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MONDAY 01-31-21 PODCASTS   6AM   –   7AM   –   8AM

TUESDAY 02-01-21 PODCASTS   6AM   –   7AM   –   8AM

WEDNESDAY 02-02-21 PODCASTS   6AM   –   7AM   –   8AM

THURSDAY 02-03-22 PODCASTS   6AM   –   7AM   –   8AM

FRIDAY 02-05-22 PODCASTS   6AM    –  7AM   –   8AM



 From Jessica Gomez: “Oregon high-tech Company Founder and Republican candidate for Governor Jessica Gomez today urged Oregon’s Republican Party to approve a proposal by State Republican Party Chair and State Senator Dallas Heard to open its Primary to voters registered as Independent or Non-Affiliated.”

Question for the southern Oregon Jury – Do you want non-party people to choose the GOP nominee? Why, or why not? We’ll have to talk more about this on Conspiracy Theory Thursday.


 Call Congressman. Bentz’s office

 at (202) 225-6730 or (541) 776-4646 and ask him to sign on the Cong. Chip Roy Letter to not fund the mandates. The following info is from Congressman Chip Roy’s Press Release:

48 Republicans join Rep. Roy in fight to defund Biden’s vaccine mandates

WASHINGTON—On Wednesday, Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21), alongside 48 of his Republican colleagues in the House and Senate, informed GOP leadership that they will refuse to fund the enforcement of COVID-19 vaccine mandates when government funding runs out later this month.

“Congressional Republicans must once again decide whether they will vote to fund a federal government that is enforcing tyrannical COVID-19 vaccine mandates on the American people,” Rep. Roy wrote in a letter to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Government funding will expire on February 18, 2022, unless Congress votes to extend it.

In his letter, Rep. Roy laid out the mandates’ adverse impact on Americans, and their inability to stop the pandemic. “The Biden administration has unilaterally imposed five separate COVID-19 vaccine mandates, four of which continue to directly impact millions of Americans,” his letter reads. “Medical workers, men and women in uniform, federal employees, and federal contractors could face termination if they do not receive a COVID-19 vaccine – even though evidence shows these vaccines do not prevent the spread of the virus.”

The letter also reiterated Congress’ duty to preserve Americans’ liberties and oppose vaccine mandates at any level of government.

“Congressional Republicans cannot continue to abdicate their Article I duties in hopes the judicial branch will rule in favor of the American people,” Rep. Roy concluded.

Cosigners include:

Sens. Rand Paul, M.D. (KY), Ron Johnson (WI), Ted Cruz (TX), Michael S. Lee (UT), Reps. Scott Perry (PA-10), Warren Davidson (OH-8), Lauren Boebert (CO-3), Bob Good (VA-5), Dan Bishop (NC-9), Andy Biggs (AZ-5), Jody Hice (GA-10), Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14), Ken Buck (CO-4), Mary E. Miller (IL-15), Louie Gohmert (TX-1), Alex X. Mooney (WV-2), Matt Rosendale (MT-AL), Ralph Norman (SC-5), Bill Posey (FL-8), Clay Higgins (LA-3), Randy K. Weber (TX-14), Andrew Clyde (GA-9), Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-4), Russ Fulcher (ID-1), Thomas Massie (KY-4), Barry Moore (AL-2), Brian Mast (FL-18), Michael Cloud (TX-27), Troy E. Nehls (TX-22), David Schweikert (AZ-6), Matt Gaetz (FL-1), Scott DesJarlais (TN-4), Tom Tiffany (WI-7), Brian Babin (TX-36), Dr. Michael Burgess (TX-26), Pete Sessions (TX-17), Ronny L. Jackson, M.D. (TX-13), Greg Steube (FL-17), Ted Budd (NC-9), Dan Crenshaw (TX-2), Madison Cawthorn (NC-11), Lance Gooden (TX-5), Mo Brooks (AL-5), Kevin Hern (OK-1), Mark Green (TN-7), Ben Cline (VA-6), Byron Donalds (FL-19), Tim Burchett (TN-2)

 Full text of the letter can be found at the link here.


Friday 02-04-22 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

6:35 Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government, and

7:10 Greg Roberts, the outdoor report from  

7:40 DR. STEVEN PHILLIPS and former patient DANA PARISH, authors of CHRONIC: The Hidden Cause of the Autoimmune Epidemic and How to Get Healthy Again

Steven E. Phillips, MD is a Yale-trained, world-renowned expert on zoonotic infections who has treated over 20,000 patients from over 20 countries. He is well-published in the peer-reviewed medical literature, acclaimed for his work linking chronic diseases to occult infections, and for successfully treating some of medicine’s most complex cases. He specializes in the management of zoonotic infections

Dana is a chart-topping Sony/ATV Writer and New York City-based science journalist who writes a popular HuffPost column on tick-borne diseases, read by over a million people across the globe. Parish was featured on Fox’s Emmy-winning special Lyme & Reason: The Cause and Consequence of Lyme Disease, and is an in-demand public speaker, most recently giving the keynote address with Dr. Phillips at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai’s LymeMIND conference.


Thursday 02-03-22 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

7:10 Scott Powell – More on Scott:


Scott S. Powell has been a fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution and is currently senior fellow at Discovery Institute. Having been a frequent guest on national radio and TV, he has also published 250 articles in such publications as the Wall Street Journal, Barron’s Financial, New York Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, Washington Times, Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, San Francisco Chronicle, San Diego Union, Florida Sun Sentinel, USA Today and some two dozen other newspapers and journals in the U.S., Japan and Europe. He has been called on twice to provide expert witness testimony for the U.S. Senate Committees: the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. 


In Rediscovering America you’ll learn:

  • How little-known stories behind the holidays reveal what’s needed to revive and save America today;
  • Why the genius and simplicity of the Constitution with its checks and balances and protections under the Bill of Rights are the only reliable guarantor of people’s creativity and the flourishing of the nation;
  • How the level playing field of freedom to succeed and achieve success have made the idea of America as a land of perpetual opportunity and progress so enduring;
  • How true leadership, law enforcement and responsive institutions will work now to bring about correctives to problems just as they have throughout America’s 400 years of history; and
  • Why corruption and abuse of power rather than institutional failure, are the chief causes of decline and demise, and what you can do to bring about correctives.


7:35 Mark Seligman, candidate for Josephine County Commission talks about the issues. 


8:10 Glenn Archambault – Farm Services Agency Representative for southern Oregon. Glenn and I discuss the appointment of Margi Hoffman as Oregon State Director for the USDA Rural Development, a fed agency that provides loans and grants to expand economic opportunities and jobs in rural areas. What does this mean for water and farming in the Rogue Valley? What about your well? That and other aspects of this very important appointment are discussed.


Wednesday 02-02-22 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

6:35 Automotive Journalist Eric Peters with and another great talk on “Wheels Up Wednesday” topics which include:

Do Electric Cars Pencil Out? –


Velocity Equity –


Some Reasonable Questions That Deserve Answers –


7:35  Emily McIntire – Candidate for the newly formed House District 56.

(From Her Release)

Eagle Point, Ore. — Emily McIntire announces her bid to represent the newly formed House District 56 running from Eagle Point to Klamath Falls. The school board chair and community leader is passionate about restoring local control of education, beating back government overreach, and securing real solutions for the wildfire crisis in Southern Oregon.

“Change for our community has to start in Salem, and I am going to be a tireless advocate that Southern Oregonians can count on,” McIntire said. “I am thrilled for this opportunity to bring my experience in education and strong community values to complement the great Republican leadership already in place in our state capital. It’s not about politics, it’s about people.”

Emily and her husband, Ryan, have lived in Jackson County and Eagle Point for over 20 years, where they have raised their two kids Grace (19) and Korbyn (13). She was elected to the Eagle Point School Board in 2018 and again in 2021. Her Republican roots run deep with her dad being a former Jackson County Republican Chair.

McIntire looks forward to honest conversations with parents, business owners and community leaders in 2022. She can be reached at 541-326-7847 or via email at


“Daily Horse Dewormer News”

A Japanese conglomerate, Koma, reports results from a Phase III clinical study that Ivermectin is safe and effective against Omicron. (from Epoch Times) The company, working with Kitasato University based in Tokyo, said that ivermectin has the “same antiviral effect” on all “mutant strains,” including Alpha, Delta, and Omicron. Kowa added that ivermectin suppresses invasion of the virus and inhibits its replication.

Links from Epoch and Reuters –……/japans-kowa-says-ivermectin…/



We are not livestock or lab rats. Medical Freedom is THE issue of our time. Congressman Chip Roy from Texas is circulating a letter stating they will not vote to fund vaccine mandates even shutting down the government if necessary. Ask Congressman Cliff Bentz to sign on to this letter, as he has yet to do so. Phone numbers/email at this website: Bentz says he wants to know what we’re thinking, so let him know. This is not a time to be timid about such matters. Vaccine mandates are being leveraged into vaccine passports and total control of the people worldwide. Be respectful, but get busy, k?________________________________________

GUEST COLUMNIST – THOMAS PAINE, “What’s Really Happening in America Today” (Thomas Paine is a pseudonym) Here’s a snipped, and you can read the rest by downloading the PDF

By Thomas Paine*

Both cancer in the biophysical realm and communism in the sociopolitical realm are the exact same energetic functions. They both take the energy from the host, depleting its energy until it kills the host as explained in detail in ‘Cancer and Communism Part I and Part II’ by Charles Konia, MD.(1) (2)

Dr. Wilhelm Reich discovered that in the cancer shrinking biopathy, the biological core reduces its energy production and the entire organism contracts and shrinks. The ability of the cancer patient to produce a defensive reaction to the shrinking process is what is important to survive cancer.

(3) The same is true for America today. The defensive reaction must come from the emotional health and energy from its freedom loving citizens.The question is, do enough Americans still have what it takes to retain our freedoms or will America’s freedom die without a whimper.

In communism, the biological core of free enterprise, capitalism, and personal individual rights, are contracted by the government which metastasizes by overspending, creating unrepayable debt, overburdening regulations, high taxes, union control of both government education and private companies, allowing overzealous litigations,

READ MORE: What Is Happening – By Thomas Paine



Tuesday 02-01-22 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

6:35 Dr. Syed Haider – After Dr. Haider completed his 3-year residency in Internal Medicine at New York Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn, NY he worked as an internal medicine hospitalist for 10 years. He is additionally trained in Functional medicine, Lifestyle medicine and Chinese medicine. Since December 2020, Dr. Syed has focused entirely on prevention and treatment of COVID-19. He was the first physician in the US to widely use Fluvoxamine for the treatment of COVID-19 starting in February 2021. He is now focused on getting prevention and early treatment kits to as many people as possible.  Website:

7:35 Josephine County Commissioner Herman Baertschiger, and we talk the new state legislature session, Russia, frustration with our leaders not “standing up” for the people and other issues.

8:35 Open for Business –  Jamie Batte, Broker with TruHome – Jamie is the sponsor of our weekly “Real Estate Spotlight”, a weekly discussion of Real Estate Opportunities and Info in the Rogue Email Jamie for mor information


713 S Riverside Ave

Medford OR 97501


Monday 01-31-22 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

6:35 Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H is a Forensic Psychiatrist, Jury Expert, & Columnist of “Inside the Criminal Mind in Front Page Detectives ( She is A TV News-Talk commentator on today’s headlines from a psychological and socio-political point of view. She is board-certified Forensic Psychiatrist and an award-winning and bestselling author. She was trained at NYU-Bellevue including the Forensic Unit where all the notorious criminals are held and at Anna Freud’s London Clinic.


Classroom Meltdown: Litter Boxes In Bathrooms For ‘Furries’ & Teachers Sharing R-Rated Stories To Convince Kids To Change Their Sexual Identity – Psychiatrist Weighs In

 “We’ve heard about how kids are suffering from mental health issues more than ever – and it gets blamed on Covid19 and lockdowns. But, the mental illness spike in kids is not only due to Covid. These changes in their world have harmed them, but the secret crazy-maker is what they are exposed to in many schools: a progressive agenda that has gone over the top when no one is looking.”

“You may have heard of ‘Folie a Deux’. It’s a mental illness, a delusion, shared by two people in close association. Each one confirms the other’s psychotic view of the world. This is what is going on in many schools between students and their teachers. And it’s time these teachers are fired and charged with abuse.”

Here are two examples from recent headlines:

1) Though Midland Public Schools in Michigan are trying to pretend it didn’t happen, parents have complained about litter boxes being installed in bathrooms to accommodate those students who identify as ‘furries’, cats and dogs. How far off is this, really, from trans boys being allowed to compete in women’s sports? These kinds of things are mind- bending for kids and don’t belong in schools.


2) A California mom is taking legal action against her 11-year-old daughter’s school district after two teachers secretly manipulated her daughter into believing she was a transgender boy and gave tips on how to bind her breasts. It’s one thing to teach tolerance. It’s another to manipulate kids into doing something life-altering and keeping it from their parents.  

7:35 State Senator Dennis Linthicum talks about the start of tomorrow’s short session, the possibility of walkouts, what bills he’s working to introduce.

8:10 Dr. Dennis Powers Retired professor of business law at SOU, and here’s today’s “Where Past Meets Present”. BTW, that book is available at the local publisher  

The Grants Pass Cavemen

By Dennis Powers

A few Chamber of Commerce members in 1922 showed up at a luncheon meeting wearing animal skins, furs, horsehair wigs, and buckteeth. Fellow members laughed as the group proclaimed their dominion over the country–and their home, the Oregon Caves. The group and businessmen agreed that this would be a fine way to promote tourism in Josephine County. Initiation of members into the Cavemen Club was part of the overall appearance. This included eating raw meat and drinking “the blood of the saber-toothed tiger,” which was Snappy Tom served in a Coke bottle wrapped in a skunk skin.

Wearing their caveman furs, wielding burly clubs, and scowling as Neanderthals, the list of their impromptu event interruptions became legendary–with national recognition. Accompanied by their Cave Queen and Princesses, the cavemen performed “uncivilized” zany acts, such as capturing female crowd members and politicians, and then imprisoning them in a rustic cage towed by a pickup truck. The Cave women would appease any upset ladies by giving them polished stones as mementos or just freeing them with smiles.

The group became braver and even stormed the stage during one local Broadway musical performance (“Hellzapoppin”) to the onlookers’ surprise. With this promotion, organizers typically didn’t care if their event was interrupted, especially given Josephine County’s promotion. As often, this seemed then to improve the event. 

In 1948, Governor Dewey of New York was running for President against Harry Truman. At a scheduled Grants Pass campaign speech, the bus carrying Dewey arrived downtown–but with numerous Cavemen who then “arranged” for the governor’s release after the pre-arranged hijacking. Even the Soviet newspaper Pravda ran the story of Dewey’s cavemen-capture, but wrote that this was a protest against the Wall Street “Moneygogs.”

One-thousand folks in 1960 lined a mile along Highway 199, as they awaited the formal ground-breaking for the Oregon Mountain Tunnel. When state officials headed to the platform to give their dedications, a pack of ape-men suddenly appeared with clubs, guttural sounds, and fierce glares. After some “discussions”, the ape-leader drew a large “X” on the wooden platform that the speaker’s stand was on. Once the Grants Pass Cavemen had given their needed approval, the tunnel dedication could be finalized–and construction was then able to begin.  

Cavemen events ranged from blocking traffic to bidding on constructing the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge (at a cost of 23,756,000 deer hides) and initiating politicians into their club, including Mark Hatfield, Dewey, and other notables from Shirley Temple to Dennis Day. (Debbs Potts was Chief Big Horn, the leader, in 1955.) Honorary members included Babe Ruth, Henry Ford, James Stewart, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan. During their most active years, the Oregon–Grants Pass Cavemen name (by survey) was known by one of every ten people in the United States.

To honor the group, the 18-foot, fiberglass Caveman statue was built and dedicated in 1971. When exiting I-5 to downtown, it’s the first thing seen in front of the Chamber of Commerce building. The caveman is not only the mascot for Grants Pass High School, but businesses from towing companies and bowling alleys to auto parts, the bridge, and municipal swimming pool use “Caveman” in their name.

Although the group still meets regularly for lunch, it has been relatively inactive in their public exploits for years–-a victim of potential liability, aging members, and a society that puts more premium on Facebook, computer websites, and political correctness. But don’t be surprised if you see them one day at a Josephine County event. Or if you are captured.

Sources: Dennis Powers, Where Past Meets Present, Hellgate Press: Ashland, Oregon (2017), Pp. 432-434 (“The Grants Pass Cavemen”); Debbs Potts Historical Museum: “About” at Oregon Cave Men.