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Thursday 4-25-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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Friday 05-24-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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 6:35 Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government –

We talk some about trouble at the post office. Here’s some legislation being considered:

Lawmakers are asking the USPS regulator to block DeJoy’s latest price hikes – Government Executive (

The BIG concern today is how Congress wants to have the Federal Trade Commission censor the internet to “protect the children”. Click the following link to tell Congress “Hands off the Net”


Click here to urge Congress to stop the Section 230 Sunset Act!

The internet as we know it will be destroyed if this bill passes! Please email Congress and tell them to reject the plan by House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) and Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-N.J.) to sunset Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, with members stating they want Congress to regulate “indecent” content and “disinformation” on the internet.

This bill will hold Truth Social, Rumble, X, eBay and millions of websites, applications and other small businesses that depend on Section 230 for their very existence hostage just so that Congress can extort a few Big Tech firms.

The legislation simply states, “This section shall have no force or effect after December 31, 2025.” No alternative is presented.

Instead, per McMorris-Rodgers and Pallone’s Wall Street Journal oped, “Big Tech [has] a choice: Work with Congress to ensure the internet is a safe, healthy place for good, or lose Section 230 protections entirely.”

In other words, it’s “Nice internet you have there, shame if anything were to happen to it.” This is extortion–and only you can stop it.

You know what to do! Let’s get urge Congress to reject the Section 230 Sunset Act!

By sunsetting Section 230, it naturally holds out the prospect for its renewal — for the right price. In the meantime, millions of websites, e-commerce stores and other interactive computer services are to be held hostage and if Big Tech does not or cannot pay the toll, would lose all protection. That would break the internet. Please urge Congress to reject the McMorris-Rodgers-Pallone Section 230 sunset legislation.

For Liberty,

Rick Manning
Americans for Limited Government


7:10 Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors from


7:35 Matt Morsa – Market Talk – Matt is a 30-year experienced former stockbroker and market analyst.


8:35 Capt. William E. Simpson – Is Prescribed Burning Oversold ? Here’s his take:


Thursday 05-23-24 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Andrew M. Riddaugh is CEO of Liberation Technology Services, a company at the forefront of the private cloud hosting industry, groundbreaking cybersecurity solutions and the pioneer of liquid-cooled edge data centers. Prior to building Liberation Tek, Riddaugh was with the Executive Office of the President of the United States as a key figure within the Office of Presidential Advance for the 45th President, Donald J. Trump. Andrew’s strategic insights and operational excellence have supported over 300 presidential trips, including 16 international missions. 



Today we’re talking the danger of Google’s revamped AI.


After Google’s first failed launch of their new AI “Gemini” resulted in producing photos of Indian female Popes, black Vikings, and creative interpretations of American Founding Fathers, but no white people, Google wants you to know they’ve made a few tweaks and they have launched again. And yet again they have produced a product riddled with mistakes.


Riddaugh, CEO of Liberation Technology Services, a non-woke technology service whose company values are solidly based in freedom, liberty, and the protection of its user’s private data says, “Gemini is like a woke Skynet being released on the world.”


“Due to Google’s monopoly on information, the woke culture in Silicon Valley which was exposed by the Twitter Files, and the self-evident bias of Google employees, the unprepared and rushed roll-out of Gemini shows, in itself, the plan to impact our elections and elections worldwide. Why the rush, Google? Why aren’t you waiting until you get it right, say in 2025? We all know why” adds Riddaugh.


currently in the tech field, and formerly in the Trump Administration Riddaugh says he’s been shocked at Google’s ability to manipulate & continue its monopoly. “Without proper adjustments from Christians and Conservative voters, Google will be able to manipulate us in the information we receive both overtly & covertly.”


Another issue that keeps Riddaugh up at night is the fact that Google has 20 years of search engine data on people worldwide. “All of your information, your searches for decades, your life is in the hands of Google” says Riddaugh. “They never stop tracking you, selling your data, and monitoring your behaviors.”  According to The American Institute of Behavioral Research and Technology, Google is very dangerous, gathering more than 3 million pages of information about you.


“This is exactly why you need to run, not walk, away from Gmail, Google Search Engines, Chrome, etc. Anything owned by Google. Get away from it” says Riddaugh. “They are the main reason I started Liberation Technology Services. I saw the manipulation of voters during 2020 by #BigTech. I knew I had to do something to protect our liberties and privacy.”



7:35 Mark Lippelmann. With Alliance Defending Freedom


This week Mark took part in the Alliance Defending Freedom oral arguments for our case in Medford Oregon, Youth 71Five Ministries.

  • Youth71Five Ministries is a Christian ministry in Oregon that helps at-risk kids from ages 6-24. They’ve been participating in the state’s grant program for the past few years. But for the first time, the state prohibited faith-based organizations from participating if they required employees and volunteers to share their faith.
  • The ministry lost over $400,000 in grant money because it was disqualified from receiving state funds.
  • Being religious should never disqualify an organization from a program to help those in need.
    • The state can’t expect a Christian ministry to hire people who aren’t religious.
  • Please see our press release here.



8:10 Noah Robinson – GOP Senate Candidate for SD 2 takes a victory lap and talks about what’s next in the General Election Fight.