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Thursday 7-20-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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7:10  Colonel (Ret.) John Mills is a national security professional with service in five eras: Cold War, Peace Dividend, War on Terror, World in Chaos – and now, Great Power Showdown and the fight to save our Republic. He is the former Director of Cybersecurity Policy, Strategy, and International Affairs at the Department of Defense. John is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy. He has seen the corruption firsthand and knows that the battle can only be won by American Citizens willing to get up and fight for their country. For more information, go to:



Firsthand Experiences Fighting the Deep State and the Action Plan for the American Citizen

By Colonel Retired John Mills


By now, many of you have heard of the Deep State and with the recent release of the Durham Report, concerned citizens are becoming more aware of the corruption within our government. At long last, Americans are looking to join the fight against the shadowy forces that are determined to strip away our liberty. The question is: How?  In his explosive new book, The Nation Will FollowColonel (Retired) John Mills writes about his time exposing colleagues spying on Trump to the Durham investigation.


In The Nation Will Follow, you’ll learn about recent examples of just how weak and feckless our government representatives have become:


  • 10,000 Americans a month are now dying because of Chinese Fentanyl delivered to the Drug Cartels in Mexico, finalized under Chinese supervision, and then distributed across the unsecured southern border.
  • In 2022, more Americans died from Chinese Fentanyl than the combined, entire 40 years of the Vietnam War and the War on Terror. The Deep State does nothing to protect American lives.
  • The Department of Treasury Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) and the FBI FD-1023s now officially document the foreign bribes received by the Biden family starting as early as 2014.
  • The price of globalism has been manifested in Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellin’s trip to China, coming on the heels of Secretary of State Blinken’s disastrous visit.
  • Yellin is groveling for access to rare earth metals, while the outcome of Blinken’s trip was not only a Chinese Spy Base in Cuba, but now Chinese Military Training.
  • The embrace of Globalism has devastated American industries and the United States is now beholden to China for rare earth metals for high technology purposes such as computer chips and batteries.
  • American jobs have been lost and China is now surrounding Florida with facilities in Cuba, the Bahamas, and Oil and Gas Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico.


8:15  Steve Porter, Sis Q Communications and a continued conversation about the communication uses for GMRS radio and how to get started with the purchasing and setup of these radios.


Wednesday 7-19-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Eric Peters, automotive journalist at with yet another fantastic talk on transportation and politics.



7:10 State Senator Dennis Linthicum SD 28 Klamath Falls


Heroes Among Us


Last week, Statistica reported on a survey where, “respondents were asked how proud they are to be an American. In 2013, 57 percent of Americans stated they were extremely proud to be an American. Nine years later, in 2022, some 38 percent of survey respondents said the same, lowest share recorded in the period.”


How would you have responded to the survey?


America has more races, ethnicities, intercultural and interracial families and marriages than any other country; bar none. Our economic, social, and cultural prosperity has long been the envy of the world.


Why, then, are we witnessing the loss of American Pride?


Could it be a relentless academic, educational, fake news and social media machine that is drowning adults and our youth in a constant storm of false narratives?


My wife, Diane, and I recently re-watched the 2007 movie Rocky Balboa. I was reminded that Sylvester Stallone is an exceptional story teller. Enlisting our collective memory, the Rocky Balboa movie works to display history at a local and personal level. The movie vividly shows us how different circumstances impact the lives of ordinary people based on their personal decisions.


Stallone cuts through the glitz and gets right down to business adding in bits of humor along with frank and straight-forward insight. There are three characters worth mentioning – Paulie, Marie, and Rocky – representing the low, middle and high-ground for personal responsibility, individualism, and valor. 


The character, Paulie, is a poignant display of loneliness and sorrow. During a scene at an abandoned ice rink, Paulie, in stark contrast with Rocky, is distressed by his memories and things which he knows he did wrong. In particular, he realizes that he treated his sister Adrian, and others, quite poorly.


We don’t see Paulie complaining about his housing circumstances, the extent of the local Philadelphia food desert, the cost of his healthcare, or his recent job loss. Instead, he was deeply troubled by his own, internal short-comings. This is disturbing to the modern audience because each of us could likely review our lives with similar results. Hindsight allows each of us to recognize mistakes and broken relationships that could have been easily fixed.


The Marie character, on the other-hand, we remember from the first 1976 Rocky movie as a sassy and rebellious teen. We knew then and still know today that Rocky’s advice to Marie was prudent – don’t smoke, don’t stay out past curfew, act like a nice girl is supposed to act. In 1976 nobody called Rocky a “hater” even though Marie responded with, “Screw you, Creepo!”


Marie is an archetypal representation of everyday people. She is grown up in this sequel and now understands life better. She is neither heroic, extraordinary, nor cowardly. Marie is fully capable of contributing to a cause when given the opportunity but, she is reluctant until someone else steps into her life and invites her to join.


The Rocky character exhibits personal vigor and a steadfast attitude that we, as ordinary everyday people, often find ourselves struggling to achieve. The movie depicts far more than Rocky’s physical prowess, it shows us his heart, how he cares about people, both the living and the dead.


Stallone uses Rocky to show us the power of common-sense and traditional values and then he successfully spurs us towards courage. Rocky does this through a willingness to challenge idle hearts, encouraging each person to try harder, and stick with it and by helping them to become heroes in their own way.


Oregon could use more heroes. The question is not, where are the heroes? I know where they are. They are at every kitchen table; they are helping the kids do their math correctly; They are the ones going to work. The question for us is, how can we each do our part to make a difference? Like Marie, many of us are regular people, willing but reluctant. The fate of our state and nation will depend on how each of us answers this question.


In Rocky’s hometown, Philadelphia, some 250 years earlier, Thomas Jefferson and others were striving diligently for liberty. One Philadelphia hero, Thomas Pickering argued for preventing slavery in new states because,

“Congress once made this important declaration, ‘that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’; and these truths were held to be self-evident.”

Pickering was adamant, “For God’s sake, then, let one more effort be made to prevent so terrible a calamity!”


Jefferson’s diary records the outcome of the vote on this motion, 

““There were ten states present, 6 voted unanimously for it, 3 against it, and one was divided: and seven votes being requisite to decide the proposition affirmatively, it was lost.”

This was a full 75 years before our nation’s civil war. The vote was not lost because it was wrong-headed or unneeded, but because of the failure of individual moral agents. Jefferson reflects on this tragedy, writing:

“The voice of a single individual of the state which was divided, or of one of those which were of the negative, would have prevented this abominable crime from spreading itself over the new country. Thus we see the fate of millions unborn hanging on the tongue of one man, and heaven was silent in that awful moment! But it is to be hoped it will not always be silent and that the friends to the rights of human nature will in the end prevail.” *

Jefferson’s diary reflects a personal challenge to each of us. Today we bear the misfortune that this “one man” is missing from history’s pages. This one man’s failure was an abdication of his personal responsibilities and a violation of our nation’s principles. Yet, our state and nation need more than one voice and we all know there are thousands willing to stand with us to make a difference.


Together, we represent a bulwark that recognizes something is wrong. We see the far-left’s agenda playing out in all areas of life. We understand that we must take up the challenge in order to make a difference. We are people in every walk of life; Moms and Dads, kids, high-schoolers and college students.


Each of us, as individuals, are independent moral agents; we exist in every profession, in every wage-scale, of every race and of every ethnic background. It is time to join together in upholding truth, rather than succumbing to the false narratives of the run-away social media machine.


We will always face agenda-driven activists, socialists, Marxists, progressives and irresponsible pleasure-seekers who incessantly complain while believing more government is the answer. However, history coupled with reality provides a clearer warning. Therefore, our Liberty requires our involvement, boldness and diligence.


Our wonderful American experiment is about self-governance for a people with individual hopes, dreams and futures while staying true and standing strong for the eternal principles of our nation, the maintenance of which is vital to the world.




7:35 State Representative Court Boyce from Curry County with an update on the Flat Fire. Here’s a statement he gave recently about the fire danger:


Please give our Hero Fire Fighters Historically Proven Plans to Win – Stop another Curry Monster Wind Driven Fire!

Lessons Learned: The Afternoon Winds are upstream… generally towards the east on the Rogue and Illinois river drainages.  As the sun sets offshore, the atmosphere becomes kinetic per the temperature change. The Chetco River has a weather anomaly. In the afternoons – the winds are toward the ocean, pushing west; This effect is why the town of Brookings has such nice warmer winter weather.

As and If the Flat Fire likely continues burning generally Southwest… upstream on the Illinois; it tops out into the Chetco drainage which is commonly known as the “Chetco Effect”… It will take the fire in the exact opposite direction… about due west to the town of Brookings. Already happened once – almost twice. This time it undoubtedly will happen faster. Communities of Pistol River and Gold Beach of course are also at risk and potentially even Smith River California.       

The 2017 Chetco Bar took 191,000 and the 2018 Klondike likewise destroyed 176,000 acres. EACH cost a staggering $80 plus million dollars to fight! (Yes – Fact: combined $ 170 million in 18 months!) The fuels now are quicker and more volatile per brush regrowth due to multiple previous Mega Fires; Biscuit, (Still the largest Fire in Oregon History), the Collier, Chetco Bar, and repeatedly prove this.

ACTION NOW: Declare wise and legitimate emergency – Override Congressional Laws stopping designated wilderness areas – No Equipment Allowed. This mis-guided approach is brutally dangerous to our communities. Also we know without debate – millions and millions of our wildlife are incinerated – their instincts help them normally escape healthy fires, but they cannot survive our tragic Curry Nuclear Fires. History proves what follows will work and Save Lives, Property, Wilderness, Watersheds, Fish and Wildlife. ACTION NOW!

  • Immediately open and improve all relevant and advantageous roads
  • Seasoned Loggers and Fire Fighters (now in their 60’s and 70’s) – men on D-7 dozers…cutting lines on critical ridge tops
  • Hand crew ‘Back Burns’ can help off the ridges, but are very risky. That work must have unanimous consent between USFS, ODF and CFPA prior
  • Aviation work to cool both sides down
  • Hand crews catch the spots

Our Curry Fire History is invaluable. Our outlined steps either happen OR we know the fire will not be stopped… We cannot again wait for late October Rains – futile and unacceptable !

The risk of loss of property and life is immense.   We could lose towns or worse.



8:15 Jeff Bailey from

A good conversation about GMRS radio and how useful it can be for two-way emergency communications. Bailey’s group has built and maintained numerous GMRS repeaters in Jackson and Josephine counties. Repeaters are radio transmitters, usually located on mountain top locations which receive a signal from your “walkie talkie” and rebroadcast it on a different frequency in order to extend your signal range over a much larger area.


8:40 Matt Allen on Open for Business and we discuss the usefulness of a Reverse Mortgage. Matt’s business is American Senior. (Formerly known as Reverse Mortgage)

Matt Allen

Branch Manager | AmericanSenior

NMLS #254296

706 Cardley Ave

Medford, OR 97504 |

Office: 541.897.4464

Cell: 541.324.8887

Fax: 541.525.9471



Tuesday 7-18-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Dr. Jerome Corsi (more at ) has published twenty-five books on economics, history, and politics, including six New York Times bestsellers, two at #1. He co-authored his first #1 NYT bestseller in 2004 with John O’Neill: Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak out Against John Kerry. Dr. Corsi authored his second #1 NYT bestseller in 2008: The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality. From 2004–2016, Dr. Corsi was a senior editor at, where he authored hundreds of articles.

Remarkably, the Biden White House has signaled its “great leap forward” into the global warming, aka climate change, hoax by endorsing a 2021 National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report calling for implementing various geoengineering schemes to block the amount of sunlight reaching Earth. The announcement came via a June 2023 report issued by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. 

In his latest Op-Ed for American Thinker, Jerome Corsi warns that these schemes will ultimately cost billions of dollars and lead to potentially catastrophic consequences.

 In Jerome Corsi’s The Truth about Energy, Global Warming and Climate Change: Exposing Climate Lies in an Age of Disinformation, he exposes the truth that the climate change hoax is a political movement aimed at eliminating capitalism. This book reveals a science-based understanding of Earth’s climate and temperature that Green New Deal proponents are trying to hide and you will see scientifically documented evidence for many facts that the radical left denies.

7:10 Linda Marie Greenberg discusses her challenges staying in her home at Medford’s Hawthorne Village Condiminiums – Here’s the story:


Her Go Fund Me is at



7:35 Jo County Commissioner Baertschiger talks the “5 commissioner plan” being pushed and also why you MUST get involved.


Monday 7-17-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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7:10 Tom DeWeese with the American Policy Center, and Ron Smith is bringing in Tom on Saturday, August 26th from 3-6pm at the Josephine County Fairgrounds for a FREE talk on your private property rights, the threats against them and how to most effectively fight for those rights against the Fed/Oregon/local government “Blob”.


7:35 Kevin Starrett with Oregon Firearms Federation and we catch up with the State Court of Appeals judge decision from Friday ruling that Measure 114 was constitutional. More here:


8:15 Dr. Dennis Powers, retired professor of Business Law at Southern Oregon University with today’s “Where Past Meets Present”.

SOU’s Jessica Pistole: Its Winningest Baseball Coach

By Dennis Powers

After graduating from small Del Oro High School (city of Loomis in Placer County, California), Biola recruited Jessica to play volleyball—and she also played four years of softball. Located in La Mirada, California, Biola is private, evangelical Christian university.

Pistole earned a Bachelor of Arts in health psychology, while being a three-time All-American baseball player with a career ERA of 0.79 and batting average of .340. Upon her graduation in 2002, she was immediately given Biola’s head softball coaching job and in two seasons brought the Eagles to a 51-46 record.  

In 2006, she next took over the William Jessup volleyball program; this is an accredited, private Christian university in Rocklin, some 20 miles from Sacramento. After three years as head coach, she started up Jessup’s softball program – raising all the funds needed for scholarships and travel. In the program’s second season, the Warriors won the 2011 California Pacific Conference championship, earning Cal Pac Coach of the Year honors. In her two seasons as softball coach, she placed 15 players on the all-conference team and compiled a 56-38 won/lost record. Jessica was also a National Association of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer from 2005-2011


After a year as an assistant at Utah State, Pistole came to Twin Falls High School in Idaho. In both seasons her team won the District 4 title and she was named Great Basin Athletic Conference Coach of the Year; her Idaho 4A state championship team had a team batting average of .447, a team ERA of 1.33, and a team GPA of 3.73. Twin Falls has some 50,000 residents.

Hired by SOU in 2015, she took over a struggling team at 15-23 and turned it around. Pistole guided SOU for five straight seasons, making three consecutive NAIA World Series appearances (the first in team history), and winning in 2019 the Raider’s first national championship, a 52-8 record, and her second NAIA Coach of the Year award.

After one year as head coach at the University of San Diego, Pistole came back to SOU. In her first season back, the 2021 Raiders went 55-6 (a win record for the fourth full season in a row); went 26-1 in Cascade Conference play; and at the NAIA World Series, they became the second team in 20 years to capture the title with five straight elimination wins out of the elimination bracket (earning the winner-take-all finale in extra innings from OIT).

After losing seven senior all-stars from that team, Pistole managed a quick rebuild in 2022 as the Raiders went 49-14, made the NAIA Championships Opening Round, and finished with a No. 12 national ranking. In 2023, the Raiders (50-12 overall), seeded No. 4 in the 10-team double-elimination bracket, outscored their opponents 35-2 over four World Series outings, posting the highest run total and top run differential ever among undefeated, final teams. She received her third top national coaching honor, as well as her second CCC Coach of Character award.

Pistole has compiled a 323-102 record at SOU, making her the program’s winningest coach. She has built a national powerhouse over eight seasons, bringing the Raiders to seven national tournaments and five World Series, including won four Cascade Conference regular-season titles and three CCC Tournament titles.

Her excellence on the field is connected to championship values and work ethics. For example, Coach Pistole challenges her team with the “Ruck” – a fifteen-mile overnight hike to the top of Mt. Ashland – testing their commitment to each other and overcoming self-doubt and discomfort to accomplish goals. Away from the field, her team accumulated a 3.52 GPA and contributes each year over 250 hours of community service.

She is the adviser for SOU’s Athletes in Action club (Fellowship of Christian Athletes); Pistole and her husband, Bryan, reside in Ashland and have five children, the last being a one-year-old baby girl. What more can be said!

Source: Sources: SOU Raiders, Background (2023): “Jessica Pistole,” at Background; Raider News, “SOU’s Pistole named CCC Coach of Character,” June 2, 2023, at Character and Class.