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Friday 7-28-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government, and today’s DC Swamp Update – Why do we need a Free Speech Protection Act  when we have the 1st Amendment? Rick and I dig in and talk other issues, too.


7:10 Greg Roberts from  with today’s Outdoor and Fire Report.


8:15 Kevin Starrett with Oregon Firearms Federation – – the murder of a Portland area hospital security guard – how government policy led to his death. Also, why we need patriots and conservatives…not just Republicans.



Thursday 7-27-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Curtis Houck, managing editor of NewsBusters at the MRC


Curtis Houck, managing editor of NewsBusters at the MRC

Mainstream media is deliberately and cynically misleading a false narrative. tying the DeSantis administration to the lynching and murder of Emmett Till as President Biden is set to announce a national monument to Till and his mother. 


7:10 Nicole Neeley with Parents Defending Education

Parents Defending Education (PDE) has Uncovered Alarming Evidence Linking Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-Sponsored Entities to American K-12 schools.

PDE’s new report — Little Red Classrooms (LRC) — reveals that previously established links between CCP-supported Confucius Institutes and American universities have been exploited to create and fund similar controversial programs in K-12 schools across the nation.

“Confucius Classrooms,” which are fully backed and vetted by the Chinese government, now exist in public and private K-12 schools across 34 states (plus DC), impacting 143 school districts and more than 170,000 students. This includes three of the nation’s top STEM schools in Kentucky, North Carolina, and Virginia.

Even more alarming, these schools are located in the vicinity of 20 major U.S. military installations, posing a major national security vulnerability for the United States. 

PDE’s report can be viewed in its entirety at


7:50 Teresa Mull from the American Spectator, her upcoming book, Woke-Proof Your Life.LINK:

Teresa claims we all need a break. In a single century, America has moved from a rural, agricultural, family-centered society to one that is urban, corporate, and hyper-individualistic. And it’s made us miserable.

  • Analyzing modern misery: Americans enjoy the highest standard of living of any civilization, ever, yet we are more anxious, depressed, and miserable than our forefathers, because wokeness and its agitating, divisive poisons were not a part of our ancestors’ lives.
  • Mental health begins in the garden: The American mental health crisis can be relieved greatly and easily by returning to the simple activities that were the basis of society until the advent of the internet: community and family gatherings, civic engagement, and time spent outside are essential to a happy, healthy citizenry.
  • Screentime isn’t just unhealthy, it’s where wokeness lives and dies: Wokeness did not and would not exist without propagandizing social media platforms; let’s cancel them.
  • Save an old house, save America: To defeat wokeness, conservatives must commit to preserving the artifacts — books, movies, music, statues, architecture, art, and so forth — that celebrate our nation’s great heritage and remind us of our enduring exceptionalism.
  • Tips for boycotting Woke, Inc., without becoming a survivalist, off-the-grid caveman; “micro-boycotts” work, as does thrifting, antiquating, and repurposing, and there are plenty of neutral and non-woke resources out there for the conscientious, conservative consumer.
  • The busyness myth: Everyone is “so busy” these days! but are they really, or are they just distracted and investing their time poorly in activities that ultimately lead them to depend more on woke institutions? 


Wednesday 7-26-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

6:35 Eric Peters with today’s “Wheels Up Wednesday” from     


7:10 State Senator Linthicum an update on the Golden Fire and other political and liberty oriented commentary.


7:35 Dr. Pierre Kory, author of:

War on Ivermectin: The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic

Big Pharma and health agencies cry, “Don’t take ivermectin!” A media storm follows. Why then, does the science say the opposite?”

Ivermectin is a dirty word in the media. It doesn’t work. It’s a deadly horse dewormer. Prescribe or promote it and you’ll be called a right-wing quack, be banned from social media, or lose your license to practice medicine. And yet, entire countries wiped out the virus with it, and more than ninety-five studies now show it to be unequivocally effective in preventing and treating Covid-19. If it didn’t work, why was there a coordinated global campaign to cancel it? What’s the truth about this decades-old, Nobel Prize-winning medication? 

The War on Ivermectin is the personal and professional narrative of Dr. Pierre Kory and his crusade to recommend a safe, inexpensive, generic medicine as the key to ending the pandemic. 

Written with Jenna McCarthy, Dr. Kory’s story chronicles the personal attacks, professional setbacks, and nefarious efforts of the world’s major health agencies and medical journals to dismiss and deny ivermectin’s efficacy. Part personal narrative, part scathing expose, The War on Ivermectin highlights the catastrophic impacts of the mass media censorship and relentless propaganda that led to the greatest humanitarian crisis in history. 

Although numerous studies and epidemiologic data have shown that millions of lives were saved globally with the systematic use of ivermectin, many more millions perished. This carnage was the direct result of what Dr. Kory eventually discovered to be the pharmaceutical industry’s silent but deadly war on generic medicines and the corrupt, captured medical and media systems that allow it to continue. For anyone who thought Covid-19 was the enemy, Dr. Kory’s book will leave no doubt that the true adversary in this war is a collective cabal of power-hungry elites who put profits over people and will stop at nothing in their quest for control.

The War on Ivermectin is published through ICAN PRESS, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing. ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) is a nonprofit organization investigating the safety of medical procedures, pharmaceutical drugs, and vaccines while advocating for people’s right to informed consent.

Dr. Pierre Kory, author of War on Ivermectin: The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic is a pulmonary and critical care medicine specialist and a former associate professor and chief of the Critical Care Service at the University of Wisconsin. Prior to COVID-19, he was an internationally renowned pioneer in the field of critical care ultrasonography, having served as senior editor of an award-winning textbook, Point of Care Ultrasound, now in its second edition and translated into seven languages.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, he cofounded and continues to serve as the president and chief medical officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (, a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing the most effective treatment protocols for COVID-19.

Having coauthored over ten peer-reviewed manuscripts on COVID-19, he is considered one of the world’s clinical experts on both the disease and the role of ivermectin and other early treatments.

Dr. Kory is also considered a master educator and has won major departmental teaching awards at multiple institutions in his career. More recently, he became the cofounder and chief medical officer of The Leading Edge Clinic, a private tele-health practice operating in all fifty states that focuses on the treatment of both common and complex chronic medical conditions with a specialization in COVID-19 vaccine injury and long COVID-19 vaccine injury and long COVID syndromes.





8:15 Jackson County Sheriff Nate Sickler talks the new Sheriffs App, the Jackson County Sheriffs App, which is pretty darn cool: Check it out for







Tuesday 7-25-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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6:35 Nan Su is a senior investigative reporter for the Epoch Times, with an eye and focus on Chinese politics and government deception. Nan is highly knowledgeable in a variety of subjects, including the Coronavirus and all things happening overseas. His reports have been in The Epoch Times for some time now and gained a following based on his expertise in delivering thorough results.

Chinese Infiltration Isn’t Just In the U.S., Based On These Reports From Other Countries

There have been stories as of late revolving around China trying to slowly infiltrate the United States with secret police stations and other reported businesses. But apparently the U.S. isn’t the only place they’re infiltrating.

Earlier this year, The Epoch Times published a piece discussing how Italy activated an Anti-Mafia Commission, in an effort to look further the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) reportedly set up shop within their country. This includes the actions of Chinese gangs, who made their way into Italian society, working alongside corrupted officials.

But apparently that’s just the beginning. A most recent article from Pro Publica revealed that the corruption has now spread throughout Europe, “in a campaign to infiltrate the West, amass wealth and influence, and control diaspora communities as if they were colonies of Beijing’s police state,” according to the author.

Apparently, these Chinese mobsters are reportedly working hand-in-hand with the CCP, in an effort to keep increase infiltration, but keep it operating smoothly. And several Chinese police stations – like the ones previously found in New York City and other locations – have set up a steady presence.

Emmanuel Jourda, a French scholar who specializes in Chinese organized crime, noted that the CCP “takes the most powerful, richest, most successful figures and recognizes them as the nobility of the diaspora.”

Jourda continued, “The deal, spoken or not, is: ‘You gather intelligence on the community, we let you do business. Whether legal or illegal.’” There are also various documentaries available over on Epoch TV.


7:35 Josephine County Commissioner Herman Baertschiger – Getting involved in changing Oregon’s Politics…what can/should you do?


8:40 OPEN FOR BUSINESS with Cheriesse from No Wires Now and they have new ways to save…everything from installing solar power on your home, (ask how you can get a 1000 dollar Home Depot card for a qualifying install. So much more, call or text her at 541-680-5875


Monday 7-24-23 Bill Meyer Show Guest Information

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7:10 GABRIELLA HOFFMAN Senior Fellow, Independent Women’s Forum

As seen in the Wall Street Journal 
Power Grab at the Bureau of Land Management 

The federal government is supposed to manage the land it owns in a balanced way that allows for multiple uses. But a recently proposed Bureau of Land Management rule would undermine the effective management of 245 million acres of public land and limit public access to its resources.

Under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, Congress authorized the BLM to manage federal land under a multiple-use and sustained-yield system. This means the diverse uses of land—including mineral production, wildlife protection, oil and gas production, and grazing—would be considered together by the BLM during any federal land decisions.

The recently proposed Conservation and Landscape Health rule would establish “conservation” as a distinct use of land. But all uses of land entail conservation. The aim of the rule is to reduce sustained-yield land uses like grazing, mining and timber in favor of recreation spaces, watershed preservation, wildlife and fish protection, and “natural scenic, scientific, and historical values.”

The proposed rule would also establish a controversial new program that implements conservation leasing—the setting aside of land “for the purpose of pursuing ecosystem resilience through mitigation and restoration.” The BLM would issue leases to individuals, businesses, nongovernmental organizations and tribal governments to protect certain areas.

That program may threaten the accessibility of public land. While the rule claims that such land would “in general” remain open, it makes no promises and admits that “some public lands could be temporarily closed to public access,” depending on the purpose of the conservation lease. This may give undue influence to powerful environmental organizations, which would be able to prevent access to large areas of land for 10 years or longer, depending on the terms of the lease. It’s hard to see how closing off public lands from development and recreation would meet the BLM’s mission to manage lands under a multiple-use and sustained-yield policy.

The BLM’s program for conservation leases has other problems. The rule doesn’t specify which existing uses, including hunting and fishing, would be permitted on leased land. Moreover, the program would let the BLM decide on a case-by-case basis to let solar and wind companies offset the negative impact of their development on high-value habitats by committing to restore or enhance adjacent low-quality habitats to protect affected wildlife.

Imagine the uproar if oil and gas companies could buy forgiveness for their impacts on public lands by simply building bike lanes and reducing greenhouse-gas emissions in the town nearby their operations. Solar and wind companies’ adherence to the Biden administration’s utopian goal of net-zero through renewable projects will shield participating companies from any criticism over their ecological damage.

It’s unclear whether the BLM even has the authority to define specific uses for federal lands, let alone play policy maker based on those classifications. The responsibility to define and reshape FLPMA—and thus guide U.S. conservation policy—lies with Congress, not unaccountable executive branch agencies.

Further, a prior BLM attempt to establish conservation standards through the 2016 BLM Planning 2.0 rule was repealed by Congress in 2017 under the Congressional Review Act. The CRA prevents executive agencies from reissuing previously disapproved rules in “substantially the same form” unless authorized by Congress.

The newly proposed rule is redundant and possibly illegal, but it hardly comes as a surprise given the recent shift in the BLM’s politics. When President Biden entered office in 2021 his appointment of Tracy Stone-Manning to direct the BLM completely altered the bureau and its mission. Ms. Stone-Manning, whose involvement with the radical eco-terrorist organization Earth First! nearly derailed her confirmation, promised that she would make renewable-energy development a priority and adhere to Mr. Biden’s desire for a “carbon-free future on our public lands, across our country.”

Under the existing multiple-use and sustained-yield system for federal land management, the U.S. has become a global leader in balancing economic development with environmental stewardship. This system works well and permits both commercial and recreational uses on public lands. The BLM shouldn’t stray from its true conservation mission by enabling environmentalists to monopolize access to public lands.


8:15 Dr. Dennis Powers with today’s Where Past Meets Present. (More at )

The Pacific Crest Trail

(and Southern Oregon)

By Dennis Powers

Following the highest sections of the Cascade and Sierra Nevada mountain ranges, the Pacific Crest Trail (“PCT”) is a 2,650 miles long trail that begins just south of the U.S. border with Mexico, travels thru California, Oregon, and Washington, to end at the Canadian-U.S. border in British Columbia. The elevations range from 13,150 feet in the Sierra Nevada to just above sea level at the Oregon-Washington boarder with the Bridge of the Gods. The route passes thru twenty-five national forests and seven national parks.

First proposed by Clinton Clarke as a trail running from Mexico to Canada along the crest of the mountains in California, Oregon, and Washington, he proposed this to create the trail and lobby the federal government to protect it. Joined by the Boy Scouts, YMCA, and Ansel Adams (along with others), YMCA groups explored the 2,000-plus miles of potential trail and planned a route from 1935 to 1938, which has been closely followed by the modern PCT route.

In 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson defined the PCT and Appalachian Trail to be in the National Trails System Act. The PCT was then constructed through cooperation between the federal government and volunteers organized by the Pacific Crest Trail Association. In 1993, the PCT was officially declared finished.

It generally takes five months–or an entire snow-free season–to walk the full trail. Highly experienced/conditioned people have finished the trail in as little as two months. The few who achieve sub-100 day hikes average well over 30 miles per day.

Risks are always present in the wilderness: Lightning, cold weather, falling rocks, wild animals, and other unexpected events. A twisted ankle can be life-threatening if one is alone. It’s important to plan well, including supply points, avoiding snow and bad weather, setting places to rest and recover to safely complete your walk.

There are numbers of way to access the PCT in Southern Oregon. One is at the Green Springs Summit. (From I-5, take exit 14 near Ashland and turn on Highway 66 toward Klamath Falls. Take Hwy 66 for 17 miles to the Green Springs Summit. A trailhead and parking area are located there.)

Another is from the paved Mount Ashland Road and then hike 1.6 miles to Grouse Creek Road (6,500 feet). The next 1.9 trail-miles to 6,600-feet Grouse Gap are level as anyone can expect on any trail with views of Mt. Shasta. From Pilot Rock: Hikers can pick up the trail west of Pilot Rock, a 5,900-foot remnant of a 30-million-year-old lava flow that guided early pioneers into the Rogue Valley.

But my favorite is from Soda Mountain Road. From Ashland, take Highway 66 towards Klamath Falls, head up the mountain, and at the Soda Mountain Road turnoff, turn right. You’ll drive for several miles before coming to the trail head and parking. To the south, the trail passes under power lines and emerges in a forest of fir trees. After an unmarked side trail to Soda Mountain at one mile, the PCT skirts tiny ponds with cliff-edge views of Mount Ashland. Passing thru different ecological zones, this is a grand experience–and bring a day lunch. Be sure to check GPS readings if you haven’t done this before.

Note: Talk with friends who have walked on different access points on the PCT to see about combining different access points (i.e., time of hike, best season, what to bring, and the like).

Sources: Sources: Wikipedia: “Pacific Coast Trail” at More on the PCT; Mary Beth Lee, “Day-hiking the PCT,” Mail Tribune, August 21, 2008—plus Google keywords. .


8:35 Gabriel Nadales, national director of OUR AMERICA Our America National Director Gabriel Nadales  discusses the Washington Department of Corrections (DOC) celebration of the closing of a prison, despite recent spikes in crime, including homicides. 

Due to the “Defund the Police” movement in 2020, anti-police politicians released over 1,000 criminals, as well as activist prosecutors who offer soft-on-crime sentences. Due to these changes, the state saw a 46% increase in murders.

Our America recently launched their “Safer Streets, Brighter Futures” initiative that brings awareness to cities riddled with crime that are frequently neglected by the news media and promotes stronger criminal justice reforms. Unfortunately, activist leaders in Washington have created a legal environment that keeps criminals on the streets. 

Would you be interested in having Nadales on to discuss how these leaders are making cities a safe haven for crime? Let me know- I am happy to schedule. 

Despite spiking in crime, including homicides, the Washington Department of Corrections (DOC) is taking a victory lap on closing a prison.

The department announced the closure of Larch Corrections Center in Clark County, a medium-security prison that holds 240 inmates. The closure is in response to what the DOC claims is a decreasing prison population. According to the department, despite the massive amount of crime, only 70 percent of the beds in the agency’s 12 prisons in the entire state are occupied.

DOC Secretary Cheryl Strange touted the closure, saying that the state has “one of the lowest rates of incarceration in the nation” due to having “worked diligently to lower recidivism rates create better neighbors and ensure that incarcerated individuals don’t return to us once they get out.”

In the wake of the defund the police movement in 2020, local Democrats releasing over 1,000 prisoners during the Covid-19 outbreak, as well as activist prosecutors who don’t press charges and progressive judges who release prolific offenders or give them light sentences, Washington had a 46 percent increase in homicides. That number increased again in 2021.

Washington Democrats have also been pushing to release level 3 sex offenders, deemed the “worst of the worst,” into neighborhoods without informing the residents. Their goal is to close the prison on McNeil Island. Earlier this year, Democratic Governor Jay Inslee vetoed parts of a bill that would have required tribes and communities to receive advance notice if one of these sexually violent predators is relocated into their neighborhoods.

Washington was also ranked the third highest in the nation in 2022 for auto thefts.