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J.D. Vance selected as Trump’s VP!







Was really pleased that Trump chose J.D. Vance, Senator from Ohio, for VP. I believe he’s a very good strategic pick for the long-term good of the Republican party. Vance is serious as a heart attack, doubles down on Trump’s agenda, doesn’t outshine the boss but brings an intellectual depth to many of the issues that Trump champions. He’s young with room to grow, I just pray that he will continue to resist the siren song of the bloodthirsty neocons and global warmongers, the kind who care about every other country in the world. (except ours) Vance is no Bush Republican, and that’s a good thing for our future.

 Wednesday 07-17-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Eric Peters, automotive journalist with and a lot of great conversation over:

7:10 Dr. Bonner Cohen PhD, senior policy analyst with the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.



“Federal Judge Blocks Biden AdministrationBan on New U.S. Liquified Natural Gas Export Terminals.”


7:35 Secretary of State GOP candidate State Senator Dennis Linthicum with more discussion on the audit power, and the importance of

8:10 Capt. William E. Simpson talks of more wildlife destruction on the Klamath Dam Removal site. Why isn’t KRRC or other responsible dam removal officials being held accountable for high levels of wildlife destruction?


 Monday 07-15-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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We dig into the security failures of Saturday’s assassination attempt on President Trump. Gary’s book offers an inside peek of the Secret Service and the inner-workings of an agency plagued by politicization and corruption, and why Congress needs to hold oversight hearings before one of the most important agencies in the world suddenly poses serious danger to the President and the nation. Gary provides eye witness accounts and reporting that reveal politicians who routinely break protocols to serve their personal needs, while at the same time the agency doesn’t do enough to discipline those who break protocols within their own ranks.

Gary Byrne served in federal law enforcement for nearly thirty years, in the U.S. Air Force Security Police, the Uniformed Division of the Secret Service, and as a Federal Air Marshal, and is most recently the author of the New York Times bestseller CRISIS OF CHARACTER. While in service as a Secret Service Officer, Gary protected President Bill Clinton and the First Family in the White House.

7:10 Thomas J. DiLorenzo, President of the Mises Institute, a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian school of economics, and individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. He is the author of Hamilton’s Curse: How Jefferson’s Arch Enemy Betrayed the American Revolution–and What It Means for Americans Today.

 GET YOUR FREE COPY OF “What Has Government Done To Our Money” Here:

 Perhaps nothing in financial news receives more attention than an announcement from the Federal Reserve. About eight times per year, the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee meets to formally decide and announce its plans for monetary policy. Every announcement has the potential to cause a rally, or a rout, in financial markets. 

It makes sense that a mere announcement from the Fed has the power to move markets in a big way. The Fed wields vast power over interest rates, bank regulation, and the money supply. When it comes to policies that affect the everyday lives of nearly every American—and even countless people outside the United States—it is likely that no government institution is more powerful than America’s central bank, the Federal Reserve. 

 Yet this institution works largely in secret, has never been audited by Congress, and is virtually never challenged by anyone in Washington or in the legacy media. In this era of eroding public trust in Congress, the presidency, the media, and even the military, it’s quite remarkable that the Federal Reserve faces so little scrutiny. 

 Much of this is because the Fed’s supporters have for decades so successfully spread myths about how the Fed provides stability and prosperity. 

 A closer look at the reality of the Fed reveals that the Fed does not benefit ordinary people nor does it make the economy more stable. Instead, the Fed was the primary source of the forty-year highs in inflation consisting of sharp spikes in food, housing, healthcare, and transportation prices. In many cases, rising prices outpaced wage growth, meaning that millions of American households—mostly those with lower incomes and fixed incomes—have experienced negative real income growth in recent years. Meanwhile, Fed policy has also driven inflation in real estate and equity prices, which has padded the portfolios of wealthy households, banks, and governments. 



8:10 Dr. Dennis Powers, retired professor of Business Law at Southern Oregon University. We talk the Assassination Attempt of Saturday AND Trump’s classified documents case being dismissed by a Florida Judge. More on Dennis at .