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Wednesday 9-18-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Eric Peters, auto journalist at with another great talk on politics and cars. Some of what we discussed:



7:10 Secretary of State GOP candidate Senator Dennis Linthicum on Skype with reaction to last week’s 300+ non-citizens on Oregon voting rolls, and some actually voting!


7:35 Doug Gould and Dan Skudstad from ROC Recovery – Amazing success rate at their faith based drug and alcohol treatment center and we talk about why it’s worked so well.

The ROC is an intensive evidence-based outpatient treatment organization that provides support for men, women and youth who struggle with substance use disorder. By providing 1-on-1 individualized treatment plans our program delivers one of the highest success rates in the state for long-term recovery.  And the basis of our philosophy is Faith-based Recovery options that are offered – never forced – on participants; and also we are a State Certified Peer Support.

But since we are a faith based program, we need to go to the community to partner with us in financial support so that we can continue to offer these services at no charge to our clients as well as educate our local community about the many programs and wonderful community organizations that are available to them.

So they’re inviting everyone to join us on Saturday September 21st at our annual fundraiser and community awareness day with our partner Lava Lanes. (Starts 9am)  We call it: “This is How We Roll”.  Besides bowling, folks can see other booths and gather information about addiction and many of the services available as well as bowl in our tournament.

I am asking that you please review the attached information and incorporate it into your regular reporting and share this important event to our community.  And by doing so, you and your organization will be joining us is fighting addiction in Southern Oregon.

For more information on the ROC Recovery, please head to


Tuesday 9-17-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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I speak with Marine Corps Colonel William Dunn (Ret), President of Strategic Resilience Group, LLC. He founded the company in Sept 2015 after completing over 33 years in the United States Marine Corps. Colonel Dunn flew in many of the world’s deadliest hot spots in dozens of combat missions as an attack helicopter pilot.

We talk about the Colonel’s take on the Secret Service/FBI issues Sunday re the Trump 2nd Assassination attempt.

Colonel Dunn’s new book Gunfighters Rule! tells the story of a boy destined to become a United States Marine. After his father’s death, he overcame multiple adversities to achieve his dream of becoming a decorated fighter pilot.


7:35 Josephine County Commissioner Herman Baertschiger discusses the hollowing out of Portland business and real estate, local news of county concern including the Michael Sellers controversy raised in an article on the Grants Pass Tribune.


8:10 Diane Anderson, author of “Who Made Public Schools Marxist Indoctrination Camps”. Big focus on fighting the globalist “Borg” takeover of our area. She’s putting on another presentation on “THE FUTURE OF FOOD” at the Central Point Public Library Thursday 9/26 6pm. Here’s more from Diane:

     Sending two links  – documents regarding the loss of our freedom to produce, consume and move around. Also a link to a pdf. 


The slide presentation will cover the features  of Climate Friendly Areas and the agencies and organizations that are pushing Smart Growth principles reference by the DLCD in their codes.  Smart Growth originating at the Earth Summit in Rio, released as Agenda 21, claims to assist with metro regional partners. 


Then, as I did at the Vision 2040 Task Force meeting on Aug. 14,  gave the definition of a “new unit of Settlement” derived from Moscow University urban architects in the 50’s.   It was called “neighborhood unit” planning before Covid. Their book, The Ideal Communist City (translated in 1971)  can be downloaded at no cost from the web.  I will be giving handouts with links to other Soviet resources for confirmation.      


Lastly – The Future of Food and purchasing power in a Community Wealth Building economy. Arup and C40 Cities specify “green or complete neighborhoods” as needing to reach Net-Zero emission sooner than later. 


Monday 9-16-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:20 A cautionary tale on getting the latest Covid shots, Jane Orient, M.D., Executive Director, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons,

September 14, 2024

 COVID-19: Are You Getting Your Latest Booster?


      This is the time of year when the annual push for flu shots is on, now being combined with promotion of COVID and RSV shots. Have you decided yet?

      While your public health director is almost certainly all for it, there is one dissenting voice.

      The surgeon general of Florida, Joseph Ladapo, M.D., Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, M.D., advises against the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

       The graph below illustrates the proportion of people who got COVID with and without getting vaccinated. While at first saying that if you got vaccinated you wouldn’t get COVID, authorities changed the message to saying that “the vaccines appear to greatly reduce the risk of hospitalization and death.”









        The CDC’s current official advice is: “Everyone ages 6 months and older should get the 2024–2025 COVID-19 vaccine. This includes people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine before and people who have had COVID-19.”

        The Florida Department of Health guidance states that:

  • It is important to provide patients with informed consent.
  • The most recent booster approval was granted in the absence of booster-specific clinical trial data performed in humans. Furthermore, this booster does not protect against the currently dominant strain, accounting for approximately 37% of infections in the United States.
  • The federal government has not required COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers to demonstrate their boosters prevent hospitalizations or death from COVID-19 illness. 
  • The federal government has failed to provide sufficient data to support the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 boosters, or to acknowledge previously demonstrated safety concerns associated with COVID-19 vaccines and boosters.
  • Elevated levels of mRNA and spike protein from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine persistamong some individuals for an indefinite period.
  • Potential DNA integration from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines pose unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome.


        Individuals need to be aware of these considerations, ask their doctor questions, and do a risk-to- benefit analysis: Is this new shot right for you?


Additional information:


  • “The Efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters against Severe Illness and Deaths: Scientific Fact or Wishful Myth?” J Am Phys Surg, spring 2023
  • “Referenced Data for Parents Concerning the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccination for Children Aged 5 through 11 Years,” J Am Phys Surg, winter 2021
  • “Panicdemic: COVID-19 Panics Physicians, Policymakers, and Pundits, as well as the Public,” J Am Phys Surg, summer 2020



Jane Orient, M.D., Executive Director, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons,



September 12, 2024


COVID-19: Is Dementia Becoming More Common?


      I hope you are not having to deal with a loved one who is becoming demented.

      The burden is growing as the population ages. Alzheimer’s was the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2019. One study published in 2020 showed a falling incidence since the 1980s. However, a more recent study showed a massive increase:




        The increase was significantly greater in persons who had received an mRNA COVID vaccine, and widened with time post vaccination.

        This is why, on a day when people were remembering September 11, 2001, “A Midwestern Doctor” urged people to remember September 9, 2021. This was the day that “Biden gave one of the most divisive speeches in American history. There he announced his illegal workforce mandate (which was later struck down by the Supreme Court), repeated a series of known lies about the COVID vaccine and repeatedly attempted to incite hatred against the unvaccinated.”

        Is the trend real? If so, is it another example of correlation that does not prove causality?

        The medical establishment is silent about this. Vice-President Harris still insists that her campaign workers be up to date on COVID boosters.

        Should this possibility be part of informed consent for COVID vaccine? Could physicians be held liable for not disclosing it?


Additional information:

        Possible mechanisms for vaccine-caused neurologic injury


Jane Orient, M.D., Executive Director, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons,



Jane M. Orient, MD

  •      




7:35 State representative Dwayne Yunker –


Representative Dwayne Yunker: 

Oregon’s voter laws are a grave threat to election integrity 


GRANTS PASS, Ore. – In response to this week’s report that a DMV audit found hundreds of noncitizens on Oregon’s voter rolls, Representative Dwayne Yunker (R – Grants Pass) offered the following statement: 


“The problems uncovered by this audit are just the tip of the iceberg,” said Yunker. In 2023 the Oregon State Legislature passed House Bill 2107 which will automatically register Oregon Health Plan / Medicaid recipients to vote. In Oregon, noncitizens are given drivers licenses and full Medicaid benefits.” 


“Automatic voter registration combined with mail-in voting and a wide-open southern border leaves Oregon vulnerable to foreign election interference. Automatic voter registration laws must be repealed, and Oregon needs to return to in-person voting.” 


“We also need to have an honest conversation about the impacts of incentivizing unrestricted immigration at our southern border: drugs, human trafficking, suppression of American wages, and the strain on public services and our housing supply.” 



8:10 Dr. Dennis Powers, with today’s “Where Past Meets Present”


Alan DeBoer: Businessman and Community Leader

By Dennis Powers


Alan DeBoer was born in 1951 as one of six children (Sid, Bob, Alan; Phyllis, Nancy, and Janice) that Walt and Bernice DeBoer raised. The family had moved to Ashland in 1946, where Walt started Lithia Motors, a Chrysler-Plymouth dealership. Located in Ashland’s downtown Plaza and named after the town’s Lithia Springs, a grand total of 14 cars were sold in its first year. When struck by a car in 1968, Walt tragically died as he pushed Bernice to safety. When the dealership was terminated owing to no survivorship clause, Sid, Bob, and Alan took over Medford Dodge which became the now Lithia Motors complex.


Working with different partners over time, Alan DeBoer ran car dealerships, as well as in real estate and other ventures. In 1983, for example, he acquired a lapsed Subaru franchise. Then in 1985, Alan with Dave Mills and Dwayne Wallace bought Town and Country Chevrolet in Ashland, later acquiring Buick and Cadillac franchises. In 1990, they opened up Airport Chevrolet in Medford. Different dealership franchises came by, such as Dollar GMC/Oldsmobile, Volvo, and Mitsubishi. In 1995, Southern Oregon Subaru moved to Biddle Road’s auto row in a 38,000 square-foot building on 6.5 acres. This includes Airport Chevrolet (with Buick/GMC lines). In 2018, Dave Mills and other long-term partners sold their interests back to Alan DeBoer and his son (including Town and Country).


Alan also made key property donations to projects such as the Rogue Community College/Southern Oregon University campus in downtown Medford. His real estate ventures presently include (among others) the shopping center next to Exit 24 in Phoenix. Additionally, he contributed time and money to community activities. He has served on the Ashland Community Hospital board, the Rogue Valley Area Commission on Transportation, the Mt. Ashland Ski Association board, and Ashland Airport Commission, among many others.


This has resulted in his earning honors and awards from the Medford/Jackson County Chamber of Commerce (First Citizen’s Award), Southern Oregon University (the President’s Medal), Rogue Community College, Southern Oregon Historical Society, the Ashland Lions Club, Community Works, the Ashland Elks Lodge (Citizen of the Year), the Ashland YMCA, Rotary and the Ashland Chamber of Commerce (Citizen of the Year). Even now, to help the Ashland YMCA, he accepted the President’s role in 2024, having rejoined the Board in 2022.


He was a past president of the Oregon Automobile Dealers Association and runner-up finalist for the Time Magazine Quality Dealer of the Year. DeBoer served as the mayor of Ashland from 2000 to 2004 and as an Oregon State Senator from 2016 to 2018.


Ashland resident Alan DeBoer obviously has a long-standing, standout history of community involvement and leadership as a business owner, volunteer, and elected official.


Sources: Greg Stiles, “Wheels of Fortune,” Mail Tribune, May 16, 2003; Greg Stiles, “Alan DeBoer gets First Citizen Award,” Mail Tribune, September 14, 2012; Mike McClain, “Dave Mills Embodies ‘Hard Work’ Ethic,’” Jacksonville Review, October 2018, at Auto Dealerships; Conversations with Alan DeBoer over time.