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Friday 11-10-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government

In today’s DC Swamp Update it’s a dive into Trump’s legal problems. Also why did so many Republicans (Congressman Bentz Included) vote to pay for the FBI’s new Taj Mahal big building when it’s SO corrupt and nothing has been reformed there??

Nov. 10, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting 70 House Republicans who voted against removing the FBI’s new building in Greenbelt, Maryland in the Commerce, Science and Justice Appropriations bill:

“The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been a cesspool of political corruption for almost a decade, and 70 House Republicans voted today, along with their Democrat colleagues, to reward them by funding a new massive headquarters in Greenbelt, Maryland.  The same House GOP which set up the Judiciary Committee to investigate the weaponization of government just voted to give the face of the weaponization a new dream castle.  The same House GOP which has raised countless dollars and garnered hundreds of thousands of hours of airtime attacking the FBI’s knowing pursuit of false Russiagate allegations against President Trump, just voted to fund a palace for their punishment.  The same FBI that lied to the FISA Court repeatedly to subpoena Trump campaign officials.  The same FBI that spied on congressional staff investigating the FBI.  The same FBI that could not recognize Antifa as a terrorist group, but targeted parents attending school board meetings and Latin mass saying Catholic churches gets a new home that will make their Defense Department colleagues green with envy.  Yep, that is the FBI that seventy Republican House members couldn’t wait to give a massive upgrade.

“The House has the power of the purse.  It is their major power to control an out-of-control executive branch.  And today, 70 House Republicans sent the strongest message possible to the FBI, that they have nothing to fear from any investigations, because no matter what, they will get their money.  This is the true story of the swamp, where what members do on obscure votes on Friday afternoons matters far more than what they say on the Sunday news shows and in the evenings on Fox News. What a bunch of frauds.  Here are the names of those who voted against the Gaetz amendment to defund the FBI headquarters.”

To view online:

 7:35 Richard Emmons, Publisher and Editor of the Josephine County Eagle. School bond goes down BIG in Eagle Point. Given the challenges in education will this be a growing trend?

 8:10 Will Lathrop is running for Oregon Attorney General and we dig into why he’s doing this and what it would take to restore rule of law in Oregon. Will speaks at the Jackson County Republicans in Medford this coming Tuesday night at 7pm!


Thursday 11-09-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Kevin Stocklin is a writer, film producer, and former investment banker. He wrote and produced We All Fall Down: The American Mortgage Crisis, a 2008 documentary on the collapse of the U.S. mortgage finance system.

A new report from Epoch Times’ Kevin Stocklin indicates that the money being spent on alternate energy plans are leading to a “road to ruin.”

Alongside the Biden Administration, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is providing big bucks in an effort to shut down coal and gas plants power. But could this destabilize America’s electric grid?

In a new report written by The Epoch Times’ investigative reporter Kevin Stocklin, it was revealed that Bloomberg is pledging $500 million to shut down coal and gas-fired plants in favor of wind and solar energy as part of a “clean” energy solution. But some experts believe this move, alongside the Biden administration pouring billions of dollars into their own plans, is “paving a road to ruin.”

The goal of Bloomberg’s donation is to “finish the job on coal” and “accelerate the clean energy transition to reach the goal of 80 percent of total electricity generation.”

The Shadow State is available right now on Epoch TV. Those interested in purchasing the DVD can do so here.medford-2040-community-vision


7:10 Outdoor Report with Greg Roberts from


8:10 Diana Anderson, local author and researcher. We dig into the Marxist underpinnings behind Medford’s “Vision 2040” plan. It’s not just Medford…Portland, Ashland, Eugene. Here’s the Vision Plan if you want to read this: medford-2040-community-vision


Wednesday 11-08-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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 6:35 Auto Journalist Eric Peters with a fascinating story about how 20 RINO’s sided with Dems to keep the Biden thing rule for your new car spying on you:

 7:10 State Senator Dennis Linthicum, a brand new lawsuit on quorum denial/M113, and we dig in. Here’s one story:

 8:10 Former Josephine County Commissioner Simon Hare does a deep dive into the Citizens for Responsible Government repeal and replace proposal for the Jo County Charter…on the ballot for May, 2024. Here’s a side-by-side comparison of the current charter and the proposed replacement.


Tuesday 11-07-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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7:10 John O’Connor, is author of Postgate: How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat, Covered Up Watergate, and Began Today’s Partisan Advocacy Journalism and host of The Mysteries of Watergate Podcast. He served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Northern California representing the United States in both criminal and civil cases. Today we dig into the Trump trial in NYC.

A combative Donald Trump testifies in $250 million civil fraud trial

“I became president because of my brand,” he said under questioning from Kevin Wallace, a lawyer for the New York attorney general’s office which brought the case.

At one point, the judge complained that Trump’s responses were too long to what were “yes” or “no” questions.

“Please, just answer the questions, no speeches,” Engoron said before asking one of Trump’s lawyers to “control your client.”

“This is not a political rally,” the judge said.


Before taking the stand, Trump, the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, spoke to reporters outside the courtroom, denouncing the case as “election interference.”

“It’s a very sad situation for our country,” he said. “It usually takes place in third world countries and banana republics.”

‘Numbers, my friends, don’t lie’

BIO: John O’Connor is an experienced trial lawyer, practicing law in San Francisco since 1972.  He has tried cases in state and federal court throughout the country. He served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Northern California from 1974-1979, representing the United States in both criminal and civil cases. Among his interesting assignments have been representation of the government during the OPEC oil embargo of the 1970s; writing Fifth Amendment and “state of mind” briefs for the prosecution in United States v. Patricia Hearst; representing the FDIC, FSLC and RTC during the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s; representing California Attorney General Dan Lungren in campaign-related litigation; defending R.J. Reynolds Tobacco in significant smoking and health litigation; representing Coach Don Nelson in litigation with Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban; and representing W. Mark Felt regarding the revelation of his identity as Deep Throat.







7:35 Josephine County Commissioner Herman Baertschiger – topic today is a recent issue with LCDC regarding fire district requirement before development.



8:10 Jackson County Clerk Chris Walker discusses election integrity questions.



Monday 11-06-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35a Steve Milloy Energy and Environment Legal Institution legal fellow and former Trump administration EPA team member


Former NASA scientist James Hansen recently stated global warming is happening quicker than previously thought, yet all of his predictions fail to come true. On the contrary, Nobel Prize winner Dr. John Clauser has debunked the misinformation about the so-called climate crisis.


There is a significant difference between how Hansen’s climate idiocy is being viewed and promoted versus how Dr. Clauser continues to be censored for real science. Dr. Clauser doesn’t fit the green energy agenda, which belittles his science-based statements.

7:10 Naomi Wolf, author of Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age. Wolf is co-founder and CEO of, a successful civic tech company.

From New York Times bestselling author Naomi Wolf, Facing the Beast is a devastating, detailed account of wrongthink, deplatforming, and an unexpected political, personal, and spiritual transformation that followed during one of the most divisive times in American history.

In this uncompromising investigation into today’s most urgent issues, Naomi Wolf uses her own wildly politicized pilgrimage―from New York Times bestselling author and high-level Democratic consultant to a journalist cast out from the elite political and social circles she once moved through―as a stunning narrative framework that is both chilling and incisive.

Wolf’s sin? Doing the job that good journalists once prided themselves on: asking questions, challenging authority, and, during one of the most politically divisive moments in modern history, exposing the many failures of the public health response during the COVID-19 pandemic by chronicling the dangerous descent of our democracy into tyranny, censorship, and totalitarianism.

BIO: One of the world’s most influential feminists, Dr. Naomi Wolf doesn’t just comment on the world’s most pervasive problems, she aims to solve them. Dr. Wolf is a bestselling author, columnist and professor. She is a graduate of Yale University and received a doctorate from Oxford. She is co-founder and CEO of, a successful civic tech company. A charismatic personality with a passion for activism, Dr. Wolf has long challenged conventional narratives on gender, foreign policy, economics, and journalism. In her speeches and seminars, she exposes the threats to liberty and democracy, providing audiences with the tools to fight back against powerful institutional forces. Wolf has written eight bestselling works of nonfiction, including The Beauty Myth, Give Me Liberty and The End of America.







The Living Memorial Sculpture Garden

By Dennis Powers


The Living Memorial Sculpture Garden (“LMSG”) is located on the northwestern slope of Mt. Shasta, 13 miles north of the City of Weed, on Highway 97 in the Goosenest Ranger District of the Klamath National Forest in Siskiyou County, California. The area rests on 136 acres of land provided by the USDA Forest Service (“USFS”), which were replanted with tens of thousands of trees by countless volunteers. The trees are a living tribute to all veterans who have sacrificed their lives in war and peace. The site includes an impressive memorial wall and ten large, metal sculptures by artist Dennis Smith.


Ric Delugo, an artist and Vietnam vet, in the summer of 1987 envisioned a living memorial at first for Vietnam veterans: a dedicated forest grove consisting of more than 58,000 trees, one planted for each American service person killed in the Vietnam War. He explained his idea to a friend, John Sutter of the USFS, who guided the project through the bureaucratic process.

Over time, the concept came to include a broader understanding of war and its effects upon all persons caught up in this. Delugo’s vision included the installation of a series of metal sculptures, and he spent weeks tracking down an old friend and artist, Dennis Smith, a Marine veteran of Vietnam, who had a talent for making large steel sculptures.


In 1988, Dennis arrived in Siskiyou County with $6 in his pocket. At first, all Ric could offer Dennis was a place to live and food. But as time passed, they began getting small donations to buy materials and needed tools.


The LMSG started with the acquisition of the land needed. Soon, this idea took hold within the region, as volunteers donated their time and labor, as well as generous financial contributions for the garden’s creation.


Church groups, high school children, 4H clubs, Veterans groups, and the American Legion, among others, planted more than 90,000 trees provided by the USFS. Further donations enabled the building of the Memorial Wall, including a helicopter sculpture by Dennis Smith.

The Weed/Lake Shastina Kiwanis Club later assumed the LMSG responsibility (but when joining the Kiwanis Club of Yreka, the Club has been renamed the Kiwanis Club of Siskiyou). Each year, two memorial services are held there, one on Memorial Day (May) and another on Veterans’ Day* (November)–and call for details. At these memorial services, new names are placed on the Wall. This is an exquisite site that should not be missed. See the website for the images of the sculptures and gardens, which are truly unique.

Source: Living Memorial Sculpture Garden website at Background, Location, and Images; see also Klamath National Forest: Living Memorial Sculpture Garden at LSMG Map.


*Note: The 2023 Veterans’ Day services are on Saturday, November 11th, starting at 11:00 AM.




8:40 OPEN FOR BUSINESS Judy Samuelson talks about their Holiday Open House Monday November 6th thru Saturday November 11th.  Detalis:

Judy’s Florist and Gifts in Central Point is bringing back a cherished autumn tradition!  You’re invited to our Open House every day this week through Saturday, from 9am to 4pm each day.  Judy’s Open House is a way for us to thank the Rogue Valley for another successful year, and it’s timed perfectly to help you get in to the holiday spirit with 25 percent all holiday gifts, 50 percent off all Fall decor, complimentary coffee and cookies, plus lots of advice on gift ideas and decorating for the holidays.  And be sure to enter Judy’s drawing to win free flowers for a year – a wrapped bouquet each month!  So come in and enjoy the sights, ideas, and wonderful scent of flowers and fall spices Judy’s Open House is famous for – going on all this week from 9am to 4pm through Saturday.  We’d love for you to stop by for refreshments and cookies and say ‘hello’.  And don’t forget to take advantage of 25% off all holiday gifts and 50% off all Fall decor in stock for your home and office.