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Thursday 6-29-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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GREAT ARTICLE – WIND “DROUGHT” (really a collapse)



7:10 Eminent libertarian economist Dr. Murray Sabrin. His new presentation is: “The Transformation of America from the Revolution to the Present.” 


Murray also writes a lively regular Substack column, and his autobiography is now a bestseller on Amazon.


Murray’s autobiography:

From Immigrant to Public Intellectual:  An American Story



7:35 Kevin Starrett from Oregon Firearms Federation – – legislature session over, whew…not a great situation but what lessons can we learn?




Wednesday 6-28-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Eric Peters, with today’s “Wheels Up Wednesday” segment on politics and transportation.


7:10 State Senator Dennis Linthicum talks about the ended session and what’s next –


7:35  Stefan Padfield.with the Free Enterprise Project

More about Stefan –

What we’re talking about today:

Washington, D.C. – Shareholder activists with the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project (FEP) will close out their most active shareholder season to date by presenting a proposal at Mastercard’s annual shareholder meeting that seeks to protect civil liberties and address the problem of financial institutions “debanking” conservative organizations and individuals.


8:15 Dr. William R. Forschten is a New York Times bestselling author and a Professor of History at Montreat College, in Montreat, North Carolina. He holds a doctoral degree from Purdue University with a specialization in military history and technology. He is the author of more than 50 books, including the One Second After series that details the realistic effects of an EMP strike.

He is a noted expert historian and public speaker and has been interviewed on FOX News, C-SPAN and many others on topics ranging from history to technology and cultural issues, to space technology development, to security threats.

For more information about the One Second After series, please visit

Amazon link:

Five Years After an EMP Strike: Expert Explores What Society Might Look Like

Black Mountain, NC, June 13, 2023 — Most people have lived through minor power outages lasting anywhere from a few hours to a few days. But what would happen if the power went out and didn’t come back on? Historian William R. Forstchen, Ph.D., warns that if something were to cripple the U.S. power grid — an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) for instance — it would trigger a cascade of deadly events, and long-term survival would depend on being in the right place at the right time with the right food supply.

“It is catastrophic. It is not ‘tinfoil hat,’” said Forstchen in a recent interview. “With an EMP, when it hits, it blows the grid out. You’re going to lose your water immediately. Within several days, that’s going to be bad. Second: food supply. … Medication. … and then of course, disease sets in.”

Widely considered one of the foremost experts on EMP attacks, Forstchen is also the New York Times bestselling author of the One Second After series, a fictional exploration rooted in the cold, solid facts of how an EMP strike above U.S. soil would impact society.

The latest book in the series, Five Years After, follows protagonist John Matherson as he contends with new threats to the fragile civilization that he helped rebuild.

In Five Years After, the Republic of New America has all but collapsed into regional powers, and the world at large is struggling to remain stable as regional conflicts ravage the post-EMP landscape. After several years attempting to lead a quiet life, John receives word that the President is terminal with cancer, and John is asked to take over the reins of government.

Pulled back into the fray, John struggles to hold the tottering Republic together. Facing threats on multiple fronts, he races against time to stop another EMP attack on the former United States and China, putting years of progress at risk. With so much of his work under threat, John must find the strength within to start over, so that he can save the country and the people that he holds dear from even greater calamity.

Forstchen’s depiction of a post-EMP society throughout his One Second After series is rooted in years of extensive research, and he has long been advocating for greater awareness and preparation against an EMP strike, which he considers a very real threat. His goal is not to alarm, but to prompt proactive measures to protect the American public.

“We’ve got to live our lives; we’ve got to enjoy ourselves … don’t make this the obsession,” Forstchen said of the topic of EMPs. “But it should be out there. You should be thinking about this and doing some basic planning.”



Tuesday 6-27-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Dr. Merrill Matthews, resident scholar at the Institute for Policy Innovation and we talk election integrity and why Republicans need to embrace early voting:



7:10 State Representative Kim Wallan HD 6 with a recap of the state legislature session


7:35 Josephine County Commissioner Baertschiger digs into the session aftermath, too.

8:45 OPEN FOR BUSINESS with Cheriesse from No Wires Now, call or text 541-680-5875 to save on TV, satellite  internet, cellphone service.


Monday 6-26-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Lee Williams from the Second Amendment Foundation  is also known as The Gun Writer and has been writing about the Second Amendment, firearms, the firearms industry, and the gun culture for more than ten years. He is the Chief Editor of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Reporting Project and is a frequent contributor to Ammoland News and Armed American Radio. In addition, Lee serves as a board member of Florida Carry, Inc. He was also an editor for a daily newspaper in Florida. Before becoming a newspaper editor, Lee was an investigative reporter in three states and a U.S. Territory. Before becoming a journalist, he worked as a police officer. Before becoming a cop, Lee served in the Army. Lee has earned more than a dozen national journalism awards as a

Montana Firearms Dealer Isn’t Backing Down Following IRS Raid, And Has Reopened His Store

A Second Amendment Foundation spokesperson applauds the move, but wonders what prompted the IRS’ actions.

Earlier this month, Tom Van Hoose found his gun store, Highwood Creek Outfitters, under attack by IRS agents. 20 “heavily armed” agents moved in to seize thousands of documents surrounding his customers. But that isn’t stopping him from running his business.

Per this report from The Epoch Times, Van Hoose has reopened his store, just one week after the raid took place. He’s still a bit confused as to why so many armed agents had to conduct the raid in the first place, even though he was reportedly under “financial investigation.”

“They somehow think a small mom-and-pop gun shop makes enough money to justify 20 heavily armed agents,” Van Hoose said. “There is no justification for what happened.”
The search took a ridiculous ten something hours to complete, with a number of Firearms Transaction Records taken into account. Thus far, the IRS hasn’t noted the results of said raid.
Said Van Hoose, “The IRS has no reason to have those records. They’re not financial records.”

The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing, and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 700,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control. 



7:10 Steve Milloy, founder of

35 years ago, NASA scientist James Hansen famously testified to the Senate raising public awareness about climate change, making predictions that were largely flawed and have been proven incorrect over time.

Steve Milloy, Senior E&E Legal Fellow and former Trump EPA Transition Team Member, created a claim-by-claim fact check of Hansen’s testimony.

Hansen’s projections overestimated the rate of temperature increases and the severity of its “catastrophic consequences,” whereas actual climate trends have not aligned with his forecasts whatsoever.

8:10 Dr. Dennis Powers, with today’s “Where Past Meets Present”

Mt. McLoughlin

By Dennis Powers

When driving southward on I-5 towards Medford, the near-perfect, mirror image of Japan’s Mt. Fuji appears. Although Mt. McLoughlin at 9,495 feet high is the tallest volcano between Mt. Shasta and Crater Lake, its base size is dwarfed by the much taller Mt. Shasta (14,162 feet high with near thirty times more volume) and Crater Lake’s Mt. Mazama (ten times as much)but this one dominates the lower Valley. From distant Medicine Lake in California, around the rim of Crater Lake, or along I-5 between Yreka (California) and Medford, Mt. McLoughlin is easily recognized.

The symmetrical shape appears when viewed from the south or southeast. It becomes apparent that a large part of the mountain is missing when seen from a different direction; for example, from the north along the Crater Lake rim or east from Klamath Lake. This was due to late Ice-Age glaciers that shaved away the mountain’s northeast side, lowering the summit by 300 feet and gouging out a large bowl-like hollow.

The mountain is geologically a young volcano. Formed by a series of eruptions and cooled lava flow over long periods of time, geologists have determined that its steep-sided, lava cone is less than 700,000 years old. Indicating later eruptions, its western and southern flanks suggest that the bulk of its form is no older than 200,000 years, with much of this probably younger, perhaps as late as 20,000 to 30,000 years ago.

Leaving Fort Vancouver to trap beaver and otter, Hudson Bay Company’s Peter Skene Ogden traveled through Central Oregon. Ogden’s journal contains this notation for February 14, 1827: “I have named this river Sastise River. There is a mountain equal in height to Mount Hood or Vancouver; I have named (it) Mt. Sastise. I have given these names from the tribes of the Indians.” Historians believe he actually spotted the Rogue River and Mount McLoughlin with this being the first recorded observation.

The name tributes John McLoughlin, one of the most influential figures in the early 1800s in Pacific Northwest history. The Oregon legislature renamed the peak from Mount Pitt to Mt. McLoughlin in 1905, and the U.S. Board of Geographic Names recognized that change in 1912.

McLoughlin was Canadian born and didn’t become an American citizen until he was 67 years old. However, he had been a frontier doctor, British fur trade officer, the founder of Fort Vancouver (1825) and Oregon City (1842). When he was the Chief Factor (Superintendent) of the British Hudson Bay Company (“HBC”), based at Fort Vancouver on the Columbia River, American pioneers arrived there without supplies. As the last stop on the Oregon Trail for many, they asked McLoughlin for help to survive their first Oregon. He didalthough this later cost him his job. Dr. John McLoughlin’s key role in Oregon’s early history prompted the state legislature in 1957 to name him the “Father of Oregon” on the 100th Anniversary of his death.

On July 1, 1927, a two-foot diameter pipeline began carrying water from Mt. McLoughlin by gravity flow to Medford (and eventually other cities in the Bear Creek Valley). Its snowmelt percolates through the porous, volcanic soils to emerge again at Big Butte Springs (2,700-foot elevation) near the town of Butte Falls and provides the area today with the great majority of its water needs.

The access to Mt. McLoughlin is considered “remarkably easy” via Oregon Highway 140 between Medford and Klamath Falls. Held in high esteem by residents, the thick conifer forests around its base and nearby mountains provide enjoyable hiking and fishing. After the snow has melted from the trail, hikers have a relative hard hike ahead, but the views are magnificentand a continued tribute to this Southern Oregon landmark.

Sources: Dennis Powers, Where Past Meets Present, Hellgate Press: Ashland, Oregon (2017), Pp. 134-136, “Mt. McLoughlin.” Jeff LaLande, “The Oregon Encyclopedia: Mount McLoughlin,” at Mountain Write-up (With Images); See “The McLoughlin Memorial Association,” at John McLoughlin.