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Wednesday 08-21-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Wheels Up Wednesday on Cars, Transportation and politics with Eric Peters, auto journalist at the ALWAYS informative and entertaining



7:10 Keviin Starrett from Oregon Firearms Federation and the news is challenging. Lawsuit fighting the implementation of HB2005 goes down to defeat.



7:35 Secretary of State candidate Dennis Linthicum – Amazing amounts of money wasted according to latest audits. We talk why Dennis as Secretary of State would be a steady hand on bringing accountability to OR state government. Support his campaign at



8:10 Captain William E. Simpson – Latest on the Wild Horse issue. Oregon’s #1 in Wildfire acreage burned. Are we going to get smart about this?

Photo of CLAY in the Klamath: HERE:

Also, new wild horse documentary:



Tuesday  08-20-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:40 AMANDA RIPLEY, author of THE UNTHINKABLE: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes-and Why


Prize-winning journalist and New York Times bestselling author Amanda Ripley’s revised and updated edition of THE UNTHINKABLE: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes-and Why is on sale August 20th. For decades, Ripley has covered some of the most devastating disasters of our age and has set out to find new ways to handle them quicker and smarter.


Timelier than ever, this new edition updates all the original research and features timely material on enormous, slow-moving disasters such as pandemics and climate catastrophes. Most importantly, it reveals the brain’s ability to do much better-with a little help. To further understand the human reaction in imminent danger, Ripley turns to leading brain scientists, trauma psychologists, and other disaster expert ranging from COVID first responders and survivors, a Holocaust survivor who studies heroism, to a master gunfighter who learned to overcome extreme fear.



7:10 Paul Prinsen, area resident whose eldest daughter and 8-year old granddaughter were attacked in a Portland restaurant over the child’s Jewish heritage. Prinsen explains what happened and questions where the rise of anti-Semitism is taking our country.


7:35 Josephine County Commissioner Baertschiger discusses a number of false claims leveled at the Commission and refutes them one by one.


8:10 U.S. Congressmen Cliff Bentz in studio talking inflation, the election races, are we getting some control of the Fed budget and other issues.


Monday  08-19-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Dr. Marschall S. Runge –  Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs at the University of Michigan and author of Coded to Kill, talks about how AI can revolutionize medicine, how AI can also cause risks in healthcare, and he can weigh the cost and benefits of integrating AI into healthcare. 


In the New York Post, researchers from Iraq and Australia have developed a computer algorithm capable of analyzing the color of a person’s tongue to detect their medical condition in real-time, with 98% accuracy. Over 5,200 images were utilized to train the artificial intelligence model to recognize tongue color and its associated conditions. Researchers then tested the model using 60 tongue images from two teaching hospitals in the Middle East.


Some of his thoughts:

AI in medical diagnostics is on the brink of revolutionizing healthcare, with its ability to uncover hidden patterns in vast amounts of data. The latest advancements in tongue color analysis for disease detection are a thrilling glimpse into what’s possible. Yet, while the promise is undeniable, we must confront the reality: we’re not there yet.


The real magic of AI lies in its capacity to process immense datasets and make complex decisions that humans simply can’t. But when it comes to something as intricate as analyzing tongue color, we need more—much more. To ensure accuracy and reliability, especially across different ethnicities and skin tones, we require datasets at least 50 times larger than what’s currently available. Without this, the risk of error is too great.


And let’s not forget the darker side of this technology. The implications of misusing electronic data are vast and unsettling—a theme that pulses through my latest novel, Coded to Kill. In it, fiction mirrors reality, revealing how often the line between the two blurs. As we edge closer to a future where AI plays a critical role in our health, the question remains: Are we truly prepared for what’s to come?



7:10 Dwayne Yunker discusses OSU Extension service sticker handed out at the Josephine County Fairgrounds. Any idea why OSU believes we need LGBTQ-themed Master Gardener stickers??























7:35 Jay Beeber, Executive Director of Policy at the National Motorists Association.


Right on Red: The Culture War Comes for Traffic Lights


In Democrat-dominated cities, bike lanes and pedestrian crossings are taking precedence over cars. GOP lawmakers have other ideas


In blue cities across the country, local road policy in the past decade has been tweaked in the name of making things safer and more enticing for non-drivers — often by making things slower and more annoying for motorists.


The National Motorists Association, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization consisting of an alliance of motorists joined together to protect drivers’ rights in the courts, on the streets, and in our vehicles. NMA members number in the thousands, and are active in all 50 states as well as in several provinces of Canada.


The NMA, originally founded as the Citizens’ Coalition for Rational Traffic Laws, has empowered drivers since 1982. It fights for the driving freedoms of motorists; promoting traffic regulations and enforcement actions based on safety considerations, not to generate revenue for other programs.

National Motorists Association









8:10 Dr. Dennis Powers – with analysis on the political situation and today breaking down the SCOTUS smackdown of Buden Administration Title IX transgender and gender identity rules.
