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Thursday 4-25-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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Have you voted yet? It’s voting “season” with a week to go. Remember, friends make sure friends vote no on ALL the county charter measure in Jackson – 15-224, 225, and 226, and Josephine County’s 17-116. By the way a bunch of RINO’s are in play in Jo County – Dems who re-registered as Republican…likely in order to screw around with the 2nd District Senate Race between Noah Robinson and Christine Goodwin. The way to stop them? TURNOUT, TURNOUT, TURNOUT. Tell your friends and family to VOTE and overcome the bad-intent RINOs.


Kevin Starrett at Oregon Firearms Federation blasts away at the fake firearms endorsing groups trying to give pro-gun ratings to desperate candidates. Also takes apart that hack job mailer that was sent out to smear Noah Robinson in the 2nd District Senate race.Read it here:




Wednesday 05-16-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Court Boice, State Representative from Curry County with a discussion on all the recent drama in state and local politics!


7:10 David Jaques, editor at the Roseburg Beacon. We discuss his amazing editorial “Crumbling of Confidence” which is worth reading and sharing –

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7:35 Jared Knott, author of Tiny Blunders/Big Disasters: Thirty-Nine Tiny Mistakes That Changed the World Forever. Knott was a decorated combat infantry officer in Vietnam in the First Air Cavalry Division.

Read a free chapter or two from the book (lots of fun)


Readers of Jared Knott’s book, Tiny Blunders/Big Disasters, will be amazed at the little things that changed history in a big way. Here are a few examples:

  • A single document poorly designed by one single clerk in one single county changed the outcome of a presidential election and led directly to a major war.
  • A soldier accidentally kicks a helmet off the top of a wall and causes an empire to collapse.
  • A small mechanical device several inches long fails to function, which changes the outcome of WWII and leads to the death of millions of people.
  • A man fails to gather his army in time to defend against an attack because of the temptation of opium and a young slave woman.
  • And many more!



8:10 Open phones and a talk with Ed, “Mr. X” and later Kevin Gill from about tonight’s water rules public meeting in Medford. It’s about pushing a one-size all restriction on well permits. State Rep. Dwayne Yunker puts together a great piece here including how to make your own comments HERE:–Dwayne-Yunker-News–Water-Rights.html?aid=reKfRMWxF4Q&soid=1141314707614&utm_source=pocket_saves



8:45 Phil Grammatica – The Medford Rifle and Pistol Club’s Spring Gun Show is this (May 18 and 19) weekend! A terrific selection of antique and modern firearms, rifles, pistols, revolvers, knives, ammo and accessories for sale. Sign up to win a door prize and ask about the Club’s free Training classes for the general public including their Concealed Weapon Permit Classes. The Medford Rifle and Pistol Club’s Gun Show is this weekend: Saturday nine to five and Sunday nine to three. Only five bucks gets you into the best gun show both days. It’s in the blue building on Vilas Road just west of Crater Lake Hwy.


Wednesday 05-15-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Eric Peters, Automotive Journalist from

Today’s Wheels Up Wednesday articles to read:


7:10 CRAIG WHITLOCK, author of FAT LEONARD: How One Man Bribed, Bilked & Seduced the US Navy


FAT LEONARD: #1 New York Times bestselling author Craig Whitlock’s masterful account of one of the biggest public corruption scandals in American history-exposing how a charismatic Malaysian defense contractor bribed scores of high-ranking military officers, defrauded the US Navy of tens of millions of dollars, and jeopardized our nation’s security.


All the admirals in the US Navy knew Leonard Glenn Francis-either personally or by his legendary reputation. He was the larger-than-life defense contractor who greeted them on the pier whenever they visited ports in Asia, ready to show them a good time after weeks at sea while his company resupplied their ships and submarines. He was famed throughout the fleet for the gluttonous parties he hosted for officers: $1,000-per-person dinners at Asia’s swankiest restaurants, featuring unlimited Dom Pérignon, Cuban cigars, and sexy young women.


On the surface, with his flawless American accent, he seemed like a true friend of the Navy. What the brass didn’t realize, until far too late, was that Francis had seduced them by exploiting their entitlement and hubris. While he was bribing them with gifts, lavish meals, and booze-fueled orgies, he was making himself obscenely wealthy by bilking American taxpayers. Worse, he was stealing military secrets from under the admirals’ noses and compromising national security.

7:35 State Senator and candidate for Secretary of State Dennis Linthicum


8:10 Rhyen Stayley, researcher for Parents Defending Education

With the massive increase in school districts across the country using restorative justice practices coupled with the unprecedented behavioral chaos seen in classrooms, Parents Defending Education established a list of school districts that use restorative justice as an official part of their discipline policy and/or code of conduct.


(BTW, Medford 549C is on this list)


Restorative justice is a behavioral practice in the classroom that is affirmations-based and prioritizes students’ feelings through conversation rather than traditional discipline. More and more schools are attempting to use restorative justice policies in their schools, putting students, teachers, and bystanders at risk of violent, bad behavior.


Check out the resource here to see all of the schools in your state using these discipline policies:





Tuesday 05-14-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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Mr. X and I discuss this push to bring the detestable “Policy Consensus” process…pre-determined outcomes, “stakeholder”, and always pushing the “Agenda” of the left forward. My issue is the process. This “Kitchen Table Conversation” group will take a true concern (too many jet boats on the Upper Rogue) and ultimately use it for locking people out of our land and waters. Here’s a link to their info and comment section. Call out this group for using a consensus process when there are other perfectly legal ways to deal with the problem:


7:10 Holly Powers, Jackson County Emergency Manager

Jackson County Conducting Citizen Alert Test

Today, May 14 (between 10 am & Noon)


The County and Cities encourage all residents to sign up for Citizen Alert or review your information in Citizen Alert and make sure everything is up to date before the May 14 test.

  • You can do this at
  • Add Citizen Alert to your contacts! Add the following phone numbers to your phone’s contacts to know when you are receiving an alert. 541-897-8556 and 88911 (text message).

Individuals who have questions about Citizen Alert or need assistance, contact:

For more information and to sign up for or update your Citizen Alert account, visit


7:35 Josephine County Commissioner Herman Baertschiger discusses the notable Democrats flipping to GOP (for nefarious purposes) along with other news and info!


8:10 James Keyes (Former CEO of 7/11 and Blockbuster) on to discuss his recent book Education is Freedom. (I’ve included information below in a press folder and some recent interview links!)


Public figures like Mike Rowe and Elon Musk have publicly denounced the importance of higher education. Many on the right in particular are saying college no longer matters. In general, many Americans are losing faith in higher education. Former CEO of 7/11 and Blockbuster James Keyes is passionate about the importance of college education and speaks about why it still matters, despite the latest news about college graduations being canceled because of Gaza protests.

  • Turmoil on US campuses is concerning but not a new phenomenon: students have historically exercised their right to free speech, particularly during conflict or human rights crises. It’s crucial to avoid blame and overreaction, drawing lessons from past incidents like Kent State, where militaristic responses led to escalation rather than resolution.


  • We must encourage critical thinking: Instead of succumbing to fear and frustration, encouraging critical thinking and active listening from both sides is essential to grasp differing perspectives. We must not be drawn into the chaos by the minority of agitators seeking only disruption.


  • Neglecting education undermines our nation’s foundation of a well-educated populace which is essential for success in the Information Age.


  • Education has become politicized, with blame replacing solutions. Fundamental changes are necessary, moving beyond superficial fixes to overhaul how we teach and learn.


  • We must leverage technology to revolutionize education, transcending traditional funding models through public-private collaboration.



Monday 05-10-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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7:10 Catherine Engelbrecht, Founder of True the Vote, a Houston, TX based nonprofit organization devoted to preventing voter fraud. Today we talk about what influence the illegal aliens brought in by the Joe Biden administration might have on this fall’s election cycle.


Catherine Engelbrecht started started True the Vote in 2009; a citizen led effort to restore honor and integrity to our electoral system. True the Vote educates voters, researches the veracity of voter registries, trains and mobilizes volunteers to work in polling places, and advocates for comprehensive election code reform legislation.


In 2011 CPAC presented Catherine and True the Vote with the Ronald Reagan Freedom award in recognition of their groundbreaking work. In 2012, Catherine was named one of Politico’s “50 to Watch”, given to 50 new and rising talents on the national political scene.


In January of 2024, True the Vote won a monumental legal victory against Stacey Abrams and the left, after a federal judge ruled that True the Vote’s mass challenges to the eligibility of voters in the 2021 Senate runoff elections in Georgia did not violate the Voting Rights Act.


True the Vote has been a leader in the effort to ensure free and fair elections in America. Their work focuses on empowering citizens to safeguard the electoral process and to protect their vote from fraud so their voice is not diminished as we determine the direction of our government and hold our politicians accountable.












7:35 Capt. William E. Simpson takes on a BAD “take” on the wild “feral” horses. Read Bill’s view here:



Capt. William E. Simpson II – USMM Ret.

Founder – Exec. Director – Wild Horse Fire Brigade

Ethologist – Author – Conservationist 

Wild Horse Ranch

P.O. Bx. 202 – Yreka, CA 96097

Phone: 858. 212-5762

Wild Horse Fire Brigade (


8:10 Dr. Dennis Powers, and this week’s “Where Past Meets Present”.


The Boatnik Celebration of Grants Pass

By Dennis Powers


The Grants Pass Active Club has held its Boatnik event along the Rogue River since 1959 on every Memorial Day weekend at Riverside Park (Highway 99 and East Park Street). Taking the entire year to plan, this five-day event is its sole fundraiser and has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past decades for Josephine County’s children and youth programs. With numbers of citizens volunteering, the highlight of Boatnik (named for Sputnik, the first satellite) is its widely known hydroplane races.


The activities start with a carnival on Thursday evening at the park with food, rides, games and activities. Friday usually includes a fireworks display on the river. Saturday starts with the Boatnik parade that ends at Riverside Park; activities continue there over the weekend with sprint and drag boat racing, carnival rides, arts and crafts, contests, Bingo, food vendors, and numerous other events. On Memorial Day, the Tom Rice Memorial White Water Hydroplane Race is on. This event is named after Tom Rice, a local State Marine Deputy who was very well liked, highly regarded, and lost his life in a 2002 helicopter crash on the river. More activities, a free sundae giveaway, and a second night of fireworks follow.


All of the funds raised from Boatnik by the nonprofit Active Club are earmarked for an impressive list of recipients. In supporting different programs, donations are made to 4-H programs, poor children, Pop Warner Football, the Boys and Girls Club, Girl and Boy Scouts of America, American Little League baseball, DARE, high school scholarships, youth soccer programs, and school programs. The club has purchased playground equipment for local parks; helped needy children and families during the holidays by providing toys and coats; and has provided a hundred thousand dollars in scholarships to area seniors since this program’s inception.


One of Oregon’s largest festivals, the big draw is the hydroplane racing. The drag boat racing over the weekend and hydroplane time trials on Sunday focus attention on the coming Memorial Day hydroplane, white-water racing contest. With timing lights and a scoreboard, sheer speed shows when the racers and their boats perform. The drag boats typically race from 120- to 130-mph and can finish the 1/4-mile course in 6-1/2 seconds. The sprint boats can travel up to 80 mph in their races, but with tight turns through the buoyed course in front of Riverside Park.


The Tom Rice Memorial is the biggest race for the annual Oregon-California River Racers Series and is two complete laps at this time between Riverside Park and Robertson Bridge, thirteen miles down the river. Whether speeding over the Rogue River filled with rocks, rapids, tree limbs, other racers, or racing around a tight buoy course, a certain amount of fearlessness is definitely in order. And all of this is for charity.


Sources: “Boatnik: Events and Purpose” at Boatnik; Larry Cathey, “Hydroplane Race Should Be One Wild Ride,” May 27, 2011, Daily Courier; Boatnik 2023 Tom Rice Memorial Race,” at YouTube Hydroplane Video.


8:45 Diana Anderson, community activist, putting on additional free education seminar on fighting the U.N. Globalist hordes. This Thursday it’s ALL NEW information at the first seminar, 6pm Thursday 5/16 at the Central Point Library. A 2nd seminar is a week from Thursday, 5/23, 5:30pm at the Shady Cove Library meeting room.