I’m getting many inquiries about the format change at KCMD that I felt it necessary to share this information:
ONLY 99-3 KCMD (Now KBXG, The Jukebox) in Josephine County has changed. Why was this done? It was a business decision made by the Company. KMED 106.3FM and 106.7FM and 105.9FM in Jackson County remains the same as before…all talk, Bill Meyer Show, Markley, Lars, Hannity, Coast to Coast, etc.
99.3 FM in Josephine County is now “The Jukebox”, classic hits from the 50’s through early 70’s. However, the Bill Meyer Show from KMED, local talk, remains on 99.3 FM in Josephine County as before. The Rogue Gardener on KMED, Saturdays 10-noon, remains on 99.3FM also.
Okay, you live in Grants Pass or Josephine County and want to hear all the talk shows. What can I do? KMED is now listenable on FM 105.9 out of Rogue River, which covers much of the CITY OF GRANTS PASS only but does not cover outside of the city. If you live outside those coverage areas, KMED’s talks shows are all available to listen on the internet on KMED.com just click “Listen Live”.
Here’s KMED.com on regular computer…after clicking LISTEN LIVE

Here’s KMED.com on a typical phone screen after clicking LISTEN LIVE