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Monday 02-10-25 Bill Meyer Show Guests

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6:35 Gregory Stenstrom is Co-Founder of Patriot.Online, a digital privacy ecosystem and social media platform. He is a technology leader and data scientist who has been CEO, CTO, and CIO for multiple corporations. Greg and Leah Hoopes are authors of Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception 



Read article below:





7:10 Greg Roberts,


7:35 Ryan W. McMaken is the editor of Mises Daily and The Austria at the Mises Institute – More at

I’m a huge fan of McMaken’s writing, and just some of what we dig into includes:



8:10 Dr. Dennis Powers with today’s “Where Past Meets Present”.


The Grants Pass Cavemen

By Dennis Powers


The Grants Pass Cavemen date back to the initial development of the Oregon Caves. In 1922, the completion of the road there (now Highway 46) from the Redwood Highway (Hwy. 199) allowed the general public to visit. With access established, the Forest Service (later the National Park Service) granted a concession to the Oregon Caves Company for accommodations and guide services that’s still in effect. Grants Pass businessmen financed the lodging and staff to run the resort, while the Forest Service provided oversight and infrastructure (i.e., interior cave lighting, trails inside and out, and a water system).


That summer a few Chamber of Commerce members showed up at a luncheon meeting wearing animal skins and long straggly wigs. Fellow members laughed as the group proclaimed their dominion over the country–and their home, the Oregon Caves. The group agreed that this would be a fine way to promote tourism in Josephine County. In October 1922, “Oregon Cavemen, Inc. of Grants Pass, Oregon” was officially incorporated.


Wearing their caveman furs, wielding burly clubs, and scowling as Neanderthals, the list of their impromptu event interruptions became legendary–with national recognition. Accompanied by their Cave Queen and Princesses, the cavemen performed “uncivilized” acts, such as capturing female crowd members and politicians, and then imprisoning them in a rustic cage towed by a pickup truck. The Cave Queen and Princesses would appease any upset women by giving them polished stones as mementos or just freeing them with smiles. The group became braver and even stormed the stage during one local Broadway musical performance (“Hellzapoppin”) to the onlookers’ surprise.


With this promotion, organizers typically didn’t care if their event was interrupted, especially given Josephine County’s promotion. As often, this seemed at the time to improve the event. In 1948, Governor Dewey of New York was running for President against Harry Truman. At a scheduled Grants Pass campaign speech, the bus carrying Dewey arrived downtown—but with numerous Cavemen who then “arranged” for the governor’s release after the pre-arranged hijacking. Even the Soviet newspaper Pravda ran the story of Dewey’s cavemen-capture, but wrote that this was a protest against the Wall Street “Moneygogs.”


One-thousand folks in 1960 lined a mile along Highway 199, as they awaited the formal ground-breaking for the Oregon Mountain Tunnel. When state officials headed to the platform to give their dedications, a pack of ape-men suddenly appeared with clubs, guttural sounds, and fierce glares. After some “discussions”, the ape-leader drew a large “X” on the wooden platform that the speaker’s stand was on. Once the Grants Pass Cavemen had given their needed approval, the tunnel dedication could be finalized–and construction was then able to begin.


Cavemen events ranged from blocking traffic to bidding on constructing the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge (at a cost of 23,756,000 deer hides) and initiating politicians into their club, including Mark Hatfield, Dewey, and other notables from Shirley Temple to Dennis Day. During their most active years, the Oregon–Grants Pass Cavemen name (by survey) was known by one of every ten people in the United States.


To honor the group, the 18-foot, fiberglass Caveman statue was built and dedicated in 1971. When exiting I-5 to downtown, it’s the first thing seen in front of the Chamber of Commerce building. The caveman is not only the mascot for Grants Pass High School, but businesses from towing companies and bowling alleys to auto parts, the bridge, and municipal swimming pool use “Caveman” in their name.


Although the group still meets regularly for lunch, it has been inactive in their public exploits for years–a victim of potential liability, aging members, and a society that puts more premium on Facebook, computer websites, and political correctness. But don’t be surprised if you see them one day at a Josephine County event. Or if you are captured.


Sources: Dennis Powers, Where Past Meets Present: The Amazing People, Places & Stories of Southern Oregon, Hellgate Press, Ashland, OR, 2017, “The Grants Pass Cavemen,” Pp. 432-434; Bill Miller, “Collier’s Impossible Hole in the Mountain,” Mail Tribune, November 21, 2010.