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Thursday 02-06-25 Bill Meyer Show Guests
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6:35 Sterling Burnett, Ph.D., director of the Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy at The Heartland Institute
NJ Climate Lawsuit Dropped for Prejudice After Accusing Oil Companies of Global Warming
Months after New Jersey’s lawsuit was filed, accusing American oil companies of causing climate change, the case has been dismissed on account of prejudice.
NJ Superior Court Judge, Douglas Hurd, in his ruling, stated, “Plaintiffs seek to regulate the nationwide—and even worldwide—marketing and distribution of lawful products on which billions of people outside of New Jersey rely to heat their homes, power their hospitals and schools, produce and transport their food, and manufacture countless items essential to the safety, wellbeing, and advancement of modern society—in the process distorting the scope and content of state tort law beyond recognition.”
The Maryland and Delaware lawsuits, making similar such claims, have also been dropped.
Dr. Burnett comments:
“These lawsuits should have been barred from the courthouse from the outset. The operation of oil companies is legal. Those suing have benefitted from and still rely on and use oil and gas in their operations. If emissions are harm causing pollution, then it is the cities, counties, states, residents, and activists themselves, not the oil companies who provide fossil fuels, who are doing the polluting. The development and use of fossil fuels involves interstate commerce and international treaty and trade, solely delegated to the federal legislature under the U.S. constitution. Neither the states nor the courts have jurisdiction here. A non-political judiciary should acknowledge these facts and dismiss all such lawsuits.”
7:10 John O’Connor, is author of Postgate: How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat, Covered Up Watergate, and Began Today’s Partisan Advocacy Journalism
Trump faces legal challenges over firings and executive orders
Read more below:
Deep Throat’s lawyer discovers the Washington Post betrayed his client—while covering up the real truth about the Watergate scandal.
The conventional wisdom of Watergate is turned on its head by Postgate, revealing that the Post did not uncover Watergate as much as it covered it up. The Nixon Administration, itself involved in a coverup, was the victim of a journalistic smokescreen that prevented mitigation of its criminal guilt. As a result of the paper’s successful misdirection, today’s strikingly deceptive partisan journalism can be laid at the doorstep of the Washington Post.
After Deep Throat’s lawyer, author John O’Connor, discovered that the Post had betrayed his client while covering up the truth about Watergate, his indefatigable research resulted in Postgate, a profoundly shocking tale of journalistic deceit.
In an era when numerous modern media outlets rail about the guilt of their political enemies for speaking untruths, Postgate proves that the media can often credibly be viewed as the party actually guilty of deception. Americans today mistrust the major media more than ever. Postgate will prove that this distrust is richly deserved.
7:35 State Senator Jeff Golden Talks SB762 and SB79
8:45 Comic Sam Miller, was to be playing at the old Elks Club tonight but the show was cancelled due to weather. Still, a great guy and check him out at .
Wednesday 02-05-25 Bill Meyer Show Guests
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6:35 Eric Peters at with today’s “Wheels Up Wednesday” talk.
7:10 Legislative update with State Representative Dwayne Yunker, HD3
7:35 Greg Roberts from – how long will the winter cold and snow last?
8:10 Rob Schlapfer from the Oregon Education Project – www.OregonEd.ingo, who gives a talk Saturday 6pm, Medford Library (weather permitting)
Last week Rob was in Salem talking to legislators about Trump’s new anti-indoctrination executive order — which he thinks is brilliant. The new Curriculum Standards Medford and other districts are *now* beginning to use are *clearly* in defiiance of that order. That ought to at least give local educators pause.
At the same time the latest data has come in from NAEP with 2024 Test Scores for K-12 schools. Oregon is #50. The winner, Louisiana, invested in high-quality curriculum to improve reading and math. Oregon invest
ed in Woke curriculum.
8:45 Open for Business with Randall at Advanced Air – talking the latest deals, keeping your heat pump happy and other tips. Oh, and Governor Kotek’s attack on southern Oregon HVAC contractors.
Monday 02-03-25 Bill Meyer Show Guests
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6:35 Edward Bartlett of Save Services
High Court Ruling Spotlights Growing Role of Women in Global Campaign to Help Male Victims
Edward Bartlett, Founder of SAVE, an organization focused on fairness and due process on college campuses.
BIO: Bartlett is the Founder of SAVE. He received his PhD from Johns
Hopkins University. Former faculty member at three universities, and
former federal regulator at the Department of Health and Human Services.
Author of over 100 peer-reviewed articles and editorials. Proud father of
three and an avid bicyclist.
January 29, 2025 –Justice Swarana Kanta of the Delhi High Court issued a historic ruling this past Wednesday after a woman poured boiling water on her husband’s face and chest. Ruling in favor of the male victim, she explained, “Men who face violence at the hands of their wives encounter unique hurdles, including societal disbelief and stigma.”
SAVE’s mission is to assure that every student and faculty
member across America is afforded their constitutional protections of
fairness and due process, especially in the context of sexual harassment
and sexual assault. In particular, SAVE seeks to assure that the federal
Title IX law is applied consistently and fairly to all students, both male and
SAVE carries out this mission through media campaigns , legal advocacy,
legislative activities, and monitoring of university compliance.
7:10 Greg Roberts from
8:10 Dr. Dennis Powers “Where Past Meets Present”
Eugene “Debbs” Potts
By Dennis Powers
Born in a logging camp in Shasta County in 1909 when his parents were heading to Oregon, Eugene “Debbs” Potts was named after the socialist/labor organizer, Eugene V. Debs. (Known as “Debbs,” his middle name had an extra “b”.)
Growing up in Southern Oregon, he graduated from Grants Pass Union High School, worked as an airborne photographer for the U.S. Forest Service, and then ran/owned and operated different sawmills in towns in Southern Oregon and Klamath County. Debbs and his father established Potts Machinery in Klamath Falls in 1932 and later partnered in building and operating sawmills.
With a long interest in local politics, he unsuccessfully ran for the Klamath Falls City Council in 1936 and 1938. After World War II serving as a Chief Petty Officer in the U.S. Navy, he moved to Grants Pass, where he ran for Mayor and won (1958-1960). Potts was elected to the Oregon State Senate for Josephine County in 1960, where he was re-elected several times and served until 1984. While in the Senate, he continued to pursue his business interests, investing in and managing sawmills and other enterprises, including the Hawthorne Memorial Cemetery in Grants Pass.
A conservative Democrat, he and other rural Democrats in the Senate held the balance of power then between Republicans and urban Democrats. His bipartisanship, a “folksy style” and thoroughness brought him to be elected Senate president for two legislative sessions in 1967 and 1969.
Until 1972, the president of the Oregon Senate was acting governor when the governor was out of state, and Potts served a total of 196 days in that role, sometimes making appointments and signing bills. The usual routine duties took a turn in March 1968, when 700 inmates took control of the Oregon State Penitentiary, holding 40 guards and staff as hostage. As acting governor, Potts was there for the suppression of the riot, which ended without loss of life.
In 1984, at the age of 76, a Republican finally defeated Potts, who then was appointed as the first Chairman of the new State Lottery Commission. As a senator, Potts had opposed legalized gambling, but he nevertheless helped make the lottery a near-billion-dollar source of state revenue. After nineteen years as chair, he retired in 2003.
A lifelong collector of historical artifacts, Debbs by the late 1950s had accumulated everything from stagecoaches and classic cars to antique furniture and blacksmithing tools. To commemorate the Oregon Centennial in 1959, he converted 30 acres that he owned along Pleasant Valley Road, just north of Merlin, into a historical replica town named Pottsville. (He had owned and operated a saw and planeing mill at Pottsville for years.)
He was very active in community affairs, serving for decades in the Grants Pass Rotary, American Legion, VFW, Elks (even playing Santa Claus for 55 years), and was Chief Bighorn for the Oregon Cavemen (1955). He was a co-founder of the Southern Oregon Historical Society and Rogue Community College.
Debbs Potts died at his home in Merlin in 2003, just after his 94th birthday and less than a month after retiring. The Oregon State Lottery Commission building in Salem and the Potts Memorial Bridge in Grants Pass are named after him. In 2005 a foundation was formed to preserve his dream of “a home of Oregon memories for the rich and poor.” The Pottsville Historical Museum and Pioneer Town includes a schoolhouse, country store, library, church, blacksmith shop, and hotel. Open to the public, tours of the museum and pioneer town are by appointment thru its website.
Sources: Edwin Battistella, “Eugene ‘Debs’ Potts, Oregon Encyclopedia at Potts Story; Pottsville Museum website at Museum and Town; See also his biography at More Bio Details.
8:40 Open for business with Cheriesse from No Wires Now, call or text 541-680-5875 We talk about the awesome two lines for only $30 unlimited talk text a data no contract offer and other moneysaving deals.