4-06 to 4-10-2020

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Bill’s Guests for Friday, April 10, 2020

6:35 Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government. www.dailytorch.com it’s the DC swamp update, and also a critique of Congressman Walden’s siding with Speaker Pelosi re socialized medicine issues. Here’s the story

7:10 Greg Roberts with the Outdoor Report from RogueWeather.com, and we discuss the fish and hunting closures and how to “work around” them.

7:35 Jason Dudash with the Freedom Foundation talks with Bill about the various lawsuits his group has filed to hold Oregon’s SEIU to account. Fraudulent union deductions, Political Slush Funds and more. Read more here

8:10 Erin Hawley, Senior Fellow at the Independent Women’s Law Center. Wu Flu has shut down or slowed many courts, including the Supreme Court. Is it time to speed them up?? Here’s her take:

The Court Must Continue

Last week, the Supreme Court “postponed” the rest of its arguments for this term.  Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Court will remain shuttered through April. The press statement noted that the Court would consider rescheduling “some” cases from its March and April sittings if public health guidance permitted it to do so before the end of its term in June.  If not, the Court would consider a “range of scheduling” and “other options.” The Court’s missive prompted Laura Ingraham to tweet:

Ms. Ingraham has a point.  With so many American businesses shuttered, government, and more specifically, federal courts must continue to function. The United States Supreme Court is a court of last resort, granting certiorari in only a tiny fraction of the cases that seek its review.  The Court’s own rules governing certiorari explain that review is granted only in exceptional cases—mostly those involving a split of authority among the lower courts or an important question of federal law.  Because these cases are important ones in which a final resolution is important, and because the Supreme Court represents a branch of government, it must be open for business. 


The Court is wise to consider public health guidance–and indeed a number of the justices are at an age where a coronavirus infection could be serious. But the Court has options: Justice O’Connor once proposed deciding cases based just on the briefs. Lawyers often wonder whether oral argument actually matters, and indeed, the bulk of cases from the intermediate federal courts – the Courts of Appeals – are decided “on the papers.”  In most lower courts, it is only the unusual case in which oral argument is presented. Though most of the justices were reportedly open to considering the proposal, Justice O’Connor’s suggestion did not survive Justice Powell’s opposition, “I believe in the utility of oral argument, and also in the symbolism it portrays for the public,” he stated.


If the Court is concerned by the utility and symbolism of oral argument (and indeed oral argument is the most public-facing of the judicial functions), other options remain open to the Supreme Court include doing a (secure) Zoom session for the Highest Court in the Land.  The Court may be disinclined to go this route, as it could open the door to televising supreme court arguments. The debate about cameras in the courtroom has been heated – with Justices Sotomayor and Kagen coming out in favor, and Justice Souter famously remarking cameras would be allowed in the Supreme Court over his “dead body.” 

The most useful route might be to proceed with oral argument via teleconference—with all of the justices and advocates safely in their own locations.  The argument dynamic could be a little difficult and interruptions frequent, but as anyone familiar with supreme court arguments well knows, interruptions are frequent in live arguments, too.

Desperate times require desperate measures, so the saying goes. With so much of our shared American life having been upended, it is important that the Supreme Court find a way to proceed with business as usual.

8:35 Gregory Wrightstone, geologist and author of INCONVENIENT FACTS: The Science Al Gore Doesn’t Want you to know. The economy and CO2 generation by humans has been cratered the last few months…why are CO2 levels in the atmosphere breaking records if human activity is causing it? Greg and I kick that around and you can find more info on this, the book, other posts at his website.

Bill’s Guests for Thursday, April 09, 2020

7:35 Economist and former Trump advisor Stephen Moore from the Heritage Foundation. Much of America has been on a protracted economic shut-down with no end in sight. We all want to control and defeat the coronavirus but what does that mean? Economic Steve Moore studies this stuff for a living and his perspective is here: https://nypost.com/2020/04/05/stephen-moore-warns-us-could-be-headed-toward-a-great-depression/

8:10 Capt. William E. Simpson, winner of 2 seasons of Nat Geo’s Doomsday Preppers – We dig more into the reality of prepping with his latest – Large Scale Disaster – A Sobering Problem – Requiring a different approach.

8:45 “Open for Business” segment with Ryan Smith from Tradesmen International, a company which helps local industries get jobs done with skilled labor. If you’re a company needing skilled tradesmen, or ARE one, looking for good work, call Tradesment International at 541-805-1216, and get more at their website!


Bill’s Guests for Wednesday, April 08, 2020

6:35am Eric Peters with www.EpAutos.com Eric is the “Libertarian Car Guy” and we talk transportation, politics, your freedom and the open road!

Hey, Look – TESLA’S AT IT AGAIN!!!  https://www.ericpetersautos.com/2020/04/08/rescindable-options/

7:35 “Paul From Talent”, former exec and marketing person with Johnson & Johnson, discusses the incredible opportunity for local businesses to protect their jobs and survive the Covid Crisis via the Paycheck Protection Program.

8:10  Steve Milloy , publisher of junkscience.com climate researcher with the Heartland Institute, and author of its new report Never Waste A Crisis: Climate Alarmism Surfs Coronavirus.  It’s a unique angle on the coronavirus crisis – visually showing through 60 tweets how climate activists (and their political, Hollywood, and MSM allies) are exploiting coronavirus to push hard on the climate change agenda.  “Never let a crisis go to waste,” as Rahm Emanuel famously said, and as Heartland’s report shows, political activists are taking that message to heart.  And they’re going to push even harder going forward.


Here are links to the report: https://climaterealism.com/2020/04/never-waste-a-crisis/

8:45 “Open for Business” segment with Kevin from Sweetwater Sanitation  541.821.1426 Information online at http://www.swsmodoc.com/

Sweet Water Sanitation is a septic and grease trap pumping company.
Kevin adds It is important to have septic serviced every 3-5 years to help keep them functioning properly. Septic do need regular service no matter what old wives tales people may have heard. It is important to know where the septic system is on your property so that if it starts failing you notice it and can get it repaired or replaced.

Bill’s Guests for Tuesday, April 07, 2020

6:35am Michael Daugherty, author of The Devil Inside the Beltway.  

Daugherty is a government whistleblower by necessity, and CEO of a cancer detection laboratory by trade. A small business owner taking on federal agencies with courage that rivals David meets Goliath, Michael is on a tireless crusade to honor your constitutional rights and the rights of every U.S. citizen. Michael’s story of victimization by a cyber-security company linked to federal agencies is not unique. That he beat the government telling his story is. HE BEAT THE SWAMP.  In a play-by-play account of classic and corrupt government practices, Michael reveals his chilling tale about how our security is not the safety we think it is. His book, The Devil inside the Beltway, is a must read for anyone who values freedom or takes it for granted. Michael and I breakdown the latest



 7:10 Char Hodel, Owner & Publisher of Collaborative Publishing Solutions – The company releases its new, free Community Emergency Resource Guide on their website, collaborativepublishingor.com, beginning with a preview by individual counties in late April 2020.  The publication, previewed online, will be followed by a print distribution of 10,000 guides in over 100 sites throughout five counties. The guide is the first comprehensive emergency tool of its kind in Southern Oregon.


8:10 Former ICE director Tom Homa, his new book DEFEND THE BORDER & SAVE LIVES

Tom breaks down the importance of border security, especially in the time of Covid.

Bill’s Guests for Monday, April 06, 2020

6:35 Scott Wheeler, executive director of the National Republican Trust, www.GOPTrust.com  Scott is a former television producer and investigative journalist, Scott also is a writer focusing on domestic and international security issues. We discuss whether the economic impact of Covid is more of a national security and economic impact, rather than a medical crisis.

7:10 Outdoor Report with Greg Roberts of www.RogueWeather.com

7:35 Local farmer and elected member of the Farm Services Agency, Glenn Archambault – Any potential problems of a food shortage in reaction to Covid Concerns? Glenn says no, but state land use planning isn’t helping, and we discuss it.

8:10 Dr. Dennis Powers, “What Made Southern Oregon Great”. More on Dr. Powers at www.DennisPowersBooks.com

Epidemics in Southern Oregon

By Dennis Powers

Over time, there have been epidemics of smallpox, influenza, Spanish Flu, polio, and now COVID-19. We have picked three to show the response in Southern Oregon. Although the opioid crisis has been called an epidemic, this doesn’t fit into our category.

Three years after the Civil War ended, we had the Jackson County Epidemic of 1868. An estimated 300 million people died from smallpox in the 20th century alone. Although the effectiveness of smallpox vaccination had been known for decades, very few Southern Oregonian then had be so vaccinated. The sudden outbreak caused fear as over twenty men, women, and children died; some four times that number had been infected but recovered. As Medford wasn’t even a town yet (1884), Jacksonville was the epicenter and its Board of Trustees enacted stringent regulations.

Every person who had not been vaccinated (or “liable for smallpox attack”) had to be vaccinated. Lists of the unvaccinated people were drawn. Anyone exposed to the disease was banned from all public places, including simply walking down a street. Physicians who didn’t change their clothing after each vaccination were also charged with a violation. The fine for any violation: Up to $100.

Funeral processions of smallpox victims were prohibited thru Jacksonville, and only family members could attend nighttime-only burials. County residents who died of any infectious disease could not be buried in the town cemetery on the hill. A “visible” yellow flag and a large door sign of “Smallpox” had to be outside of every home or building where an infected person was living. The crisis passed.

A second was the 1918 influenza pandemic, the most severe one to now. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. Although there is not universal consensus as to where the virus originated, it spread worldwide during 1918-1919 (World War I).  In the United States, this was first identified with returning troops in spring 1918. It is estimated that 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus. The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide with 675,000 occurring in the U.S. (Ten million soldiers, including 117,000 Americans, died during World War I; a total of 20 million soldiers and civilians died worldwide.) The outbreak was violent and lasted 10 months in the U.S, just after the war ended. 

When Medford Mayor C.E. Gates learned people were dying of the 1918 flu across the border in California, he took quick, “very strict” action. He ordered Medford residents to wear masks; told the railroad to stop bringing sick people into town; and closed down schools, churches, and other places where people gathered. The fine for not wearing a mask was $5—which then was a day’s wages. Sacred Heart Hospital in Medford (operated by the Sisters of Providence) dedicated its upstairs floor as a flu ward, and the city of Medford provided bedding. Of 150 people treated at the hospital, 12 died. And 10 died at Ashland’s Hospital. (Ashland officials took a similar approach but didn’t mandate the wearing of masks.) Our rural surroundings, no urban buildings stacked against each other, was another reason—given also the officials’ response—of our “good fortune”.  

Poliomyelitis (polio) is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus that attacks the spinal cord, which can cause paralysis and death–the virus is alive for 6 weeks. Possible complications of paralytic polio include permanent paralysis of certain muscle groups: for example, leg muscles or the muscles needed for breathing. A polio patient with a paralyzed diaphragm would spends weeks or months inside an iron lung while recovering. This tank respirator has a pump that changes the pressure inside a rectangular, airtight metal box, pulling air in and out of the lungs.

Each summer, polio would come like the Plague. Beaches and pools would close–due to the fear that the poliovirus was waterborne. Children had to stay away from crowds, so they often were banned from movie theaters, bowling alleys, and the like. In March 1953, Dr. Jonas Salk announced he had successfully tested a vaccine against polio. In 1952–an epidemic year for polio–there were 58,000 new cases reported in the U.S., and more than 3,000 died. Dr. William Miller co-chaired the Jackson County Polio Immunization program in the 1950s that had the greatest immunization rate in the state of Oregon.

Before the 1950s, an iron lung was the only life option for those with the paralyzing disease interfering with breathing. The only iron lung for years was in Portland. In 1949, it took 10 – 12 hours for a friend of George Milligan to make the trip by ambulance from here to that city. As ambulances then didn’t have oxygen on board, the trip north required stops at different hospitals on the way for the life-saving oxygen. His friend died before reaching Portland. (I-5 had not been yet built.) He was one of the 2,700 Americans who died in 1949 of polio, out of more than 42,000 polio victims.

George decided then to buy a surplus military plane for polio patients and turn it into an air ambulance, the first such service in the country. With fundraising efforts by schoolchildren, the Boy Scouts, and other community members, Milligan raised enough money to purchase the first Mercy Flights airplane, a twin-engine Cessna known as the “Bamboo Bomber.”

That same year, he created a membership program so that people not only could contribute to Mercy Flights, but also insure that they would be covered if they needed emergency air transportation. Milligan, who flew more than 11,000 patients to medical care, died in an air crash one mile north of the Medford airport in February 1985. Engine trouble was blamed for the crash that claimed three others, including the patient on board and co-pilot, Dr. Henry Boehnke. And now to beat COVID-19.

Sources: Bill Miller, “The Jackson County epidemic of 1868,” Mail Tribune, March 30, 2020 at 1868 Epidemic; Vickie Aldous, “Facing the killer 1918 flu,” Mail Tribune, October 1, 2018 at 1918 Influenza Epidemic; Tammy Asnicar, “Mercy Flights earns its wings,” April 24, 2016 at Polio and Mercy Flights; Craig Kumerfield, “Remembering the polio epidemic of the 1950s: Part I,” Argus Leader, August 21, 2017, at Polio Epidemics