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Wednesday 02-19-25 Bill Meyer Show Guests and Information
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6:35 Eric Peters, Automotive Journalist at and today we’re talking about the KIA Sorrento review
What if insurance soars to unaffordability?
7:10 State Representative Dwayne Yunker with an update from the state legislative system. Wow, some really crazy stuff going on there including a salute to Oregon Black Drag Queen history. (really) Also, fire map to go away? What about real treatment solutions for drug addiction to help the homeless truly improve.
8:10 Joe Guzzardi is an Institute for Sound Public Policy analyst who has written about immigration for more than 30 years. Contact him at
8:40 Randal Lee on OPEN FOR BUSINESS from Advanced Air – 541-772-6866.
Additional $1,000.00 Advanced Air Rebate On Qualifying Residential Bryant Equipment
-Can be combined with Bryant Factory Rebates and Energy Trust of Oregon Rebates
-Financing incentives available on some equipment that doesn’t qualify for rebates
-Incredible pricing on high-efficiency crossover systems
Randal also talks about the need for maintaining your system – could keep your house from burning down as noted in the following post from Medford Fire:
Medford Fire Department Facebook Bulletin
ootpdensrSeri :0yl869At2chiY745aulh0 tc9u 4dht5sM5ae0ltgm761 ·
: On Saturday, just before 3:00 PM, our crews along with Jackson County Fire District No. 5 responded to a reported structure fire in the San George Estates community. The first arriving crew found light smoke coming from the residence and quickly located a small fire within the home’s furnace unit. Firefighters swiftly extinguished the fire, ensured the flames had not spread to the walls or crawlspace, and ventilated the home to remove lingering smoke.
Fortunately, the home had working smoke alarms, and no injuries were reported.
Investigators determined the fire was caused by a blower motor failure in the furnace unit. The unit’s age and lack of routine maintenance contributed significantly to the failure.
Fire Prevention Tip: We’d like to remind everyone to change HVAC filters regularly and schedule routine maintenance. Clogged filters and dirty heat exchange coils can restrict airflow, overwork the furnace, increase utility costs, and pose a fire risk.
Tuesday 02-18-25 Bill Meyer Show Guests and Information
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6:35 Steve Milloy, founder of Senior E&E Legal Institute Fellow and former Trump EPA Transition Team Member, Donald Trump’s reinstitution of normalcy hit even closer to home for Americans in the President’s announcement that EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin is reversing the outlandish regulations on home appliances, including toilets, sinks, and dishwashers. After four years of President Biden’s invasive mandates on household goods and functions, President Trump has brought back, once again, freedom to America.
Steve Milloy, and former Trump EPA Transition Team Member, is available to discuss this new
In less than a month of presidency, Trump has brought the climate hysterics to their knees. Lee Zeldin canceled the $50 Billion climate fraud and the activists have put away their signs, losing momentum even in Germany, the heart of this fear-mongering movement. Even still, there is more work to be done.
New York has just given the greenlight to begin laying power lines on the Atlantic floor for another offshore wind project. This wasteful, harmful, and costly project, remnant of Biden’s climate crusade, needs to be stopped by Trump before gaining further ground.
7:10 Robert W. Malone, MD, MS, author of PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order.
PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order exposes the history and tactics of modern psychological warfare on the American people and offers a way forward for citizens to resist totalitarian control.
Senate confirms Robert F Kennedy Jr. to serve as Trump’s Health secretary
PsyWar is when a government coordinates and directs deployment of propaganda, censorship, and psychological operations (psyops) tools in campaigns designed to manipulate public opinion. The authors address critical topics including:
- Propaganda and Behavioral Control
- Psychological Bioterrorism
- Deep State Censorship
- Surveillance Capitalism
- Administrative State Objectives
- Fifth-Generation Warfare
- PsyWar Tactics
- Techno-Totalitarianism
- The New World Order and Global Control
PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order
7:35 Herman Baertschiger – DOGE accomplishments, challenges, t
8:10 Glenn Archambault, on the Board of the Pipeline Safety Trust – It’s important, and Trump administration talking a lot about increasing pipeline capacity both locally and nationally.
(Notes from Glenn)
A little history. 1970 I am working mining rock for the Navy on Oahu.
We mined rock for the air fields at Pearl harbor. The powder men
Taught me how to blast, handle fuels, and stay alive!
I wasn’t military, more like being a Seabee ( WWII )
I left the Island , and got to work running heavy equipment.
February 1971 a deadly earthquake hit, killing many.
Massive numbers of gas pipelines failed setting fires and
explosions. Very old lines welded with Oxyacetylene flame.
A bunch of us boy scouts learned hard lessons that day.
I left the earthquake behind ( Los Angles ) and went to
Klamath falls and signed up at Oregon Tech. Lots of welding,
heavy equipment, electrical and electronics, engines, and
lab work. Went to work building saw mills, building oil tanks,
and followed energy of all kinds
1995 bought a farm and lost it the next day in a eminent domain
case. We are still live on the farm, TC energy operates their interstate
gas pipeline on the farm 12 inch, 1,000 psi , the line starts in Canada.
I became familiar with the PST after many pipeline explosions. But I also
became very connected to the pipeline industry. and made many friends.
Every year our board ( PST) holds a conference in New Orleans, all of
our friends from industry, regulators ( USDOT) attend, including landowners.
Currently, I keep track of pipeline failures, new projects, safety violations,
and the hot discussions about abandoning gas as a energy source.
This year my board went to DC, New Orleans, NTSB lab, and great
meetings with our folks at USDOT. We treat everyone fairly, and have
contacts in fifty states and Canada.
I am keeping close track of our new president, in the spring we hope to
have some meetings with some of the presidents people. There is
a great deal of work to do in this Nation and the PST holds many
of the skills to do it. If president Biden had asked for help, we would have
been on plane to DC immediately, the same applies to President Trump.
We also answer to many in our government, they need help!
8:40 Open for business with Cheriesse from No Wires Now, call or text 541-680-5875 We talk about the awesome two lines for only $30 unlimited talk text a data no contract offer and other moneysaving deals.
(From Cheriesse) If you have spectrum tv service switch to no wires today and get the best tv service with all the channels you want. When you switch to dish with No wires and mention the Bill Meyer show you get a $200 visa card. Plus we will help you lower your internet and cell phone bills for free. Dish has the best DVR and talking remotes its so easy to find the channels you want. If you receiver a $500 offer in the mail from dish don’t call dish call No wires Now today. They will give you way better service then a 1-800#. Talk about what I did for your phone service. Mention bill meyer and get a free cell phone and free cell service for a whole year. Must have spectrum internet. We will also help you lower the internet bill. We have internet starting at $30 a month. Come down to our showroom off Biddle rd. Open 10-4 weekends by appointment. If you only have Internet service they we can help you lower the bill. We will be at the Sportsmen show this Thursday- Sunday at the Expo. Come by our booth for give aways and enter into the drawing.