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Thursday 06-06-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Richard Emmons publisher and editor of the Oregon Eagle with a great conversation on the challenges in print journalism. EO Media with big cutbacks at the R-V Times, Portland Tribune sold to the Carpenter Group. What does this mean for the future of news?


7:35 Jack Cashill is an independent writer and producer and has written seventeen books and appeared on C-SPAN’s Book TV a dozen times. He has also produced a score of feature-length documentaries. Jack serves as senior editor of Ingram’s magazine and writes regularly for American Thinker, American Spectator, and WorldNetDaily. He has a Ph.D. from Purdue University in American studies and a B.A. in English from Siena College.

Jack’s latest is ASHLI The Untold Story of the Women of January 6 Unlike the women who descended on Washington in 2017 to protest the inauguration of President Trump, the women of January 6 did not come as women. They came as Americans, as patriots, as defenders of the republic. They did not wear pink hats. They wore MAGA hats. Their issues were indistinguishable from those of the men in their lives—the rule of law, free and fair elections, and the preservation of constitutional rights. They brought no laundry list of special needs like, say, “reproductive rights,” because they understood that no one was challenging their right to reproduce.


In fact, many had reproduced abundantly. There was not a single celebrity in their midst—no Ashley Judds, no Gloria Steinems, no Madonnas threatening to “blow up the White House.” These were Hillary’s “deplorables” in the flesh, a whole heaping basket of them, “irredeemable” to the last woman. On January 6, the very presence of these intrepid women at the Capitol so offended the natural order of things that many would be gassed and beaten. Two would never return home. If resistance to government oppression has a face, it is that of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, a determined patriot and an enduring martyr. This is her story, and that of the other gallant women of January 6.



8:10 Capt. William E. Simpson of Wild Horse Fire Brigade Fame – Today we dig into Senator Ron Wyden’s introcued legislation “Prescribed Fire Act of 2024”. Doesn’t think it’s a good idea – Here’s the latest article from Bill: Capt William E Simpson – Is Money Driving The Rush To Burn America



Tuesday 06-04-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Gregg Phillips creator of Ground Fusion AI, a platform that revolutionizes targeted political engagement with data on 211 million voters.




BIO: Gregg Phillips, creator of Ground Fusion AI, is a trailblazer in political technology with over 40 years of experience.


Phillips is an expert in enhancing electoral processes and governance. He developed Ground Fusion AI, a sophisticated platform providing extensive voter data for targeted campaign strategies. Gregg also hosts the highly ranked podcast “Patriot Games,” which explores technology within the political sphere, and is the executive producer and co-star of “2000 Mules,” reaching over 30 million viewers.


His work supports campaigns across all levels, significantly impacting the political landscape.






7:10 Charles Marino

His new book: TERRORISTS ON THE BORDER and in Our Country



By Charles A. Marino

Former Senior Law Enforcement Advisor

to the Secretary of Homeland Security

 While Americans are busy debating everything from environmental initiatives, to abortion, healthcare, welfare, trans rights, and student loan forgiveness, millions more noncitizens, including terrorists, continue to invade our republic.



Stringent and enforceable immigration policies are necessary for America’s continued prosperity.

The terrorists are not just on the border, they are among us!


National security expert, Charles A. Marino, a former senior law enforcement adviser to the secretary of Homeland Security and supervisory special agent for the U.S. Secret Service, warns us in his new book, TERRORISTS ON THE BORDER and in Our Country that destructive ideologies and poor leadership have left America wide open and vulnerable. But he has a plan to save America.

7:35 Josephine County Commissioner Herman Baertschiger In studio with a talk on the scariness of last week’s verdict, and some talk on the upcoming battle for the Josephine County Budget.



Monday 06-03-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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 7:10 Kristen Roberts  is an intellectual property attorney who deals regularly in the specialized fields of trademark and copyright registration, licensing, enforcement and litigation. She has also worked as an adjunct law professor, teaching various intellectual property courses, and is heavily involved in giving back to her community. Her many cases have involved transactions with companies like Walmart, Target, Lululemon, Chipotle, and more.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has weighed into the AI controversy over what sounds like the voice of actress Scarlett Johansson. Altman says the voice was not meant to sound like the popular actress and mostly sidestepped questions about the ‘Sky’ chatbot that many users say sounds just like the actress. The controversy began after OpenAI released a voice function for ChatGPT, with one of the voices sounding similar to Johansson. OpenAI has since pulled the voice.

“This is the new frontier of trademark law,” says longtime Intellectual Property Attorney and founder of Trestle Law Kristen Roberts. “Artificial Intelligence will open a new door to this kind of intellectual property infringement and as attorneys specializing in this we need to help in setting the ground rules before AI does it for us.”

The issue comes as the conflict between generative AI and the entertainment industry continues to simmer, with voice actors filing lawsuits and the giant entertainment union SAG-AFTRA looking to lobby for bills protecting voice rights.

So, what happens next?

 7:35 State Representative Dwayne Yunker, HD3 in Grants Pass with a talk about the latest revenue forecast and economic plan. Will Oregon ever get back to producing “stuff” rather than jobs which are expenses on society?

 8:10 Dr. Dennis Powers, Professor of Business Law (retired) from Southern Oregon University. Today it’s a breakdown of Trump Verdict…can the system be reformed?
