next level-headed Governor, who may be reluctant to whimsically shut-down our main-street and rural economies. The last thing Oregonians need is another out-of-touch administrator telling us how to live our lives.

Let your Legislators know how you feel!  

For a customizable letter regarding SB 1529- Click the following link




7:10 Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD, (Oakland-California) board-certified anesthesiologist and immediate past President of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons


Dr. Singleton is a board-certified anesthesiologist. She is past President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). She graduated from Stanford and earned her MD at UCSF Medical School. Dr. Singleton completed 2 years of Surgery residency at UCSF, then her Anesthesia residency at Harvard’s Beth Israel Hospital. While still working in the operating room, she attended UC Berkeley Law School, focusing on constitutional law and administrative law. She interned at the National Health Law Project and practiced insurance and health law. She teaches classes in the recognition of elder abuse and constitutional law for non-lawyers. She lives in Oakland, Ca. Website:; Twitter: @MSingletonMDJD.

It’s Black History Month: Let’s Get Real

By Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD

I knew we were turning the corner on Covidmania when I walked by two little girls, one black, one white, playing on their front lawn. They had cheerful, mask-free glowing smiles. They proudly showed me the twisty little creatures they made with pipe cleaners. What a welcomed sight!

As Covid fear was waning, unnerved by the thought that we might regain our happy lives, the government-media complex blared that our society is systemically infected with racism and white people must repent.

The deafening drumbeat of race, racism, and more race is leaving its mark. New York City is using race as a criterion allocating Covid-19 treatments. That will certainly erode trust in the medical system. President Biden is undermining the legitimacy of the Supreme Court by pledging to fill a vacancy, not the best person, but a black female. The issue is not that black female bright legal scholars do not exist, but that the only stated criteria were gender and skin color. Of course, it didn’t matter that Bush nominee former California Supreme Court Justice Janice Rogers Brown was a black female when her confirmation for the U.S. Court of Appeals for D.C. was delayed for two years for the crime of not supporting affirmative action.

To prove their anti-racist creds schools, corporations, and government entities instituted diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) “training.” Is that like house-breaking a dog? Are white people to be figuratively rapped on the nose with an old newspaper? And if obedience school is unsuccessful, we can tax them into submission.

California’s year-old, “first-of-its-kind” Reparations Task Force has determined that reparations should be limited to descendants of slaves who were “kidnapped from their homeland.” Black immigrants are excluded because they have a country to which they can return if they are unhappy with the racist United States. Missing the irony, California’s black female slave descendant Secretary of State posited that Barack Obama had the gumption to run for president only because he was not a descendant of slaves. Thus, he was not—these many generations later—“stunted” by the psychological impact of slavery that left slaves with only enough energy to merely survive. Moreover, Obama did not have limitations “drilled in his psyche.” Exactly who is doing the drilling today? California elected officials? Television shows with black stars? Teachers? Homeboys in the ‘hood? Absentee Parents?

Wow! So black people can’t aspire to greatness if they had a slave as an ancestor. Talk about the bigotry of low expectations. Show me the excuse for the success of slave descendant entrepreneur and philanthropist Madame C.J. Walker, considered the first female millionaire in the United States in 1910. And James Derham who went from slave to physician and treated patients of all colors in Louisiana in the 1700s.

Mr. Antiracism himself, Henry Rogers (aka Ibram X. Kendi) may have bamboozled corporate America into spreading the toxic instruction to find racism in every action and thought in every minute of one’s waking hours. Disturbingly, the American Medical Association as part of its Health Equity Plan aims to “excise the myth of meritocracy.”

With big money at stake, professional football players are chosen for their ability, not their skin color. Is winning games more important than saving patients’ lives? Should we  not be teaching our students to be scientifically curious, compassionate, and have the health of individual patients as their prime concern. Should physicians not attain knowledge at the highest level possible?

Now it seems that political agendas, not patients have taken precedence. A medical school group called White Coats for Black Lives is making the rounds at medical schools. Its stated goals are (1) to “dismantle dominant, exploitative systems in the United States, which are largely reliant on anti-Black racism, colonialism, cisheteropatriarchy, white supremacy, and capitalism;” and (2) to rebuild a healthy future for marginalized communities by abolishing prisons, establishing federal universal health care, ensuring reproductive and environmental justice, and “queer and trans liberation.” Many of us want to improve health care for those who have poor access—black, white, and otherwise. But let’s not sacrifice quality care for individual patients for a broad political movement.

After two years of manufactured fear, negativity, and learned helplessness courtesy of loudmouthed ideologues fomenting unrest, we need a dose of reality. White people are not stamped with the mark of the devil. Every friendly gesture is not a feeble attempt at reparations. It’s just a fellow human being cheerful. Plenty of black and other persons of color have intelligence, strength and ingenuity. We are able to do more than merely survive.

As Ezra Pound said, “a slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.” Don’t wait. Free yourselves.






7:35 State representative Kim Wallan




The House Republicans have the ability to walk out any time they feel Democrats are pushing policies bad for Oregonians. Tuesday’s vote was simply for House Rules, it does not and will not stop House Republicans from walking out in the future of this 35 day short session.”

But the vote in question was on the House Rules, which included a prohibition on walk outs. So, 

1) How can you walk out anytime? 

2) Do you not feel that bills that destroy our school boards, allow felons to vote from prison, end the cops ability to stop cars without working safety equipment (because according to the sponsors black and brown people are being killed by police for missing taillights) and new mandates from urban democrats on rural farmers and ranches are not policies “bad for Oregonians?”

She goes on to say:

Oregon House Republicans have bills to curtail Governor’s Over Reach, create transparency in school curriculums, support police, end mandates and more. We cannot do the work by walking out at this point. We will be fighting against Ag Overtime, and pro criminal bills coming from Democrats at the same time. If we walk out, the Governor will just push these policies through executive order.

Which of these bills is moving forward and has any likelihood of passage? What are you doing to “fight pro criminal bills” that will make any difference? If you walk out and the governor pushes these policies through executive order, how will that be different than if the legislature passes them because you were on the floor to allow a vote? Since you can’t stop anything the Democrats have decided to pass, why not simply make the governor own them?



8:10 Dr. Dennis Powers, with this week’s “Where Past Meets Present”.


Klamath Junction (and Emigrant Lake)

By Dennis Powers

The Hudson Bay trappers in the mid-1800s followed Indian and animal trails over the Siskiyou’s from California; over time, this path was widened to a rutted, then somewhat maintained toll road. This passage wound its way to a forgotten fork in the road that became named Klamath Junction.

Isaac and Elizabeth Hill with their family traveled from Tennessee and settled on a donation claim, several miles at the fork southeast of now Ashland. They had actually arrived in Oregon “wealthy in livestock and possessions,” but a hard winter and a rocky path, instead of a wagon trail to the Willamette Valley, left them broke, wagon-less, and on foot as they found the Valley.  

The men built a small one-room, dirt-floor cabin with holes for windows, while the women lived for several months at Fort Wagner, a fortified house in what is now Talent, owing to the wars between the settlers and the Indians. By farming, raising fruit, and hard work, Klamath Junction slowly built up over the years.

When the Talent Irrigation District constructed a 110-foot concrete-arched dam to impound upper Bear Creek Basin water (for irrigation and some flood-control capacity), Emigrant Lake in 1926 was created. This gave an irrigation boost to area farming, as well as the peaches and pears needed by Harry and David. That same year, the former wagon/stagecoach trail became improved to become Highway 99, which reached Klamath Junction at the bottom of the grade from the Siskiyou Summit–or where the Ashland-Klamath Falls Highway (known today as Highway 66, or the Green Springs Highway) met the Pacific Highway (Highway 99).

This combination formed a place where tourists and residents alike traveled between Ashland, Klamath Falls, and the Siskiyou Summit. By the 1930’s, several houses, two gas stations, a garage (“Caton’s”), café (“Hill’s Café”) and a roadhouse (“The Dutch Mill”, also the dance hall) comprised the town. The Klamath County Chamber of Commerce operated a visitor bureau with a dining room, campground, and exhibit hall displaying Klamath products. By now, the pioneers had planted abundant orchards, complete with a packinghouse and apple press.  

A much larger earthen dam, nearly doubled to 204 feet high, greatly expanded the lake in 1960, when the Bureau of Reclamation built what is seen today. The bureau had to buy out homesteads in what became the 806-acre lake bed. As this would also flood the pioneer cemetery, founded by the Hill Family, workers dug up members of these and other families (dating back to the 1850’s) to relocate them to higher ground that overlooked the lake. Travelers stopping by “for a nickel Coke might have had work done on their Edsel” once before, but that now was underwater for more regional irrigation.

Omer and Hazel Hill had sold Hill’s Café some years before and moved to Ashland to start “Omar’s Restaurant.” Caton’s garage moved next to Omar’s. People and businesses left, as Klamath Junction was condemned to a watery grave. The Green Springs Highway now heads into the lake, disappears, only to re-emerge on the other side; and the highway was re-routed around the man-made lake.  

Drought conditions show Junction remains. The reservoir seven miles southeast of Ashland in 2014 was at 10% of its capacity, the lowest since the 1994 drought. This level was one of the five driest seasons observed there, as it was built to a capacity of 40,570 acre-feet. Boat ramps were left dry, turning the lake bed into a “mucky plain” and revealing mud-caked, old building foundations, debris, and scattered tools at the site: plus remnants of an old, protruding pipe; an old, exposed Capri tire, along with bolts, washers, metal tubing, and brass door latches.

From pioneer days to cars, trucks, the Internet, and cell phones, Emigrant Lake with its recreational activities, fishing, hiking, waterslides, and more hides what once was a tiny town, whose people moved away.

Sources: At: Klamath County Museum, April 28, 2019, at Image; See also: Lance K. Pugh, “Klamath Junction: History Submerged beneath Emigrant Lake,” at History of Klamath Junction; Mark Freeman, “Ghosts of Emigrant Past,” Mail Tribune, October 6, 2014, at Emigrant Lake and Drought.