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Friday 9-27-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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Drr. Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. known world-wide as America’s Psychiatrist is the host of Dr. Carole’s Couch on, and The Terrorist Therapist® Podcast. She is a forensic psychiatrist/expert witness, bestselling-award-winning author of 4 books – 2 on terrorism and 2 on relationships.

Diddy allegedly bound and raped a woman in his office and sold the video as pornography, lawsuit claims

Read more below


Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H., a board-certified psychiatrist, who has been helping people cope with terrorism as The Terrorist Therapist® since 9/11 – in America, and in London and Paris. ( Dr. Lieberman has written two books about terrorism, including the 5x award-winning book, Lions and Tigers and Terrorists, Oh My! How to Protect Your Child in a Time of Terror, for kids (and their parents and teachers). She also hosts “The Terrorist Therapist Show” – chosen as one of the top podcasts on terrorism.

Talk to The Caretaker of America’s Mental Health!





 7:10 Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors from with today’s Outdoor Report!

8:10 Longtime PBS TV reporter David Tereshchuk on to discuss his memoir, A Question of Paternity: My Life as an Unaffiliated Reporter, which Envelope Books published yesterday. It’s about his decades-long search to determine the identity of his father.

At first it was thought to be a priest who passed through the Scottish Borderland town where David grew up. Later, after some surprising results from one of those DNA test kits, it was thought to be a German POW who’d been housed in a nearby camp and who his mother had been seen “walking out” with.


David used all of his skills as an investigative journalist in his attempt to discover his origins. He got the police involved. And the Catholic Church. And the Red Cross. And the British military. He knocked on every door a person could knock on. He was, ultimately, unsuccessful.










It’s heartbreaking, and beautifully told (including candid parts about his battle with alcoholism), and just a really special book about coming to terms with not knowing. Here’s a link to the book on Amazon:


Thursday 9-26-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Steve Milloy, founder and senior fellow at the Energy and Environment Legal Institute


We talk the Kamala Harris interview with MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle in Pittsburgh.


Steve assembled a list of suggested climate and energy questions which should have been asked.


  1. Almost one-half of Inflation Reduction Act climate spending ($64.7 billion) been allocated to only five (5) battleground states. Is IRA money being used to buy votes?


  1. The House recently passed a bill to revoke the Biden-Harris EV mandate. Your campaign has stated that you also oppose the EV mandate. Will you urge Senate Democrats to pass the House bill and President Biden to sign the EV mandate repeal?


  1. You say you support fracking. But the League of Conservation Voters, a major donor to your campaign, says that it is “inevitable” that you will cut fracking. Why should voters trust you when your knowledgable backers openly admit your fracking pose is insincere?

7:10 Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government – with a special episode of the “DC Swamp Update”. Don and Kamala news, tariffs issues? We dig into it all. Rick’s colleague Robert Romano’s great piece on that here:


7:35 – State Representative Dwayne Yunker explains the state’s excuses for the 1269+ non-citizens on the voting rolls. The coverup begins??

8:10 Gianna Miceli, author, podcaster, serious about detaching people from the legal matrix in the current U.S.A. More on Gianna:

 We talk about how she helps people regain their natural rights through her Inalienable University Program:

Moving people’s lives from PUBLIC to PRIVATE.

 Here’s her latest:

Why the Deep State Can’t Afford More Trump Supreme Court Appointments

By Gianna Miceli

What unseen forces have been in play to ensure that Donald John Trump never takes office again and what is actually at stake that his life is on the line? Have you ever pondered the ripple effects of a single individual’s influence on a nation’s highest court? Brace yourself for a journey through the twists and turns as we delve into the enigmatic impact of former President Trump on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). The power dynamics and reshaping of justice are nothing short of spellbinding. In the riveting realm of judicial appointments, President Trump made not one, not two, but THREE significant nominations to the Supreme Court – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. These selections were not merely names on a list; they were pivotal keystones in the judiciary’s foundation, dancing at the intersection of ideology and jurisprudence. What if he gets two more, which is highly likely if he wins this election. [more…]


Wednesday 9-24-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Eric Peters, Automotive Journalist from



7:10 James Czerniawski is a senior policy analyst in Technology and Innovation at Americans for Prosperity. His previous experience includes working as a technology and innovation policy analyst at the Libertas Institute and a Program Coordinator with the American Institute for Economic Research. His work has been featured in The New York Post, Newsweek, The Morning Consult, U.S. News and World Report, and more.”

You may have seen Gavin Newsom is trying to stifle election speech in California. 

Now the Biden-Harris Administration is pushing for the federal government to decide who has a right to say what in our elections and that could have damaging consequences for our political discourse and First Amendment rights. 

Efforts in Congress to ban the use of AI in political ads have largely stalled. So, naturally, the Biden-Harris administration is attempting an end-around through the Federal Communications Commission.  Allowing the FCC to stick its nose where it doesn’t belong could also set a dangerous precedent for federal agencies to justify further intrusions into the realm of free expression. 

AFP’s senior policy analyst in technology and innovation James Czerniawski provided comments to the FCC, Here it is: 

7:35 State Senator Dennis Linthicum, candidate for Secretary of State of Oregon – We talk the “extra” foreign nationals on the voting rolls. Here’s his latest:



As we now see, the original 306 DMV errors were nothing but a “Limited Hang-out.”

What’s that?

According to Victor Marchetti, a former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the CIA, a “Limited Hang-out” is “spy jargon” describing a public relations strategy widely used by governments, executive agencies, and modern global corporations.

It works like this: When a corporate or government misdeed gets discovered there is often a barrage of formidable questions. In response, the answers are awkward because they lack any bumper-sticker appeal. Any cover-ups or thinly-veiled explanations fail to satisfy and a strategic shift is required.

Sometimes the deflection will take the form of complex technical details and plausible explanations about how this happened and how they’ll fix it.

One of the most successful methods is to distract the masses with some interesting facts or tidbits. This allows players to admit to some statistically insignificant mistake, like the 306 “accidental” non-citizen voter registrations. The limited exposure provided by letting a handful of cats out of the bag without dumping the whole lot helps the interlopers avoid revealing the depth of their malfeasance.

The publicity allows the elites get to take command of the issues, steer the narrative and influence the public mind as they join in the fray. They too, get to express their outrage while continuing to distract the public by giving them a bobble to play with. The real details remain hidden, especially if there happens to be key missteps or damaging facts. For those in power, there goal is to keep the scandal out of the public domain and keep it buried as deep as possible.

After a week’s worth of news and hullabaloo, the 306 was touted as the absolute total. Today that total has soared up to 1,259 or four times as many as a week earlier. Will this multiplier keep going?

The elections office has described the software issues which may have led to the errors. The details highlight foreign passports and foreign drivers’ licenses that were mistakenly entered as US versions of those documents. The SOS office can review and fix these highlighted tidbits because the source documents, meaning the actual passport or license can be reviewed.

However, following the passage of HB 4133, the only thing available for review would be the last four-digits of “the person’s valid Social Security Number.”  This ensures that nothing can ever be traced to an individual. If the legislature sincerely wanted to identify a person, they would have required the entire SSN (which is not valid for identification) just like they required the foreign passport or drivers’ license. They did not want that.

Be careful, if you ask these questions, you might be labeled as a “threat to our Democracy” because your comment causes people to think seriously about election integrity issues.

I applaud everyone who is willing to use “Election Integrity” as sincere watchwords for our electoral process. Our elections should be widely accessible, fair, and secure.

On the ballot for this November 5th General Election, every position, up and down the ballot, needs your scrutiny and thoughtful review. Let’s not allow anyone to steal our future because we weren’t willing to stand and speak our minds.

The office of Secretary of State must be a watchdog for our democracy, not a lapdog for the political elites. We face a critical moment where transparency, integrity, and truth are under siege. My commitment is to audit every corner of our government and ensure that every penny is spent wisely.

Every Oregonian deserves to know that their constitutional and civil rights will be fully protected to ensure the stability of their families, lives and livelihoods.



8:10 RCC’s President Dr. Randy Weber is making the rounds around the valley giving updates about RCC.

Rogue Community College Sees Enrollment Surge, Boosts Local Economy

Jackson and Josephine Counties (Sept. 9, 2024) –


Rogue Community College (RCC) continues its upward trajectory from the previous year, reporting a nearly 19 percent increase in full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment for the 2023-2024 academic year.

RCC’s growth also stands out at the state level. The college’s 18.9 percent enrollment increase from Fall 2023 to Fall 2024 far surpasses the average 5.7 percent increase reported by other Oregon community colleges, positioning RCC as one of the top-performing institutions in the state. During the past two fall terms, RCC has achieved a 24.7 percent growth in enrollment, compared to the statewide average of 6.3 percent. Enrollment for fall 2024 is still underway.


RCC’s total student population grew from 8,366 in 2022-2023 to 9,280 in 2023-2024. College officials report the increase is due to the college’s recruitment initiatives, strong community support and commitment to high-quality education.


“This achievement highlights RCC’s collective efforts and the unwavering support of our community,” said RCC President Dr. Randy Weber. “We are grateful to our dedicated faculty, staff and Board of Education. Their commitment is fundamental to RCC’s success as an educational and economic cornerstone in Josephine and Jackson counties.”


The surge in on-campus enrollment, which has increased by 50 percent during the past two years, reflects a growing enthusiasm for in-person learning. While online enrollment has remained steady, much of the recent growth has been seen through on-campus courses, indicating a shift in student preferences and scheduling needs.


RCC remains focused on strategic initiatives aimed at improving student success and meeting local industry employment needs. RCC’s commitment to growth and adaptability to expand key programs in areas such as Science, Allied Health, Welding and Automotive Technology mirrors labor market trends in the region.


“We are witnessing a strong comeback from the pandemic, with overall enrollment numbers nearing pre-pandemic levels. Career and workforce program enrollments are reaching all-time highs,” added Weber. “We are seeing our community eager to return to college, particularly in workforce-based programs that lead directly to employment opportunities.”


RCC’s commitment to serving high school students and partners has also contributed to its success. During the 2023-24 academic year, RCC provided 16 training cohorts for high school students in credit and non-credit programs, further strengthening the pipeline from secondary to post-secondary education to skills that translate into employment.

“People are realizing that whether they attend RCC to get their GED, to enhance their earning potential with a short-term certificate or to graduate with a 2-year transfer degree, it pays. RCC works. The enrollment numbers show that, and so does the economic impact of RCC,” says Weber. “

An analysis done by independent labor market analytics firm Lightcast using data from 2021-22 found that RCC contributes $306.5 million annually in income to the economy. The college’s economic impact includes operations spending, construction spending and student spending, as well as the higher earnings of alumni who entered the regional workforce with new skills after studying at RCC.

Weber says, “We’re excited about the momentum with our strongest transfer partner, Southern Oregon University, in making an even more positive impact in the region and beyond.”

A study done by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce shows that having some postsecondary education, even without earning a degree, adds nearly one- quarter of a million dollars to lifetime earnings. Getting an Associate’s degree adds another bump of nearly $200,000 in lifetime earnings, nearly one-third more than those with just a high school diploma.


Tuesday 9-24-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Steve Goreham is Executive Director of the Climate Science Coalition of America and author of four books on energy, climate change, and sustainable development, with over 100,000 copies in print.  Steve’s latest book, Green Breakdown: The Coming Renewable Energy Failure, came out August of last year.

This week, thousands are meeting at Climate Week in New York City to urge world efforts to fight global warming, but the proposed transition to renewable energy is failing. Consumers are rejecting electric vehicles, while suffering from skyrocketing electricity bills. Residents increasingly oppose wind and solar projects. And renewable equipment company stock prices are crashing.

Steve’s latest book, Green Breakdown: The Coming Renewable Energy Failure, shows why the Net Zero agenda—a forced transition to renewable energy—is costly, dangerous, and destined for failure.  Using science, economics, and in-depth analysis, the book exposes the weaknesses in the planned green energy transition and predicts a coming renewable energy failure.














7:35 Josephine County Commissioner Herman Baertschiger


Monday 9-23-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 : Edward Bartlett, Founder of SAVE,  organization focused on fairness and due process on college campuses.


Media outlets are buzzing with a new narrative: male voters, long overlooked, are now emerging as a decisive force in the upcoming November election. Recent reports suggest that men, particularly those disillusioned by traditional political loyalties, could shape the results of the 2024 presidential race.


CNN political commentator Michael Smerconish, along with guest Scott Galloway, assert that men, especially white working-class men, are the new swing voters to watch. These men, frustrated by the lack of attention to their concerns, are becoming increasingly influential as both major parties scramble to win their support.


The Huffington Post has highlighted how both the Trump and Harris campaigns have been actively courting black male voters. Traditionally loyal to the Democratic Party, both campaigns want to ensure they appeal to black male voters.


Newsweek’s recent coverage delves deeper into the rising disillusionment among male voters relating to gender inequality and related political issues.  Economic struggles, escalating crime rates, and perceived neglect by political elites are driving men to reassess their political allegiances.


USA Today article discussing the 2020 race demonstrated that this is not new. Male voter support of Biden was critical in determining the outcome of the 2020 election.  Changes in voting patterns from the 2016 presidential election among men, particularly in key battleground states, played a decisive role in swinging the 2020 election in favor of Joe Biden.


Men are increasingly recognizing the impact of the 12 areas of male disadvantage—from educational and health disparities to workplace safety and justice system biases, and are voting to protect their interests. The growing influence of male voters underscores the urgent need to address the disparities they face.


Ed Bartlett is the Founder of SAVE, He received his PhD from Johns Hopkins University. Former faculty member at three universities, and former federal regulator at the Department of Health and Human Services. Author of over 100 peer-reviewed articles and editorials. Proud father of three and an avid bicyclist.



Men Likely Will Determine the Outcome of the November Presidential Election

CNN: Why male voters are such an important target for Harris



7:10 Chris Barnett, candidate for Josephine County Commissioner

7:35 State Representative Dwayne Yunker is on  to explain how the GOP is responding to reports of quite a few non-citizens being registered to vote in Oregon.



SALEM, Ore. – In response to the news that noncitizens in Oregon received ballots and voted in Oregon’s 2022 election, House Republicans Ed Diehl (R-Stayton), E. Werner Reschke (R-Klamath Falls), Anna Scharf (R-Amity), and Dwayne Yunker (R-Grants Pass) offered the following statements:

“We need better safeguards to ensure every legal vote counts and is not diluted or negated,” said Rep. Yunker. “Therefore, House Republicans will be introducing legislation in Oregon that mimics the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, or SAVE Act passed this summer by the U.S. House of Representatives.”

“House Republicans want to make it as easy as possible for Oregon citizens to vote,” said Rep. Diehl. “Unfortunately, the Democrat majority in Oregon has passed laws such as automatic voter registration via the DMV and now the Oregon Health Authority which leave Oregon’s voting system very vulnerable to fraud and foreign interference.”

“Even one noncitizen voting is one too many,” said Rep. Reschke. “Each noncitizen who votes steals the voice of an Oregon citizen. There are ways to restore confidence in our elections system. The SAVE Act is the first step in ensuring our elections are safe and secure.”

The SAVE Act is intended to prevent noncitizens from voting. The bill would require individuals registering to vote in the state of Oregon provide proof of citizenship such as a birth certificate or a U.S. passport. It would also require the Oregon Secretary of State to perform robust voter roll audits.

There are over 220,000 noncitizens over the age of 18 currently residing in the state of Oregon, according to March  2024 Current Population Survey data.



8:10 Dr. Dennis Powers, retired professor of Business Law at Southern Oregon University. with today’s “Where Past Meets Present”.

The Biscuit Fire of 2002

By Dennis Powers


On July 13th, 2002, southwestern Oregon had endured nearly two months of drought and a searing heat wave was cooking the area. The forecasted weather was for a high of 105 degrees that day, and the Illinois Valley forests were dry as kindling. The conditions were a perfect storm for dry lightning strikes–so hot that the heat evaporates the rain before it reaches the ground–and which start one-third of all forest fires.


A series of electrical storms boiled over the mountains and just after 2:00 P.M. that afternoon, thunderbolts struck down onto the tinder-dry forests along the California-Oregon border. These bolts ignited five separate fires within 20 miles of one another inside Oregon’s Siskiyou Mountains and the huge Kalmiopsis Wilderness. Without one drop of water cooling the land, 581 lighting strikes in total struck Jackson and Josephine Counties with 23 bolting down into the Siskiyou National Forest.


Despite immediate attempts to stop the first air-spotted fire, firefighting efforts failed and a second one–both on steep, rocky slopes–was spotted burning the next day. Observers then saw the additional smoldering fires. With most of the nation’s fire-fighting manpower tied down elsewhere in the second worst fire season in 50 year (throughout eleven states), the small crews positioned there didn’t have a chance to suppress the Kalmiopsis fires. In Oregon alone, a dozen major fires were already burning out of control inside 100,000 acres.


Dubbed the Biscuit fire (after Oregon’s Biscuit Creek, where the fires joined together), the fires burned into one another in days and a 20-mile wall of flames sped through the wilderness of tall trees and thick brush. Only air-tankers could stop this, but the 10 Oregon tankers were already in use fighting fires in eastern and central Oregon. The small contingent of firefighters was forced to fall back, as the flames threatened the 17,000 residents in the Illinois Valley towns of Selma, Kerby, Cave Junction, and O’Brien.


With much of the fire inside remote wilderness (and skirting Highway 199), the Forest Service’s efforts were intentionally limited to setting large backfires and building fire-breaks. With limited manpower and smoke filling the area, the Service decided to let the flames burn in any direction, but not into the Illinois Valley. On July 30th, however, one front blasted in 24-hours through 65,000 acres–two-thirds the size of Portland–racing 5-1/2 miles in only 90 minutes. At that rate, out-of-control fires would slam into Selma in less than an hour.


Easily seen from the I-5 corridor, mushroom clouds of thick, gray smoke reached as high as 30,000 feet into the sky. As the plumes topped, they then collapsed to spew embers and burning branches miles from the fire’s edge. Along a 20-mile stretch of Highway 199, the view to the west was an ominous string of plumes towering over the Valley. When 60-mile-per-hour winds blasted flames 100 feet over the Illinois River, homes and lives there were directly threatened. Evacuation notices were issued for the entire Illinois Valley.



Worrying that these fires with the prevailing winds would burn to the Rogue River, the Forest Service brought in its best wilderness firefighters. As a steady stream of packed vans and campers headed away from the Illinois Valley, another convoy of bulldozers on huge flatbeds, fire engines (from three-dozen Oregon communities), and school buses filled with firefighting crews headed into the remote valley. Grants Pass motels offered discounts to residents fleeing the area, as smoke-filled air and cinders blanketed Southern Oregon for days on end.


By early August, equipment and over 7,000 people operated from three main fire camps near Cave Junction, Brookings, and Gold Beach; the efforts included firefighters from Mexico and technical personnel from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. By August 10th, a combination of burnouts, bulldozed firelines, helicopter water-drops, firefighting “hotshots”, and a near-miraculous wind-shift formed a safety ring that saved the Illinois Valley.


Nearly two months after the lighting strikes, the fires–still burning out of control–were declared “contained”. Even with this, the Biscuit Fire wasn’t declared fully “controlled” until late November, and it burned until the winter rains came. On December 31rst, the Forest Service finally declared it to be officially extinguished.


Although no lives were lost and structural damage minimal–limited to less than a dozen structures that were generally remote cabins–the burn area was 500,000 acres and Oregon’s largest forest fire of record. Some 40% of the 500,000 acres (200,000) within the fireline was reduced to charcoal and ash with 20% basically untouched.


A controversy developed as to whether the fires could have been put out in the first days, especially as to whether California and Oregon fire supervisors had effectively communicated. A later GAO report stated that needed rapid responses were stretched thin by the outbreak of wildfires across the country with “helitac” crews and smokejumpers being sent elsewhere. Leaving many forests choked with fuel, 80 years of growth from past wildland fires had compounded the problem. Despite learning that a wave of dry lightning strikes on a heated summer day can overwhelm small fire crews, it is possible that a fire of this magnitude can occur again.


In the years after the Biscuit Fire, despite the courts ruling for the Forest Service and that the salvage logging involved less than 1% of the fire-killed timber, protesters demonstrated against the efforts and blocked logging trucks. With U.S. Marshals and local police efforts, the logging proceeded as this became a battleground between the Bush administration and environmental groups over opening remote, road-less areas for salvage logging. At the end of 2006, helicopters removed the last of the salvage timber.


Sources: Dennis Powers, “The Biscuit Fire of 2002,” Grants Pass Daily Courier, July 7, 2024, Pg. 10-B; Jeff LaLande, Oregon Encyclopedia, “Biscuit

