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ACCESS TO LOCAL NEWS (From Merk and Wyden)


Senators “Merk” and Wyden say they want to help people get “Access To Local News”. Anytime a Congress Critter wants you to have “accessssssss” to anything you must figure out “Who Pays”?


Looks like they want the FCC to force streaming TV services to pay fees (carriage costs) to local TV stations like KOBI, KDRV, KTVL and KMVU in order to have their channels on your streaming ROKU, etc. Streamers don’t currently pay these fees. Carriage fees are a big part of local TV $$$, but cable subscriptions are half what they were a few years ago. Just understand that Merk and Wyden “saving access to news” means your costs for streaming TV will go up.


Hmmm, maybe Spectrum is forcing this? Kind of a “Hey, we gotta’ pay it, youse streamer dudes need to pay, too”.



Thursday 10-26-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

(Podcasts on

6:50 Husband & wife directors and actors  KEVIN & SAM SORBO, stars of MIRACLE IN EAST TEXAS (Quality, family-friendly film)

MIRACLE IN EAST TEXAS is inspired by a true story. The film stars Kevin and Sam Sorbo, John Ratzenberger (Cheers and TOY STORY) and Lou Gossett Jr. (AN OFFICER & A GENTLEMAN).


SYNOPSIS: Every saint has a past. Every sinner has a future. In 1931, a pair of con artists, Doc Boyd and Dad Everett (Sorbo, Ratzenberger), blow into the small Texas town during the Great Depression targeting the savings of lonely widows with an oil scam. The vulnerable widows quickly fall prey to their romantic gestures and promises of profits. Then, miraculously, the unthinkable happens and they literally strike oil.


That’s just the first of many miracles that start popping forth from the dead soil of East Texas.


Will these miracles make honest men out of these swindlers and change their larcenous conniving ways? This tall tale inspired by a true story comes from a time when bums became billionaires and sinners became saints.


Here’s the trailer:


BTW – Tickets this Sunday and Monday at Tinseltown via



Home | Sorbo Studios

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Social media: Twitter: @thesamsorbo IG:@sam_sorbo








7:10 John O’Connor is author of Postgate: How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat, Covered Up Watergate, and Began Today’s Partisan Advocacy Journalism and host of The Mysteries of Watergate Podcast. He served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Northern California representing the United States in both criminal and civil cases. We talk about the Trump attorneys copping please, including:



Jenna Ellis becomes latest Trump lawyer to plead guilty over efforts to overturn Georgia’s election

Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis pleads guilty in Georgia election interference case






7:35 Richard Emmons, publisher and editor of the Josephine County Eagle. We dig in to his excellent article “Local Schools’ Test Results Down but Per-Student Cost is up. Some of our local schools getting beteen 24 to 35 thousand dollars per year in total student spending. Are we getting good achievement from all this spending?



8:40 Cheriesse on “Open for Business” sponsored by call or text her to save now at 541-680-5875  Last chance today is the day to switch to dish. The three year price guarantee expires Oct 31.  If you still have cable tv or Directv you are paying too much.  Let Cheriesse elp you switch.  Cheriesse will do the work for you, including take your old equipment back.  Ask about how she can lower your cell phone bill an your Internet bills.  Dish has the best equipment. The best Dvr and 4K.  Don’t call 1-800’s call No Wires Now, your only Premier Dish retailer in Oregon.  If you are getting the $500 gift card offer.  Bring it to No Wires she will make sure you get it.   Also bring Cheriesse a copy of your cable bill or Directv bill start saving today.  If you are collecting social security she can help you lower your internet bill down to $19.99.  If you are paying too much for cell service, No Wires Now can get you a free line of service for a whole year.  And only 29.99 tax free for each line after that.




Wednesday 10-25-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

(Podcasts on


6:35 Eric Peters, Automotive journalist at and some great talk on transportation including:




7:10 State Senator Dennis Linthicum speaks on Liberty and much more –

The Oregon Supreme Court is hearing the lawsuit he’s a part of…fighting the Measure 114 “no re-election” rule along with other news of the day.


8:15 Sheryl Zimmerer from Logos Charter School digs into the latest story in the media – Are we really not requiring, math, English, etc, in order to graduate? She explains what’s going on here and it’s not really how the media stories characterize it.